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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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I'm already having laughs stem from this when as you said earlier "ignoring inconvenient posts" is exactly what all you fanbois are doing to Systam who is making perfectly structured and coherent posts that have actual intellectual backing and aren't one sided.


Im Sorry but ...You should give up while you're down..and are you English?

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Im Sorry but ...You should give up while you're down..and are you English?


Don't point your attention to the point I made. Just attack me for having different beliefs than you.


Sounds like 85% of this thread.

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HAHA its 232 in the morning, my sarcasim meter shut off about oooooooh 2 hours ago :rolleyes:


man I remember getting that stupid rogue quest done in westfall back in vanilla and that stupid seal quest at what level 14? where you had to traverse the world to get one little thing and then go all the way back just to get a form, there were no summons or carries on the mount then, boat went from darkshore to menethil and you had to hoof it the rest of the way




Wow I totally just sounded like the "When I was your age I had to walk 3 miles to school up hill both ways in 3 feet of snow"


ok grampa remember to take your ginkgo and centrum silver

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idk if I have the motivation for all that tonight but it will be on my to to list tomorrow :cool:


eh, it's half past 9 over here so I have all day (give or take a few minutes where I'm actually working... *whistles*)


motivation is already lacking, though... but what can I say, I'm apparently 14 years old :cool:

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I'm already having laughs stem from this when as you said earlier "ignoring inconvenient posts" is exactly what all you fanbois are doing to Systam who is making perfectly structured and coherent posts that have actual intellectual backing and aren't one sided.


I would advise you to be careful of the nature of accusations you fling around. As I also stated earlier, why do you feel the overwhelming need to go poking at what you most assuredly know to be a real antpile or wasp's nest in favor of letting people like what they like and pursue what they want to pursue?


I was a WoW veteran from the vanilla, through the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. I grew tired of it. I left it. Only I can justify why I did so and why I've chosen to hop on this game's bandwagon. You have no claim for judging me or pinning labels on me. In fact, I'm providing you perfectly reasonable questions and observations, in an attempt to restore peace before things erupt into a flame war.


Kindly look into your actions before you carry their repercussions. It'll be easier on you. :p

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yes, this woman is resorting to correcting absolutely inacceptable mistakes when all the other person stated is 'OH HAI LOOK AT THE DAY I JOINED' :rolleyes:


well COME ON WOMAN! :p


Thing is alot of the Posts in the thread are just saying with some candy coating on it PANDAS POKEMON TOO EASY KIDDIE GAME LUL




As immature as that sounded just trying to show a really what alot of it is.


Thing is This thread if its not derailed would be a good Read for BW tbh. It gives reasons why people don't enjoy tor and why people leave the biggest mmo FOR tor. While yes alot of posts are very dumb nd non constructive in any sense there's a fair amount in here that are. He asked a question which would ignite a flame war(of course) but the question is simple.


Why did you guys leave wow for Tor?

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yes, this woman is resorting to correcting absolutely inacceptable mistakes when all the other person stated is 'OH HAI LOOK AT THE DAY I JOINED' :rolleyes:


warning the trolls will now attack you for your punctuation (sp prolly idk its mad late), be ready for incoming LOLs

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I would advise you to be careful of the nature of accusations you fling around. As I also stated earlier, why do you feel the overwhelming need to go poking at what you most assuredly know to be a real antpile or wasp's nest in favor of letting people like what they like and pursue what they want to pursue?


I was a WoW veteran from the vanilla, through the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. I grew tired of it. I left it. Only I can justify why I did so and why I've chosen to hop on this game's bandwagon. You have no claim for judging me or pinning labels on me. In fact, I'm providing you perfectly reasonable questions and observations, in an attempt to restore peace before things erupt into a flame war.


Kindly look into your actions before you carry their repercussions. It'll be easier on you. :p


Then you have no claim for judging me by that logic. Which is exactly what you barged into this thread to do as I can see.


Also, If you're not sharing your justification you have nothing to show as proof for your argument.

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I have nothing but love for wow, but 5 years playing same game was enough.


Same here, I started playing WoW a few months before BC came out, so late 06? Its been good, If I had never played in the SWTOR beta, I'm sure I would still be playing WoW. It had gotten somewhat old, but I had friends and it was still entertaining enough for 15 bucks a month. Then I got in the beta and its all new and shiny, alot of friends new and old are switching, seems like a good time to try something new is all.


To the OP: Not everyone has the need to play w/e the biggest game at the time is. Being the biggest, doesn't always mean you are the best either.

Edited by Patstone
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Don't point your attention to the point I made. Just attack me for having different beliefs than you.


Sounds like 85% of this thread.


That's funny, because the entire basis of this thread is you attacking others who left WoW for this game and have a different taste than you.


I mean, you called the reasoning anyone had lame, just because it was different than what you believe.

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


I used to play WoW until a couple weeks after cata and no I wouldn't leave for a Star Wars WoW, luckily for me SWTOR doesn't feel like WoW so I'm good.

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Same here, I started playing WoW a few months before BC came out, so late 06? Its been good, If I ahd never played in the SWTOR beta, I'm sure I would still be playing WoW. It had gotten somewhat old, but I had friends and it was still entertaining enough for 15 bucks a month. Then I got in the beta and its all new and shiny, alot of friends new and old are switching, seems like a good time to try something new is all.


To the OP: Not everyone has the need to play w/e the biggest game at the time is. Bring the biggest, doesn't always mean you are the best either.


Oh I never said anything regarding Biggest = Best. But I did enjoy your post, friends are often a good reason to play an MMO. If I still played WoW and most of my guild switched to TOR I have no doubt I would as well want to join them.

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That's funny, because the entire basis of this thread is you attacking others who left WoW for this game and have a different taste than you.


I mean, you called the reasoning anyone had lame, just because it was different than what you believe.


LOL don't feed the trolls anymore tonight k thx :D

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I left WoW cause it totally lost it's appeal to me after 6 years of playing.

Too much repetitive content, and in order to keep up with everyone you had to do 500 daily quests every single day. doing the same routine every single day, ontop of that, rehashed boss models and such.


I left in February for DCUO, which is something i still don't regret.


After 6 years of playing a game, it just loses it's appeal (to me atleast)

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