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The What You Want To See Thread


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I want this to be a serious thread where people post things that they would like to see added for future content. Hopefully its something that could get stickied so that Bioware has a good resource to see what the community wants. A lot of people have already posted some good ideas. However, their posts are already buried and lost. PLEASE only put real ideas here. Things like "change everything" won't be helpful and will defeat the entire purpose of the tread. I'm making the thread so obviously I'll start off :)


I want to see more party content. I would really like there to be entire planets designed for parties. Like think of an entire planet with heroic 4 difficulty quests. I don't think this would be hard to do.

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1 - Target of Target option

2 - Assist window

3 - dyes for armor


4 - Ive played 3 types of PvP games (not sure if there are more) they can be compared to Capture the flag, Demolition, and Domination from CoD. Id like to see a PvP game similar to Drop Zone. If you play MW3 you know what im talking about.


5 - Live events where the NPC's are "played by GM's or something. Maybe for the imperial side the emperor would show up and either RP (something something dark side, something something complete) or tour a planet for 15 minutes or so, destroying any jedi he sees.


Anyway, thats what i could think of while eating this big mac and fries :)

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Bug fixes are priority #1


Remove the bustle effect from jedi robes


LFG system


Dual/tri/penta spec


Guild banks, logs


Searchable auction house


Customizable ui on par with dominos/bartender


Target of target


Skill target forwarding (heals on mob target mob's target, attack on ally targets Ally's target)


Exemplaring (downgrade to friend's level so you can group and not destroy their xp)


Ships as rest zone, remove useless extra zoning and cutscenes


Custom companions


Mods competitive to endgame drops, including set bonuses


Same gender romance options


More flirt options for females

Edited by Jairec
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I would be interested in seeing an end game mission engine that would be the equivalent of a 'random dungeon generator' sort of thing.


The questor would get in a group (or solo with his companion); request a mission from wherever (Alliance/Sith Headquarters) via radio or email and then the system would generate a random instance for the team to run based on the group size and level.


It would be difficult to implement, but it would be innovative and allow for endless end gmae content.


Other than that, I appreciate the bug fixes so far and I can't wait to see more bugs ironed out in the weeks to come.

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Obviously, I'd like to see bug fixes, fun new content, etc. That goes without even saying. Now, on to the wish list:



  • UI improvements - scaleable, moveable, etc. This has been covered ad nauseum. Bartender is an excellent reference point for action bars. Pitbull is the perfect unit frame solution, in my mind. It has too many options for some people, so at the very least, something like XPerl would be nice to have. I don't care if they give us a limited API so that we can skin the UI ourselves or if they give us some robust, versatile UI modification options via the in-game options. Color coding of nameplates/HP bars by class would be dreamy.
  • Mouseovers
  • Server forums
  • Chat bubbles
  • Some VERY basic macro capability (mainly for efficiency -- like casting a heal on a friendly target or a damaging ability on an enemy target with the same hotkey). I would prefer to not have excessive automation via macros
  • Ability to filter debuffs to show only my own debuffs on target.
  • An option to toggle off the "smart pivot" behavior of the camera
  • Improvements to the current LFG system - NO cross-server LFG, please
  • For the love of all things right and natural - a new /sit animation for my female IA. Who sits like that? Do not want.
  • Some chairs/benches to sit on, especially in cantinas
  • An optional frame for target of target and focus. I could also use a target of focus frame, but please give me the ability to scale these things down to a manageable size, remove the character portrait from them, etc.
  • Some female romance options for my female IA. Please NOT Kaliyo. Ugh.
  • Most of the emotes we have are pretty lame. Some new ones would be nice. Voiced ones would be even better. Class-specific voiced emotes would be best of all!
  • More sandbox elements would be nice. Space exploration and PvP combat would be great fun.
Edited by belialle
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By "what we want to see" i figured the OP meant the little things that we want, not things like Bug fixes, that goes without saying.


Custom companions are an excellent idea!


Yea bug fixes are obvious. I'm more thinking content then anything else.

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