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**PLEASE** Allow 8 Man Premade Groups!


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I promise you that you'll notice that there are a crap-ton more 'carebears' (Utterly stupid and derisive term) than there are PvP "pseudo-jocks" (See, I can do it too).


Meh, "pseudo-jock" doesn't have the same ring to it as "carebear." Keep at it though, I'm sure you can come up with something.

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Because many of the guilds are full of elitist p-bottles who will only allow you to join if you are already geared. Who literally look down on you for helping anyone, and refuse to teach anyone anything. Ever.




P-bottle: An adjective for an elitist player of MMOs who feels that winning at them is more important then absolutely anything. In the documentary "Second Skin" some of these people confessed to literally urinating in bottles so that they would not have to leave the keyboard. The villain in the South Park Episode: "Make love not Warcraft" is a personification of this concept, though that example is a bit extreme.



Even though you are not 'elite' and not 'already geared' and share a completely different opinion than most of the members of my guild, I would be happy to have you with us... assuming, of course, that you are Republic. You will find we are pretty far from being 'P-bottles'

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There are already Pre-made super geared Empire groups on my server that are steamrolling us with just 4 people. I don't even want to imagine what it would be like with 8 of them.


Please, for the love of god, don't allow 8 man pre-mades.


and I'd like to take a shot at them with an 8 man group of my under lvl 50, not so fully geared guys... and have fun doing it. nuff said.

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Please for the love of all that's good and right, don't do this unless it's for premades in their own bracket, with the other bracket %100 random. I thought I'd hate the pvp in this game because of premades, but so far they have impacted my fun less than in any other game and I want it to stay that way.
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I fully support this but only if they would face of against equally grouped players. There are too many advantages (focused targeting, dedicated healers, voiced communication,etc) that premades have over pugs. I would think that any premade (mine included) would want more competition.
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If you want what other mmorpgs have, then play those mmorpg. The only time premades are alright is when they have to queue against their own kind. That means no reinforcements - we don't want to join you - and no versing random pugs at all.


Sadly when they add full group premades to MMORPGs they never think of what they are doing. Which means a lot of players will just stop signing up for PVP, since they will just face another group of 8 50's in PVP gear.


This just leads to the forums posts about "nerf this" "nerf that" I can't kill the premade groups since they are too strong, so nerf the class that is most played of them. It's just a mess of people getting angry about loosing.


If you so badly want to play with all your friends, why aren't you doing open world pvp. Go do your 80 vs 80 premades.


You make it sound like solo pvpers are incapable of acquiring the same gear and same level as everyone else. Just because someone is in a premade, does not mean they are the only ones allowed to wear champ gear and get to level 50. And as of right now, there is no reward for open world pvp, so what is the point of doing it if i cant use it as a way to level up, acquire new gear, get valor and make some money.


Why ? So you get your playstyle and he doesn't get his ?

Assuming you're not just lobbying to have free victims served to you in each BG ?


Dude, im not even level 50 yet. Im getting served up to 50s in each BG. His playstyle is queuing solo, eh? With premades, he can still do that. Or am i just taking crazy pills and they said somewhere that you will no longer be able to queue as solo. Those would be some nutty f'in pills.

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Nope. 8 man premades = new players or PUGs being farmed repeatedly by 8-man premades. This isn't even debatable. PUGs beating premade groups is extremely, extremely rare.


So, in the spirit of fair and equitable compromise (i.e. both sides getting something SORT OF like what they want), you get to play with 3 guildmates at a time...still YOUR GUYS...and PUGs only have to face a premade of 4 instead of a premade of 8, which gives them a fighting chance.


Why isn't that fair?


The reason it isn't fair is because the ratio of Empire to Republic is far far far in the Empires favor number wise, BUT that means Republic can usually luck out and get full 8 man premades cos they queue at the same time, whereas Empire has almost no chance what so ever.


So while you think it's not fair for premades to roll pugs and that's why we shouldn't be allow to queue as 8....it's already happening, just on a one sided basis, Republic constantly getting premades and Empire getting groups of lvl 12 scrubs who either don't know what they're doing or just cant do anything cos the lvl 50 they're targeting has 10x the gear/spells they do.


The point here is that people are finding ways around the 4 man queue cap as it is and promoting group play was the BIG THING for swtor, get a group, play with friends, have an epic play experience with all the people you meet....should have been have an epic play experience with those 3 guys...

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Why would you roll on a pvp server just to play Warzones? If you want raid sized groups for pvp , how about you contact an opposite faction guild and organise some larger scale world pvp?


What's the point? minimal valor/no commendations, no objectives to strive for, it'd be like running into a brick wall over and over again... only the brick wall has healers.....

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Why don't you just join a guild? Competition is team-based in nature.


Not everyone joined a PvP server. So not every guild wants to do it as a whole. I am on a PvE server. Seeing more premades will just royally piss me off. I do love to PvP, but I love to raid just as much. If tell me to join a PvP server, the answer would be no. Because I love my friends on this server to begin with anyway, and I hope to focus on raiding and do PvP throughout the day/afternoon.


I mean, if the WZs were larger, yes that would be okay. But simply being that they are close quarters with few people, no thanks. Bigger premades, constant losing. Le sigh!

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*EDIT* I see where this is going, so let me be very specific, I would like to see the implimentation of 8 man PvP groups on PVP SERVERS. I can see why PvE and RP servers would not want this. However, on PvP servers, we signed up for non-stop PvP with the company of our guildmates. *EDIT*
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It's a catch 22 situation.


IF you allow pre-made 8 mans to face PUGs then as stated they will roll PUGs constantly. 4 man pre-mades are already doing this, but the enemy at least has a chance. PUG players by far outnumber pre-made players.


IF you separate pre-made and PUG then your going to have a completely separate que, and all of you people who wanted the 8 mans will be back here whining about your que times. Furthermore we are already going to have a level divded bracket which is going to lengthen que times somewhat. Such a change would MANIPULATIVELY stack with that.



BW made a nice compromise. If you really MUST roll with 7 guildies there is always open world PVP. Again if you absolutely must it IS an option.

Edited by CommandoPower
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Sure give us 8 man premade teams but if you're going to do 8man premade teams then you MUST create RATED WAR ZONES or WZs which are for premades only.


Allowing for a fully premade group who's most likely using vent is going to almost ALWAYS steamroll pugs. This is a FACT and to try and say it isn't is just stupid.

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