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Community Blog Post Discussion: A Word on Bugs from James Ohlen


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how about that big 'emergency fix' for crashing to desktop. Should read that forum post, and see all the unhappy people there, present party included.


Emergency fix for crashing to desktop = 1 month of goofing off in the office and not telling the people who pay you to do your job (ie. the subscribers).

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You wouldn't need to keep taking the servers down a minimum of 2 times a week, if your first patch of the week wasn't such garbage. :rolleyes: You claim you're testing things out before release these patches while that's a FATTY LIE right there, cause it seems there isn't any testing before you release you're crap to us the customers and we have to give you all the info on whats wrong with your game... So please tell me wth is the point for the private test servers if you don't USE them? I'm really sick of all the down, time, magically every night I come home from work its an "unexpected maintenance tonight.. server goes down always within 2 hrs of getting home. So your telling me I'm **** out of luck on playing the game I'm paying to play, for the night on my day off cause some ***** wants to exploit or **** the game up for others. Bioware I don't know how you made so many good console games and then you touch the world of MMOs and totally f'd up on it, please give up in the furture and don't bother again :p
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You wouldn't need to keep taking the servers down a minimum of 2 times a week, if your first patch of the week wasn't such garbage. :rolleyes: You claim you're testing things out before release these patches while that's a FATTY LIE right there, cause it seems there isn't any testing before you release you're crap to us the customers and we have to give you all the info on whats wrong with your game... So please tell me wth is the point for the private test servers if you don't USE them? I'm really sick of all the down, time, magically every night I come home from work its an "unexpected maintenance tonight.. server goes down always within 2 hrs of getting home. So your telling me I'm **** out of luck on playing the game I'm paying to play, for the night on my day off cause some ***** wants to exploit or **** the game up for others. Bioware I don't know how you made so many good console games and then you touch the world of MMOs and totally f'd up on it, please give up in the furture and don't bother again :p

Thank you!


Your caring customer. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am interested to know if the loading times are considered a bug because it really bugs me and hundreds, if not thousands of others, waiting a minute or so to load into a new zone/planet. Even the time it takes to load the character screen is ridiculous.


I used to have 4 GB of DDR2 800 installed, but the game used about 60-75% of that memory so I added 2 more sticks. I am sitting at 8 GB of DDR2 and SW: TOR uses 48% of the memory when the game is loaded. That is an astronomical use of memory compared to any other game I have ever played.


When playing with 4 GB DDR2 800, Windows would give me a pop-up message that I had never seen before. The window said something about needing to close SW: TOR to free up memory. What's up with that? This seems like a bug.


How about that AA on high with the new AMD drivers? Is this going to be fixed? Currently the fix is to roll back the driver; this is like the developers saying to the SW: TOR community, "OH, hey guys. Patch 1.2 got FUBAR and we don't know what's wrong; we need everyone to roll back to the previous version." I mean come on. Really? Rollback? Just fix the bug.


I have a feeling something is significantly wrong with the way SW: TOR is coded and Bioware is keeping it in the dark. Mind showing us a list of the bugs that you guys intend to fix?



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  • 5 weeks later...

OK, i would just like to point out that you are specifying Weekly patches, What about the 3-4 other patches every week that bring the game down for at least 4 hrs at a time? The last one which was on the 27th was to fix, from what every one can gather, a single item exploit that affected possibly 2% of the entire player base, instead of say... the crash to desktop that's affected about 50% or more of the player base....... the in game economy can and will stabilize itself naturally.... if your players can play.


Please start focusing more on the bugs that directly affect game play and not a small part of the game. The whole is far far more important that the fraction

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I am interested to know if the loading times are considered a bug because it really bugs me and hundreds, if not thousands of others, waiting a minute or so to load into a new zone/planet. Even the time it takes to load the character screen is ridiculous.


I used to have 4 GB of DDR2 800 installed, but the game used about 60-75% of that memory so I added 2 more sticks. I am sitting at 8 GB of DDR2 and SW: TOR uses 48% of the memory when the game is loaded. That is an astronomical use of memory compared to any other game I have ever played.


When playing with 4 GB DDR2 800, Windows would give me a pop-up message that I had never seen before. The window said something about needing to close SW: TOR to free up memory. What's up with that? This seems like a bug.


How about that AA on high with the new AMD drivers? Is this going to be fixed? Currently the fix is to roll back the driver; this is like the developers saying to the SW: TOR community, "OH, hey guys. Patch 1.2 got FUBAR and we don't know what's wrong; we need everyone to roll back to the previous version." I mean come on. Really? Rollback? Just fix the bug.


I have a feeling something is significantly wrong with the way SW: TOR is coded and Bioware is keeping it in the dark. Mind showing us a list of the bugs that you guys intend to fix?




Load times can hardly be categorized as a bug. They can be categorized as an area that needs optimization, and would get a possible fix through quality of life updates. But I don't think you understand how load times work. RAM is not the cure all be all answer, it has to do with your hard drive as well, and how fast your computer can pull everything from the hard drive and take it to the processor. While RAM may be involved in this, there are many other factors in your computer that can contribute to this, RAM has hardly anything to do with it. RAM is just memory to hold what's currently running on the computer, and loading has nothing to do with that. Oh, and if you're gonna buy more RAM, upgrade to DDR3. Or did you not do that because your computer is incompatible with DDR3? If so, that's probably why you're having so many issues with the game - you're computer is outdated. And on a personal note, I've seen the game load in less than 5 seconds on good computers, and it loads in about 10-15 on mine and I don't even have an SSD.

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Still you don't mention anything about the biggest issues the community have at the moment with warzones. We dont require any ETA on it but any word that you are looking into it would be good. PvP brackets are really needed for low level players to enjoy PvP. Right now especially on Bloodworthy EU there is tons of level 50's in every warzone.


I would have to completely disagree with this comment about pvp brackets. I have had good experiences on both factions doing low level pvp. And I personally think the idea that they came up with is great. It allows all friends and guild mates to do WZ's together yea you are at a disadvantage at lower levels but it's not that bad.

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Now if only their game worked. Most people are still getting FPS issues.


This is pure conjecture, false information that feeds upon itself. Most people are not having major FPS issues. A good portion of those that do are the result of issues on their end. There have been a number of fixes for individuals that have resolved their issues, many posted on these boards.


There is room for improvement, but it is not game stopping or on as wide a range as portrayed on these boards. If this was a major issue, across the board, and something that could be fixed on their end, it would be up there among the highest priorities. The corporate offices of these companies are manned by highly educated and experienced individuals in marketing and finance, that live and die on quarterly financial reports. Even if the dev team at the lower level was not totally committed to putting out a solid product, the bean counters who's job depends upon that profit would be.

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OK, i would just like to point out that you are specifying Weekly patches, What about the 3-4 other patches every week that bring the game down for at least 4 hrs at a time? The last one which was on the 27th was to fix, from what every one can gather, a single item exploit that affected possibly 2% of the entire player base, instead of say... the crash to desktop that's affected about 50% or more of the player base....... the in game economy can and will stabilize itself naturally.... if your players can play.


Please start focusing more on the bugs that directly affect game play and not a small part of the game. The whole is far far more important that the fraction


Do you have any idea what it takes to implement a patch or fix? You are making it sound like they are lazy because they won't turn off the lights when they are done in the bathroom. Think of it in terms of finding a short blond hair in a tan shag carpet. Go find one and then report back to us how long it took.


Also, that exploit was spreading like a California wild fire. it was 2% when they jumped in and it was only two percent because they jumped in so quickly. We are talking limitless income here. In 24 hours it could have easily been 50%, then 100%. Then crash bang, economy gone, hour upon hour, week upon week repairing the damage while stealing resourced from those very fixes people demand "right now". Ats why it was an emergency fix.


I find it amazing that people that have done little more then log on feel that they can design and build a video game from the ground up. To me its like assuming they can be an oral surgeon because they had their teeth cleaned last week.


They know what they are doing. If they didn't, this game would have never even launched.

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Please fix the sound bug which started since 1.2 launch. Some improvements have been made but after an hour I usually end with little to no music, and not complete lines in story quests or WZ.

Have to Quit Game and back it for sound to return....

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Biggest bug since 1.2 are Sentinels/Marauders but I didn't see a fix yet. I really hope they somehow get fixed soon because going up against a pack of 3-4 of them in WZ's isn't fun. Good luck repealing an attack from a group like that and if they have a pocket healer then you might as well leave the WZ.
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This thread is 35 pages long and I lost the will to live after reading the first 10 or so pages, so forgive me if this has been mentioned.


From day one of release there have been bugs relating to sound and the ways it's implemented. 1.2 seemed to address a lot of sound issues I was experiencing, the exploit fixing patch then proceeded to introduce sound bugs all over again, will the sound ever be fixed in this game?

Edited by Gazzaho
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I try not to moan too much on the forums, but Im sick of seeing so much work going to pvpers, stupid Ilum and all its cheating.

Get bugs fixed its wearing me down, sound issue last night still in SOA Im trying to heal with no sound clues as to when iv to run in or avoid circles,


No light/dark points in FP but you can take the time to frustrate me by removing speeder travel thru FP, you can see me call out to 8 people in our 16 man to kill themselves coz they cant zone out anymore in combat

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  • 3 weeks later...

a few things i am looking forward to in the way of fixes,


Shiv , cooldowns increasing to 8- 10 sec damage reduced to relativly nothing. a stun proc added 4-6 sec.

and backstab damage reduced to "normal" (i seen snipe not do as much damage) 6k on a backstab non crit, !really! thats not even a high end attack.


Invis, battle invis and stealth abilities. if you are being attacked and you have a dot on you, that dot should not come off if you stealth. NO OTHER CHARACTER CAN DEBUFF W/O DEBUFF ! and they get a debuff as well.


Server stability, this should be a major concern. scince 1.2 stability of the servers has taken a dive. this could be from all the hackers w third party programs, but still they are causing significant errors.


FP bug, if multiple people jump in to a flash point and then group up there are multiple instances. Only fix is to delete and reget, and this doesnt work about 1 in 10

Edited by Flashand
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Since the latest patch every time I log out and quit the game, an error prompt pops up telling me swtor has crashed and needs to close, this is ironic as it is both when its supposed to close anyway, and when the patch notes state part of it was to reduce these problems.
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You fired half your staff (150 employees let go)


How does this impact the speed at which new content , like 1.3 , is being released ?


How many developpers actually producing content got the boot ? And how many are left ?

Edited by KivanSane
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