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So I got in with the first wave...


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...because I preordered when it became available, around six months ago and way before there was a release date. I saw the whole first in line, first in game messages that were ALL over the forum boards and early access threads. I got my preorder, registered my code and I am now all set.


However, as I'd like to pass my degree, I wont be able to play (I'm away from home) until Thursday - the original start of Early Access. Guess what? I am not going to be shedding any tears for people who didn't or couldn't read the conditions of preordering and I wont feel at a disadvantage when peope have A MAXIMUM of TWO days, yes FOURTY-EIGHT hours of time to get ahead of me.


It disgusts me that some of you are so spoiled, you delude yourselves to the point you feel entitled to something as if it's your right. There are people dying of hunger, people will sleep on the streets over the coldest part of the year... and your primary concern is someone getting a day of play ahead of you?! Really?

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Unfortunately your arguments are so extreme and unrelated that they scarcely matter. While it's true that world hunger and poverty are more significant in the global scheme of things, arguing that is like bringing up Hitler. It's so extravagant people will just regard it as trolling and ignore it. Anyways, I don't care if people get in before me because they ordered earlier. However, I think you can understand that I would like to play the game as early as possible. Therefore, when I go to http://www.swtor.com/server-status and read that the majority of the servers are light population with not a single one being heavy population, I am rather disappointed that so few people were let in during these "waves" because BioWare had already conducted a stress test of the servers that had over 2 million people connect, and they could have let 500,000 people in the first day. A quarter of the total people that they had connected earlier, after they fixed problems associated with server stability. Instead, they took a minimalist approach and left tons of people that preordered before the first month was even over waiting to get in.
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OP you talk about world hunger and people sleep on streets, on the while you buy another PC than give this money to any foundation which will help those poor people and you say we are disgusting you? Edited by yamaya
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Unfortunately your arguments are so extreme and unrelated that they scarcely matter. While it's true that world hunger and poverty are more significant in the global scheme of things, arguing that is like bringing up Hitler. It's so extravagant people will just regard it as trolling and ignore it. Anyways, I don't care if people get in before me because they ordered earlier. However, I think you can understand that I would like to play the game as early as possible. Therefore, when I go to http://www.swtor.com/server-status and read that the majority of the servers are light population with not a single one being heavy population, I am rather disappointed that so few people were let in during these "waves" because BioWare had already conducted a stress test of the servers that had over 2 million people connect, and they could have let 500,000 people in the first day. A quarter of the total people that they had connected earlier, after they fixed problems associated with server stability. Instead, they took a minimalist approach and left tons of people that preordered before the first month was even over waiting to get in.


OP got owned.

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I'm not sure bringing starving children in to this is appropriate or necessary.


Ofc people will be upset when they have looked forward to something just to get there hopes shut. In the end people are just people some whit more patience than others, some younger and full of hormones, and in this case whit a forum to vent there frustrations. It's just a ugly part of human nature we thankfully don't get to see that often outside the confines of a mmo forum.

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Unfortunately your arguments are so extreme and unrelated that they scarcely matter. While it's true that world hunger and poverty are more significant in the global scheme of things, arguing that is like bringing up Hitler. It's so extravagant people will just regard it as trolling and ignore it. Anyways, I don't care if people get in before me because they ordered earlier. However, I think you can understand that I would like to play the game as early as possible. Therefore, when I go to http://www.swtor.com/server-status and read that the majority of the servers are light population with not a single one being heavy population, I am rather disappointed that so few people were let in during these "waves" because BioWare had already conducted a stress test of the servers that had over 2 million people connect, and they could have let 500,000 people in the first day. A quarter of the total people that they had connected earlier, after they fixed problems associated with server stability. Instead, they took a minimalist approach and left tons of people that preordered before the first month was even over waiting to get in.


BioWare has already let in more people than the ENTIRE EA program of any MMO released before it. Do you understand what that means?


If you don't believe me, go look at the dev tracker.


Also, it's all well and good you know so much about the stress tests... you work for BioWare? You know the problems they had with capacity and the extreme lag suffered over the stress tests? Cool.


You're a paying customer, you wouldn't bum rush the doors of a shop at 6:50 if they said the opening time was 7:00... why do it here?

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I'm not sure bringing starving children in to this is appropriate or necessary.


Ofc people will be upset when they have looked forward to something just to get there hopes shut. In the end people are just people some whit more patience than others, some younger and full of hormones, and in this case whit a forum to vent there frustrations. It's just a ugly part of human nature we thankfully don't get to see that often outside the confines of a mmo forum.


Are you saying whit on purpose in an attempt to be unique and cool or is it just a typo?

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Unfortunately your arguments are so extreme and unrelated that they scarcely matter. While it's true that world hunger and poverty are more significant in the global scheme of things, arguing that is like bringing up Hitler. It's so extravagant people will just regard it as trolling and ignore it. Anyways, I don't care if people get in before me because they ordered earlier. However, I think you can understand that I would like to play the game as early as possible. Therefore, when I go to http://www.swtor.com/server-status and read that the majority of the servers are light population with not a single one being heavy population, I am rather disappointed that so few people were let in during these "waves" because BioWare had already conducted a stress test of the servers that had over 2 million people connect, and they could have let 500,000 people in the first day. A quarter of the total people that they had connected earlier, after they fixed problems associated with server stability. Instead, they took a minimalist approach and left tons of people that preordered before the first month was even over waiting to get in.


It is 2:22am here in new york those server's where full and high pop at around 7pm est

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OP you talk about world hunger and people sleep on streets, on the while you buy another PC than give this money to any foundation which will help those poor people and you say we are disgusting you?



Reading this actually hurt my head. Perfect example of the people who the OP speaks of. raging individuals with out any grammar.

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However, I think you can understand that I would like to play the game as early as possible. Therefore, when I go to http://www.swtor.com/server-status and read that the majority of the servers are light population with not a single one being heavy population,


I see that as a good thing, it means they're evenly spreading the population around... It would be awful to have empty servers floating around and a few full ones. Especially after only the first wave.


I am rather disappointed that so few people were let in during these "waves" because BioWare had already conducted a stress test of the servers that had over 2 million people connect, and they could have let 500,000 people in the first day. A quarter of the total people that they had connected earlier, after they fixed problems associated with server stability. Instead, they took a minimalist approach and left tons of people that preordered before the first month was even over waiting to get in.


Actually, the info that I drew from the numbers that were given about the beta tests... was that there were 2 million people involved in testing overall... 750k new testers that weekend, and ~250k max online at any given time. A far cry from 2 million at once.

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Unfortunately your arguments are so extreme and unrelated that they scarcely matter. While it's true that world hunger and poverty are more significant in the global scheme of things, arguing that is like bringing up Hitler. It's so extravagant people will just regard it as trolling and ignore it. Anyways, I don't care if people get in before me because they ordered earlier. However, I think you can understand that I would like to play the game as early as possible. Therefore, when I go to http://www.swtor.com/server-status and read that the majority of the servers are light population with not a single one being heavy population, I am rather disappointed that so few people were let in during these "waves" because BioWare had already conducted a stress test of the servers that had over 2 million people connect, and they could have let 500,000 people in the first day. A quarter of the total people that they had connected earlier, after they fixed problems associated with server stability. Instead, they took a minimalist approach and left tons of people that preordered before the first month was even over waiting to get in.


Would you feel better if all this extra, FREE (as in not counting toward your 30 day balance) was taken away and everybody started on Dec. 20th?


If you do, then quite frankly, I pity you.

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Would you feel better if all this extra, FREE (as in not counting toward your 30 day balance) was taken away and everybody started on Dec. 20th?


If you do, then quite frankly, I pity you.


Clearly you didn't read my post, or you lack basic comprehension skills. Either way, I pity you for your false sense of superiority. I obviously stated in my post that I don't care if people get in before me. What I'm saying is that they are playing it too safe, and not letting nearly enough people in. They haven't even opened up all of the servers, and server populations are all pretty low. So in essence, no, I wouldn't feel better. Because I said I want to play this game as early as possible, and even if I get one day it's better than none. But I would rather have AS MUCH TIME AS POSSIBLE, and I don't feel that I am getting that.

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Sick of these troll-dens, why in the world do you 'preorder the same thing that the guy infront of my line' if you have absolutely no clue as to what it is, that your going to be buying? If you've familiarized yourself with the mechanics on this launch (read the small print(actually wasn't even all that small)before clicking 'Order'). You got confirmation email and you still didn't know, what you was buying? You saw this awesome-o box with sweet *** .jpg printed on it, which said 'Preorder Copy' and was like 'AMG LAZERTSABER!! I HAS TO GET IT!! DAAAAD!'


First, you need to stop trolling and hating, flooding these welcome forums and making new members to dig up crap about something that's not real, empty, dark void..

Second, stop buying mystery boxes with a question mark(?) on them, next thing you know, some door-to-door seller hears your a total looney and comes to your door selling whole lot of those boxes.


Smoothest betas, lag free gameplay, very little bugs, even less major ones, just a shame to see all the [1. Barrens] rerollin here, hope BioWare pays you moderators enough to constantly spam /ignore.

Edited by Shinob
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BioWare has already let in more people than the ENTIRE EA program of any MMO released before it. Do you understand what that means?


If you don't believe me, go look at the dev tracker.


Also, it's all well and good you know so much about the stress tests... you work for BioWare? You know the problems they had with capacity and the extreme lag suffered over the stress tests? Cool.


You're a paying customer, you wouldn't bum rush the doors of a shop at 6:50 if they said the opening time was 7:00... why do it here?


For one, I have read the dev post that they have let in more people than any other EA. They also had the statistics from preorders to know how many servers would be necessary to accommodate the larger population of players. And honestly, most of the EA for other mmos weren't highly publicized like this one was. I understand the wave system, but looking at testimony from players in game as well as server statuses, they let in a very small portion of their capacity.


I also read a dev post where they discussed the stress tests and said they had fixed problems regarding server stability. With populations much higher on the weekends than what the server statuses are showing now, it'd only be logical to figure that they could support higher populations.


I'm not advocating letting everyone play right now, I'm just saying let more people play faster. That's not "bum rushing" the doors.

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Hi everyone. To be honest I cannot disagree with the OP, but not 100% . If we want to be 100% honest we can even say that Bioware could continue sending invites during the night.

We all know they are still new to the MMORPG world, but if they're not able to offer a 24/7 service to the customers they're already under a death sentence.

I want to repeat , I like the Bioware's intention to do "everything" in the right way, but on the other side I will surely delete my preorder if I'm not in today.

Without any intention of nerd rage of something stupid, I really can't see the utility of an early access that gives me just a few days to play, while my guildies are already in.

Just a suggestion from a "good hoping" player..a good percentage of success of a MMORPG depends from the assistance, not from the hype you create around it.

I'm sure that today situation will be different, and many other like me. We won't stop trusting Bioware, but we (me and my friends) hope at the same time that Bioware will change is policy today.

We're not waiting 5 days because Bioware sends 2-days wave invites with a two hours cadence, at this point we just receed the pre order and wait to play at 20.

Sorry for my really bad english but it isn't my language.

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