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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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I was roleplaying my main character, Marco Chain (Powertech Bounty Hunter), years before this game was even announced; I roleplay that his real name is Chase August, but he goes by Marco Chain. The legacy name 'August' just made sense to me. Edited by marcochain
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I was roleplaying my main character, Marco Chain (Powertech Bounty Hunter), years before this game was even announced; I roleplay that his real name is Chase August, but he goes by Marco Chain. The legacy name 'August' just made sense to me.


Marco Chain... If he's trying to hide his real name behind that alias, I'm not buying it :D

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Marco Chain... If he's trying to hide his real name behind that alias, I'm not buying it :D


What can I say? I came up with that when I was like 11, and never bothered to change it haha. Besides, It wouldn't really feel right to me to call him anything else.

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I chose Eisengel as my legacy name. Seemed like a great way to describe my original main (Sith Warrior) and seems equally appropriate to describe my new main (Imp Agent).


Translation is Ice Angel btw

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Lord Toukon Shinsai is my main character. (Sith Juggernaut)


Japanese, the loose translation of the name is Warrior of God's Judgement.


We also have: Kisai Shinsai, Wizard of God's Judgement as my Sith Sorcerer.

Tenshi Shinsai, Angel of God's Judgement is a Jedi Sentinel,

Kage Shinsai, Shadow of God's Judgement is a Jedi Shadow,


It dosen't work as well with my Bounty Hunter Toxis, or my Agent Areto, or my original Assassin Eurytos, but they can't all be prefect.

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What can I say? I came up with that when I was like 11, and never bothered to change it haha. Besides, It wouldn't really feel right to me to call him anything else.


No, it's cool - next time you can re-roll Marco McLovin' :D

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I've been using that for a lot of years now for fictional characters and luckily I've yet to see anyone else use it. I was really surprised when I found out this game allowed surnames, something I hadn't come across in other games I played. I just really like the sound of the name without needing an over the top kind of spelling, no offense meant btw. It's short, simple, yet unique and strong (although I admit I might be a bit biased there :p). Also, for some reason it seems to fit very well in SW lore. :)

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My legacy name is Wiggin, unfortunately I named my main Sundance and didn't know how the legacy worked, but when I rolled an alt I named him Inder. I get compliments in WZs all the time.


In case you didn't know Ender Wiggin is from Ender's game, a book written by Orson Scott Card in 1985. They are releasing a movie in Nov. 2013 can't wait!

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my legacy name is Azzameen.I wanted the last name of any famous pilot from the movies.Somebody alrady took Antilles and I didnt liked the other pilots backgrounds.Then I remember the Azzameen family from X-Wing Alliance space simulator.Lucky enough no one have it yay! So yeah my toons are the ancestors of Ace Azzameen.My legacy name in SWTOR will make more sense when we get full 3d space combat.Right? we going to get it someday?:D
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My is Spiritus (Latin för spirit). It dosen't sound very good on all my characters but It describes them very well :p


they all are full of spirit in there ways.


My smuggler is full of energy :D

SW, JK, JC and SI is all full of spirit in the ways of the force :)

My BH is always up for some hunting

Trooper is burning for what hi is doing

and att last my IA who always knows what he is doing :p


but It sounds really bad like with my smuggler "Captain Mactavish Spiritus" xD

but it do fit in somehow in my JK "Kel'mnax Spiritus" or my SW "Darth Tyrants Spiritus" or what do you think? :p

Edited by Master-A
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Novabreaker, sounded star warsy to me as well as sort of neutral so I could apply it to Jedi, Smugglers, Sith etc. without it being out of place. It's actually the name of starship part from SWG.


Right after my main hit 50 however I sort of regretted not making it Mousekowitz, lol.

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Ok a little pissed off about this subject as Bio Ware has ignored the ERROR of why I never use my Legacy name.


1. Window pops up one day and says Lecacy name?

2. I push help and SWTOR help says only "FOR FUTURE USE ONLY!"

3. I have no idea what the hell this means so I use a File name as nothing else would make sense at this point.

4. After the Legacy name is input the screen says "THIS IS YOUR LAST NAME FOR ALL CHARACTERS!"


6. Ticket to change name says I am stuck with this name even thought it is clearly your stupid help screen that is the fault and not mine in any way.


Want to make many of us happy then ask me if I want to change the Legacy name?


Until then no I will not post my Legacy name and am upset you asked!!!!!!

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Ok a little pissed off about this subject as Bio Ware has ignored the ERROR of why I never use my Legacy name.


1. Window pops up one day and says Lecacy name?

2. I push help and SWTOR help says only "FOR FUTURE USE ONLY!"

3. I have no idea what the hell this means so I use a File name as nothing else would make sense at this point.

4. After the Legacy name is input the screen says "THIS IS YOUR LAST NAME FOR ALL CHARACTERS!"


6. Ticket to change name says I am stuck with this name even thought it is clearly your stupid help screen that is the fault and not mine in any way.


Want to make many of us happy then ask me if I want to change the Legacy name?


Until then no I will not post my Legacy name and am upset you asked!!!!!!


What? You didn't understand what was going on. Ok. I don't know what you mean by File name, but if you read the description when the box pops up it describes it pretty well. There even is a link you can select if you are still confused. It tells you that choosing the name is permanent, there is no going back, and you acknowledged it...


Also, why are you mad at OP? He doesn't work for BW...

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