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Republic Ghost Town


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What do you expect them to do? Republic-side stories suck balls, story is the main driving feature of this game, and they aren't about to go back and re-record everything. The game is finished, Bioware has already more than made their money back on box-sales alone. Game over. Edited by Taurusaud
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What do you expect them to do? Republic-side stories suck balls, story is the main driving feature of this game, and they aren't about to go back and re-record everything. The game is finished, Bioware has already more than made their money back on box-sales alone. Game over.


seriously? republic side at least counselor (after ch1) and jk got really good storyline


and majority play imp side cause "woaaww i choked him and they say my lord!" like this and cause they like to play badguy "we got some ****** here really" ah its me bro im sith!


dont joke around like storyline etc. over %60 population on PvP servers didnt finish their storyline.

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If bioware continues not to listen to player feedback, this game will die.


Maybe you haven't noticed...it is happening as we speak...


Hell, it has been happening since the the second week. Bioware isn't doing themselves any favors either by the way they are dealing with the first month of this game.

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What do you expect them to do? Republic-side stories suck balls, story is the main driving feature of this game, and they aren't about to go back and re-record everything. The game is finished, Bioware has already more than made their money back on box-sales alone. Game over.


You want to talk about quality of story? You obviously haven't played the Sith Inquisitor past chapter one. I was scratching my head in chapter two. By chapter three I was weeping openly that anyone ever greenlit that monstrosity.

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I got asked to repost this here by the OP, so (with slight edits) :



The PvP "Balance"- how to deal with a one-sided popularity contest.


I think Ilum adequately shows in glaring neon letters what we all know (at least, if you've been keeping up with PvP)- that faction populations are massively imbalanced by server- generally large Empire populations vs. a Republic minority.


This results in more wipes by the minority in one day than can usually be rendered by the use of a year's supply of toilet paper (which due to numerical inferiority, the minority faction has roughly equivalent durability to said TP and is used in much the same fashion by the majority.).


There is a solution to this, I believe. One that will encourage people to split their efforts between factions, and help keep more competitive play available to the PvP population of SWTOR.


Eliminate Valor gains from NPC's. NPC farming is killing what is effectively a PvE object for PvP points. This is going full on stupid.


Second, Bioware is quite capable of tracking Valor gains. Let them tally this gain each week. If one faction is gaining Valor at a rate sufficiently greater than the other (say, 3 times that of the minority faction), mark the server as "Advantage: Faction (1,2,3)". If this persists for a month's straight (4 tallies in a row) worth of play, mark the server as "Faction: Victorious". Give the winning faction some kind of title for doing so "Of The Victorious Empire or Republic" for starters doesn't sound bad. Bonus points if Bioware gives everyone an awesome/life-ruining cutscene for a winner/loser when they log in the first time to a Victorious server, after their usual character intro.


All characters of the minority faction on a Victorious server will have access to their characters temporarily suspended- you have "lost the war" for now, your PvP time of being the perpetual dead horse is over for now. There will be no transfers allowed from PvP servers. This will continue until a server becomes "Faction: Victorious" for the opposite side- at which point the two Victorious server populations will be merged under the name of the first of the two to have been won. The "losers" from both servers will then have access restored to their characters, and PvP will resume. The now empty server will be used to start a new PvP server from scratch.


Repeat as needed.

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Faction balance is so hard to manage. I mean we can sit here and say they should lock numbers to ensure a 1:1 ratio BUT mmo gamers are playing a subscription to play a game. If they want to join the game and play on a friends server, what happens when they are focred to play a faction they may not want to? I think they key to the current problem is to instance the pvp bit of ilum. Empire will have to wait but so be it. My main is Empire but I have a 43 sage i intend on making my main. Either way the situation on ilum today was crazy. On the ravager (eu) we have a few good republic pvp guilds but it doesnt matter how good you are when its 30 vs 100 + heh.
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Faction balance is so hard to manage. I mean we can sit here and say they should lock numbers to ensure a 1:1 ratio BUT mmo gamers are playing a subscription to play a game. If they want to join the game and play on a friends server, what happens when they are focred to play a faction they may not want to? I think they key to the current problem is to instance the pvp bit of ilum. Empire will have to wait but so be it. My main is Empire but I have a 43 sage i intend on making my main. Either way the situation on ilum today was crazy. On the ravager (eu) we have a few good republic pvp guilds but it doesnt matter how good you are when its 30 vs 100 + heh.


There should simply be a queue for Ilum, and no more same-faction warzones that encourage people to roll on Empire for faster gearing up.

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Nobody is screaming for a 1:1 ratio, it's nearly impossible as you say, people are complaining when there is a 1:4, 1:5 ratio or even worse.


The situation on Ilum today showed just how big of a problem this is on certain servers.

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BW and shown over and over that they had no clue of what type of game most people wanted, especially when it came to pvp. They even had to hire a sub par warhammer team to put pvp into this game which is constantly showing how idiotic their ideas are every patch. I have warned you guys for almost two years about how pvp would end up in this game. Deal with it fanbois, you brought this upon yourself.
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I find it amazing though, The Empire worlds are much uglier than the Republic worlds. How are the Republic so underpopulated? There are no racial abilities that make one race better than the other unlike in WoW. :confused:


It's the propaganda and that fact that legions of players found FORCE LIGHTNING to be so incredibly awesome.


There is like 4 Sidious wannabees running around for 1 of any other class.

Edited by Vlacke
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It's the propaganda and that fact that legions of players found FORCE LIGHTNING to be so incredibly awesome.


A lot of it was when people saw the lvl 50 pvp armor and that the Jedi Knight set is the worst armor ever in mmo history.


The Jedi armor looks great and is in character until you hit 50 and get the spandex space samurai armor.

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I am just continueing my life as a BH then I am planing to go to Republic. I think the reason people will choose Empire more often is because of the power your sith can have.

I mean this as in everyone cowers to the sith, where the jedi its like "hey, how are you, do you mind helping me, great buddy. See you."


The sith it is like"Oh my lord, please dont kill me! I want you to help and you can help because of how awesome you are and I am not forcing you to do anything my lord. Please help! I'll give you anything you want!'


People feed off this superiority and it makes the character attractive.


Also the consular armor looks like a banana tree just morph on a person.

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They are not mirrors. The consular abilities have a 1.5-2 second travel time, the lightning has instant damage.


The republic mirrors are littered with abilities that have slow animations and have 1 second delays compared to the empire mirrors. Which shows bias.

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