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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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What's to stop people just saying it's for their companion and selling it instead?


The other thing is that you don't use companions in the majority of group instances, you will never use a companion to raid, and you will never use a companion for PvP war zones.


Rolling need when you don't need it is just being an a-holius.

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TBH, I think people need to get over it and just allow people to roll on whatever they want and accept what the virtual dice gives them.


Or people should get over being disparaged for their decisions in groups. So what if the other people in the party are being rude to you? It's all part of the game.

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My thoughts,


I'm on a pvp-rp server. I'm pure dark side sith assassin. My own thought is acquiring power, anyway I can. I group only to further my own goals, I could care less about my group mates and would gladly strike them down if they get in my way. If I need a piece of gear for myself or my companion, I will need roll it. As far as I'm concerned, I worry about me. Don't like it, you should play republic. ;)


Non-rp server, I can see the argument to only roll for main and not companion, but from an rp standpoint on an rp server I will roll on anything that will further my goals,power.

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TBH, I think people need to get over it and just allow people to roll on whatever they want and accept what the virtual dice gives them.


No, sorry. I have a job and family and have, if I am lucky time to run 1 flashpoint a day. If an item I am running for is dropped and some idiot rolls need for a solo pve companion who isn't even there- that is just absurd.


I cannot fathom how anyone would think otherwise.

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My thoughts,


I'm on a pvp-rp server. I'm pure dark side sith assassin. My own thought is acquiring power, anyway I can. I group only to further my own goals, I could care less about my group mates and would gladly strike them down if they get in my way. If I need a piece of gear for myself or my companion, I will need roll it. As far as I'm concerned, I worry about me. Don't like it, you should play republic. ;)


Non-rp server, I can see the argument to only roll for main and not companion, but from an rp standpoint on an rp server I will roll on anything that will further my goals,power.


In that case, you should be needing on every single thing that drops because you greedy and you can vendor them. Correct? I'd auto-kick you

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I seriously can't believe people still roll Need for their companions when an actual person could use that gear. There is no way that should be allowed in flashpoints or ops, esp when the damn companion wasn't even used to kill the boss.
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My thoughts,


I'm on a pvp-rp server. I'm pure dark side sith assassin. My own thought is acquiring power, anyway I can. I group only to further my own goals, I could care less about my group mates and would gladly strike them down if they get in my way. If I need a piece of gear for myself or my companion, I will need roll it. As far as I'm concerned, I worry about me. Don't like it, you should play republic. ;)


Non-rp server, I can see the argument to only roll for main and not companion, but from an rp standpoint on an rp server I will roll on anything that will further my goals,power.


Just curious what server and what your character's name is. I am on a PVPRP server Imp side and want to be absolutely sure I don't group with someone who thinks being IC justifies real life stupidity.


edit: I'm sure though that you will have a fine justification for not giving that info- I haven't seen a single person who thinks it's a good idea do that yet.

Edited by zerosaint
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You realize that groups are formed via your server only? Simply blacklist the player that is needing for his companion over a player. Let other players know in chat.


Believe it or not, there are more players than just the trolls paying attention to chat.


I really hope the players complaining about this aren't in favor of a LFG tool. You think it's bad now...

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Just curious what server and what your character's name is. I am on a PVPRP server Imp side and want to be absolutely sure I don't group with someone who thinks being IC justifies real life stupidity.


edit: I'm sure though that you will have a fine justification for not giving that info- I haven't seen a single person who thinks it's a good idea do that yet.


I also noticed none of these ninja-looting apologists has posted character or server names yet. How ODD.


Typical cowardly Internet Bad Dude behavior.

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You realize that groups are formed via your server only? Simply blacklist the player that is needing for his companion over a player. Let other players know in chat.


Believe it or not, there are more players than just the trolls paying attention to chat.


I really hope the players complaining about this aren't in favor of a LFG tool. You think it's bad now...


Yelling it over general chat would be classed as harrassment and therefore could earn an account sanction.


/ignore is about as far as you can safely go, other than advising guildmates.

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No, sorry. I have a job and family and have, if I am lucky time to run 1 flashpoint a day. If an item I am running for is dropped and some idiot rolls need for a solo pve companion who isn't even there- that is just absurd.


I cannot fathom how anyone would think otherwise.


Noone cares if you work 23 hours a day or none. That other player is paying the same amount of money as you. he is not an "idiot" for needing gear for his character. And when soloing, which is 99% of this game, your "character" consist of your avatar + companion. He has every right just as you have. You are not a special snowflake.


I suggest you stick to offline singleplayer games where you get all the loot for yourself.

Edited by Zorvan
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Yelling it over general chat would be classed as harrassment and therefore could earn an account sanction.


/ignore is about as far as you can safely go, other than advising guildmates.


No, that is not considered harassment.


"[general] Lala rolled need on gear for his companion on every boss" - not harassment

... a few minutes pass ...

"[general] Lala LFG BT pst"

"[general] Lala rolls need on items for his companion" - not harassment



Letting people know what someone did in a group instance is not harassment. After someone posts a LFG in a chat channel and you comment that that person needs for companion items is also not considered harassment.


Now if they followed you afterwards and interfered with your quests or kept sending you emails or tells and would not stop, then yeah, that is harassment. Also if someone SPAMs chat channels repeatedly about your behavior then yeah that is harassment.


Normally people don't report others to the community unless it is a very common thing and you have experienced grouping with this person several times.


IMHO Lala made his bed and he can sleep in it. If he doesn't like people making these factual comments about him in chat, then he shouldn't have done the action that generated the comments. In fact, if he feels he is within his rights then he should say in general "Hey, I need for my companion, so what?" And let the community that is inviting to groups make up their own minds.


Actually that is not a bad litmus test. If you believe rolling need on items for a companion is acceptable policy then you should state that as you search for a group.


"[general] Lala LFG BT - I need for my companions


People who don't can use:


[general] Me LFG BT - I won't need for my companions


Just let your server community decide who is right and wrong.... with invites =)

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Look, here's the bottom line: if a piece drops that's an upgrade for my companion but not for me, I'm going to roll Need on it.


Hell, I'll even roll Need on it if it's four players in the group. My companion needs to keep their gear updated just like I do, so their output is acceptable while I'm out questing on my own. I spend the majority of my time questing on my own. I'm in a Flashpoint for 30 minutes tops.


Companions are extensions of the player characters. It isn't going to change. I'm not going to roll Need on an item that requires a specific class and alignment unless I'm both of those things. But if a piece drops for, say, Jaesa (light armor with Endurance and Willpower), and it doesn't put a class or alignment requirement on it, and it's an upgrade from what she currently has in that slot, I'm going to roll Need on it.


I was in there, I helped down the boss, I have as much right to a piece of gear as any of the other players. It's no one else's business what I do with that gear.


I hate people like you.


By you, I mean, people who absolutely fail to understand the difference between 'need' and 'GREED'.

Edited by clearsighted
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I hate people like you.


By you, I mean, people who absolutely fail to understand the difference between 'need' and 'GREED'.


What I hate are people who don't understand this game is handled different.


You do not have a character plus an optional companion, you have a character/companion combined to make one whole character.

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What I hate are people who don't understand this game is handled different.


You do not have a character plus an optional companion, you have a character/companion combined to make one whole character.


No, that is your opinion. Period. It is also demonstratively false.


If that was the actually the truth, companions would be allowed into the FP's and in parties without counting as a PC. Clearly, they are not "part and parcel" of the PC, but a separate , distinct entity that only applies when soloing.


Why is it none of you people post your character and server? I want to make sure none of you people gets a guild invite, either.

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What I hate are people who don't understand this game is handled different.


You do not have a character plus an optional companion, you have a character/companion combined to make one whole character.



So in your opinion every player should just need everything, since we all have 5 companions and need every type of gear.

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No, that is your opinion. Period. It is also demonstratively false.


If that was the actually the truth, companions would be allowed into the FP's and in parties without counting as a PC. Clearly, they are not "part and parcel" of the PC, but a separate , distinct entity that only applies when soloing.


Why is it none of you people post your character and server? I want to make sure none of you people gets a guild invite, either.


Companions are allowed UNTIL you have enough PC's to make the full party, there's the key, Chuckles. So when you invite PC's to your party, those PC's are taking the place of your companion, not negating it. Unless you're going to tell me noone is going to use that gear except to re-reun that flashpoint ad nauseum, then they are wanting the gear to level. And so are those who want it for their companions. They want the gear for their companions so they can level outside of that flashpoint.


Also, try looking at my Avatar, name is right there for everyone to see. And I have a guild who are the only ones I group with, outside of occasional random groups solely for quest bosses so we all don't stand around for 10 hours waiting on numerous respawns so every person with the quest can kill it one at a time, so don't worry about that little dilemma. As for my server, it's Vornskr. Now, does that make you feel better? That you can avoid me so I won't offend your delicate sensibilities? lol


So in your opinion every player should just need everything, since we all have 5 companions and need every type of gear.


If they use all of those companions, then yep. Wanna blame the problem on someone, blame it on EAware's design, not the players.


Had they made companions like they are in every other mmo ( where they are called pets ), and given them a set of stats that leveled up with them and no gear slots , this wouldn't be an issue.


Requiring you to gear your companion was the biggest mistake EAware made in regard to pets/companions, and the dilemma you see now dividing the community is the dilemma we all saw in beta and warned them about because it was blatantly obvious that it WOULD divide the community.


And here we are.

Edited by Zorvan
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look, here's the bottom line: If a piece drops that's an upgrade for my companion but not for me, i'm going to roll need on it.


Hell, i'll even roll need on it if it's four players in the group. My companion needs to keep their gear updated just like i do, so their output is acceptable while i'm out questing on my own. I spend the majority of my time questing on my own. I'm in a flashpoint for 30 minutes tops.


Companions are extensions of the player characters. It isn't going to change. I'm not going to roll need on an item that requires a specific class and alignment unless i'm both of those things. But if a piece drops for, say, jaesa (light armor with endurance and willpower), and it doesn't put a class or alignment requirement on it, and it's an upgrade from what she currently has in that slot, i'm going to roll need on it.


I was in there, i helped down the boss, i have as much right to a piece of gear as any of the other players. It's no one else's business what i do with that gear.



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If I was on a job and there was a bottle of water that the other person on the job wanted and I said no, I am going to take the bottle of water home to my wife because she is thirsty, I think the other person might be a little upset. If my wife was there and working and she was thirsty, that is a different story.




Your logic is Flawed.


In this case your Wife will be working at same company but not just standing next to you right now.

You would have all rights to bring water to her.

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I hate people like you.


By you, I mean, people who absolutely fail to understand the difference between 'need' and 'GREED'.

And you evidently fail it also.

In wow:

item for ourself - need to progress

item for offspec - dont need to progress -> greed


in swtor however:

item for ourself - need to progress

item for comapnion - need to progress

item to sell etc - dont need to progress -> greed


need for companion should allways have priority before profit but there is currently missing option for that and thus creating anger in community.


If you need for item other player can use he will be mad.

If you greed for item you need for your companion and others greed just for profit then you are mad because you would profit from not dieing in solo part of game because your companion is not up to task.

And how many people just sell 99% of greeded stuff ? I would say its majority.



Also how important it your companion depends on class you play.


I have no issue with companion not having good gear as Commando but try to compare it with Sentinel that have no heal and depend on T7 to tank for him at start or on high level on Doc to keep him up.

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