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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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I managed to get Enoch on The Progenitor server.


Works marvelously as a "group" name and not as a surname.


Beckett, Ramona, Ennoia, Laibon.. more to come as i make them.


I couldn't get my forum handle as a character nor legacy name... but i managed to get the above so i am overall quite chuffed.

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As the name is bigger than the game allow i needed to shorten it.

it was supposed to be "Mxyzptlk Lonely Heart Club Band" but cannot have space and size limit


so it became Mxyzptlk Lonly'H'CluBand

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I managed to get Enoch on The Progenitor server.


Works marvelously as a "group" name and not as a surname.


Beckett, Ramona, Ennoia, Laibon.. more to come as i make them.


I couldn't get my forum handle as a character nor legacy name... but i managed to get the above so i am overall quite chuffed.


What you did there. I see it. ;)





I recently had to transfer off of Trask Ulgo, so I lost all the names I'd gotten for my toons there at launch (Eros, Hypnos, Thanatos, Nyx, Letus , Ares etc,etc). I managed to grab "Adonis" on The Progenitor, however. So my two toons are now Adonis Asmadi and Areese Asmadi. ^_^;

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I picked Galaar for my Legacy name.


I picked it because it is Mando'a for Hawk.




(On my second server, where I went when guild drama drove me away from Anchorhead, I misspelled it but I got it right on Anchorhead, and also Prophecy of the Five where I am now.)

Edited by SuperGrunt
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My Legacy name is Two-Eyes. This has evolved out of me having to change my Legacy and Character names on moving to my new destination server (The Tomb of Freedom Naad). The reason for this Legacy name should be obvious when you see my character list below. Thanks for reading!



Greeniyis - Commando

Liinda - Jedi Knight

Molliie - Jedi Shadow

Siilk - Jedi Sage



Siickboy - Bounty Hunter

Paddii - Sith Juggernaut

Freddiie - Agent

Lizziie - Sith Inquisitor


PS. Freddiie is going to hunt down, with the aid of his pals, whoever took the Bulsara and Mercury Legacy names and make thier lives a misery :D

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Mine is "The Phantom-Zone Legacy"










Awesome names. No Ursa or Non? I have Druzod and Lorzod as well and my legacy is "The Kryptonian Legacy."

Edited by Druzod
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Just kidding, quit your whining!


Legacy is Corvidae. which is the family name in the scientific classification for Corvids.


C'orvus - 50 Scor. (Genus of crow in the Scientific Classification), also is the father of Valravn in my Legacy (go RP!!)

Valravn - 43 B.Hunter (Danish "raven of the slain"), Mythological Raven. Great myth for a cyborg

Sinaloae - 23 Scoundrel (Sinaloan crow - Mexican)

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