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Republic Ghost Town


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Shouldnt they be mirrors? I think the floating rocks looks more OP.


republic classes are at a disadvantage due to their delayed animations. Trooper's interrupt takes 1 second to execute after you press the button, largely making it useless.

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The sad thing, is if you've heard some banter from Kira, the Jedi Knights companion.


She actually makes a joke about how the Empire has all the 'fashion designers' on their side. Take that one how you will tbh, but BW did write all the banter.

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In the statement made by Gary 30 minutes ago, he states that the Ilum situation included Republic players farming Empire players.


Bioware is lying to us about the issue and ignoring the true problem - faction imbalance.

This is a huge problem that we should all be aware of. I won't tolerate any future evades or lies.

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It's the propaganda and that fact that legions of players found FORCE LIGHTNING to be so incredibly awesome.


There is like 4 Sidious wannabees running around for 1 of any other class.


It's odd - in these games I always want to be a hero, not a villain!


We've just got a member in our republic guild - he actually changed side because he found some of the stuff he was doing a little "disturbing" - basically went against the player's nature.

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In the statement made by Gary 30 minutes ago, he states that the Ilum situation included Republic players farming Empire players.


Bioware is lying to us about the issue and ignoring the true problem - faction imbalance.

This is a huge problem that we should all be aware of. I won't tolerate any future evades or lies.


A couple livestreams I saw were more Republic camping the Empire base.


Towilee or whatever was one of them.


So Republic was included, but it was mainly Empire regardless and we know why.

Edited by Kizah
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A couple livestreams I saw were more Republic camping the Empire base.


Towilee or whatever was one of them.


So Republic was included, but it was mainly Empire regardless and we know why.


That's because he has a huge following of people who have republic alts, and that's the only reason. He's a huge caster with a huge fanbase, but that's the only reason republic were doing well in that stream

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Yeah I know, but that's probably some of what they meant. Plus not everyone of them follows him, I know him and like his videos but I don't play on his server, I don't even know it.


Honestly I don't even care about all the raging anymore, if they want to "favor" the Empire then okay I'll walk away and not care and find something else. Nothing hurts me in the end.

Edited by Kizah
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What NPC's can be killed for valor? I'd love to know because there are not any republics doing Ilum on our server. There are 30 of us in Ilum and can't find anyone to kill.


No NPC gives valor from what i understood.


And good luck in finding republic on Ilum after today on most servers(minus the lucky few servers where is some reasonable balance).

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First.. It's very late and my thoughts are racing all over the place..


I'm playing a lvl 50 Commando with a 37 Scoundrel on the side. Loving the Trooper armours! Except for the unnecessary spiky PvP sets.

What I first noticed when I started questing was how odd the ligh/dark side choices were in Ord Mantell. Light side was all about saving every single person you came in contact with. I specifically remember two quests right at the start.


First quest: Getting medicine back from a thief. I went to the thief and she said she took it for the civilians but that seperatists had taken 'em now. OK so I went out and slaughtered Seps and got the medicine. When I return I find out that I would get dark side points for returning 'em to the rightful owner, the Republic Army. The very same army who are out there fighting and dying to protect the civilians. Giving the medicine to the thief gave LS.

I get that the civilians are between a rock and a hard place. But what about the greater good? If the troops lose their medicine they'll start dying and we'll end up losing the planet. How is it EVIL to not want that? And to add salt to the wound I was playing a Trooper and would naturally want my buddies not to die. Wanting to save your friends is considered evil?


Second quest: A refugee asks me to try to find a priceless heirloom she'd lost while fleeing her home. Sure I said, I'll go there right now. In her house I find another guy going through her stuff. He claims he is Republic Security but doesn't show a badge or let me confirm his identity in any way. He starts telling a sobstory about how the refugee is an Imperial spy and that the heirloom is a communicator. The result.. DS for not believing this guy who's identity I can't clerify. LS for believing what obviously looks like a looter who gave me a decent lie.

To point out though. That guy apperantly is with RepSec since he sent an email thanking me. Still no confirmation of identity though.


Generally on the Republic side LS seems to be about doing the obviously good thing. You get DS for being greedy (you heard it here first! BW has confirmed it, greedy people are evil down to the very last bone). Another thing that gives you DS is thinking of the greater good. Let's take the numerous flashpoint DS/LS moment. They usually consists of like blowing up the Imperials (who are trying to blow us up) in a very quick way against letting 'em go so we can go shoot 'em full of bullets, throw rocks in their faces, stab 'em in the gut, etc.

A really good example is.. Was it Taral V? Can't remember exactly. But you get the option to shoot a rocket at the moon or the Imperial Fleet that's in orbit and hellbent on killing you, your friends, your friends' friends, and you pet dog Archie. LS for shooting at the moon and DS for doing our job in the war, destroying the enemy. That fleet would cause countless destruction and deaths if we don't destroy it. So again, why is it DS for saving the lives of everyone you know and love?



I've been tampering with the Empire as well. From what I've experienced there (Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent) is that the DS choices are mostly self-serving, violent, torture, ****, murder for fun and stuff like that. Things we generally can agree on being evil. The LS however seem to be more about compassion. What I've taken away from both sides is that on the Empire side LS/DS are about morality and what lines your character wants to cross. Republic are about being ubergood (LS) or greedy/thinking of the greater good (DS).

Another observation. As a Sith you feel like a god. People fear and respect you. As a Jedi you're constantly told what not to do and to never take direct action but rather sit and meditate on it for a few hours.



Last notes. I did wanna play Empire at first but my friends convinced me to go Republic. So I did and I've met a lot of great people. But I generally find the storylines to be a bit dull. Some are good while others are pretty bland (looking at you Consular/Knight who I can't make myself level higher than 19 cause they bore me to tears with their hate for love and constantly being treated as children by their peers). I do have a huge bone to pick with the Smuggler story! LOVED it for the first 30 levels. Then chapter 1 ended and I was forcefully drafted into the Republic army as a .. Dunno exactly what I am.. A special Agent? Isn't that what the SIS are for? Now instead of being a spacer out in the galaxy finding trouble I'm more or less ordered around by these Generals. That was not what I signed up for when I created the character.......





So to end my rant.. I do think Empire has better stories than the Republic. And there really is only one man in the world we can blame for this, George Lucas. That man has systematically destroyed all that was good with the original movies. BW aren't allowed to make changes to existing stories or anything for that matter. Jedi are according to Lucas castrated warrior-monks whom are trained that emotions like love are evil. They had so much more freedom when designing the Sith to be interesting and multi-coloured.

Now I should probably get to bed . And then to wake up to wonder what was going through my head when I wrote all this.. :) Sleep tight peeps!

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Another observation. As a Sith you feel like a god. People fear and respect you. As a Jedi you're constantly told what not to do and to never take direct action but rather sit and meditate on it for a few hours.



I did wanna play Empire at first but my friends convinced me to go Republic. So I did and I've met a lot of great people. But I generally find the storylines to be a bit dull. Some are good while others are pretty bland (looking at you Consular/Knight who I can't make myself level higher than 19 cause they bore me to tears with their hate for love and constantly being treated as children by their peers).


I felt the same way playing as a consular, the NPCs made me feel guilty about destroying or killing anything, even enemy droids. I chose jedi shadow because I thought I was supposed to be a covert ops who removed threats to the people of the republic. Instead I felt like a young child who was scolded anytime I actually made decisions that followed my class description. At least with Jedi Knight it felt more action oriented, with a side order of guilt, but the DS/LS options do seem questionable. I didn't realize the ultimate goal of every Jedi was to become a pacifist.

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I want this game to be good. However, let's look at why the deck is stacked against this game:


EA's Track Record


Warhammer was left to die. They didn't have the expertise to fix that game and when it became apparent that it couldn't be salvaged, they diverted its development team to SWTOR. The fate of SWTOR is in the same hands of the people who tried to save Warhammer, but ultimately couldn't.


James Ohlen's Attitude


James is incredibly smug and passive-aggressive. Look at the Eurogamer article that's been referenced many times on these forums.


Gabe Amatangelo Doesn't Get PvP


It's not that Ilum was poorly implemented; it was poorly designed. There's a difference. A good idea can have a poor implementation. A poor idea, regardless of its implementation, can never turn out well. Ilum's flaws demonstrate that Gabe simply doesn't understand the dynamic among player behavior, faction imbalances, and incentives.


Broken/Missing Game Systems


The fact that things like (but not limited to) unresponsive combat, static UI, and low frame rate exist post-release are horrifying. These are things that should have been identified during the game's early design phase. Since they weren't addressed in the distant past, we can only assume that James Ohlen and his team of designers didn't view them as a priority. Furthermore, it demonstrates that they simply don't "get it." And this is worrying because any fixes being implemented by a team that doesn't "get it" is likely to fail again.



From another thread, very well put.

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I really wish BW would just let us switch factions, ie a Jedi can fall and a Sith can become enlightened. Being Imp, I honestly would not mind joining the republic to even out the numbers.


Why not just make it a long quest or something BW. If you have the correct LS/DS, allow this quest to join the other side.

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maybe making it so republic didnt have all the lame races would have helped?


green people, twi'lek, or humans with blindfolds? Or zabrak (but not the cool color). Gee, i wonder why people don't want to roll republic?


I can be darth maul... or a human with something on their face.



Overall, the races and customization of this game is shameful, but did they HAVE to give empire all the cooler races?


You are forgetting the reason why I rolled Empire.. The cinematic's make the Republic look like punks. In every single one, Malgus and the Sith are kicking the crap out of the Republic. Plus, everything in the Empire looks cooler. When you are playing a game that has things like ships, weapons, armor that you can choose.. Looks matter. Imperial Agent ship > Every other ship.

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You are forgetting the reason why I rolled Empire.. The cinematic's make the Republic look like punks. In every single one, Malgus and the Sith are kicking the crap out of the Republic. Plus, everything in the Empire looks cooler. When you are playing a game that has things like ships, weapons, armor that you can choose.. Looks matter. Imperial Agent ship > Every other ship.


yeah i always wonder why every cinematic republic is getting their *** kicked. The only decent fightback is the part Satele Shan force wave Darth Malgus into the rocks. But that is only with the help of the commando.


Empire biased even in the cinematic.

Edited by Redsuns_
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yeah i always wonder why every cinematic republic is getting their *** kicked. The only decent fightback is the part Satele Shan force wave Darth Malgus into the rocks. But that is only with the help of the commando.


Empire biased even in the cinematic.


True, when in fact Satele as the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order should have roflstomped Malgus with ease without the help of anyone really.

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I can give you two reasons right now that I've heard from my casual friends ( we all play Republic ):


1 - Imperial spaceships look cooler than their Republic counterparts


2 - Imperial PvP/PvE armor looks cooler than Repulbic versions


It surprised me to hear these complaints but apparently looks do matter a lot.




I'm sorry, but you're joking, right?

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Fairly certain she wasn't the Grandmaster at that time.


She became the Grandmaster a bit later, but nevertheless with the potential and power she had which made her a Grandmaster later she should have crushed Malgus with ease.


Even the fact that CE edition had only a statue of Malgus and not Satele so the people could choose shows bias towards the Empire from the developer team before the game launched.

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