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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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this guy has been here since oct 08 and his sig shows he has a CE preordered.



Isn't it obvious? He preordered a bit late, and wants people to go back to wow so they don't play the TOR EGA so that he gets in quicker.


Or trolling on his brother's account

Edited by Sabile
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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


Think what you want, the random facesmash don't give a f about what key game play of wow made me leave it, i used to like it, back when you had to CARE of what you did. This game is now better, as the combat system in wow is flawed at it's core, and this don't have a auto attack = win.

All i need to say why I left wow in mid Wrath, got back, nothing had changed, left, and been waiting to play here since then. For the hours I've played, this is superior to wow in every possible way.

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Kill 10 Xs. Collect 20 X fangs.


Uk unless alot changed from beta While TOR questing because of Story is amazing the Basic questing is nothing new. Defend X points kill XX critters pick up XX thing in cave and get quest in Cave to save or kill XX people.


TORs MQ change is amazing for replay but even there most of the leveling up process is very linear. Its the same quests as the first 1-3 times you've leveled up just with a different MQ but still have the same overall questing of each place.


Yes ik WoW is rather linear in questing but even with Cata they give options of where to level. 1-60 u have multiple places 60-70 a bit more linear but still lots of overlapping to choose places 70-80 same deal and 80-85 same deal. They've always at least tried to give you 2 different zones to level in that overlap each other or different zones.

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I swear way too many people on the internet point out 'ad hominem' these days and 99% of them have no idea what it even means.


I like how you took approximately the amount of time it would have taken the average person to go look up "Ad Hominem" and how to use it in a sentence before coming back just to post that.

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- Pandas...


- Class journeys (if I'm a rogue, who cares, I don't exactly do roguey things in my quests)...


Hey bro you had your class quests back in the day to learn lock picking and poisons


Warriors had to do class quests to learn stances :)


Gah you weren't happy with your 1 class quest every 10 levels?! What more do you want?

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


Maaan....I left WoW like 2 years ago so nice try.

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Hints that hes a troll.



Just let him go, he knows all these things and he is trolling.


oh I'm aware he's a troll, I'm not exactly taking him serious either way, the thing is: I am quite sure there are people out there who really think that way



I'm just wonder what he's trying to accomplish. put gas into the fire, so people hate WoW even more? I only care about the games I play anyway. if people want to play WoW, good for them. people should play what they enjoy

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.

What? Freedom of speech? Freedom of preference? Freedom to troll? Is this a great country or what!?! Edited by GalacticKegger
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Sure wow has a smooth UI but other than that.... They have slowly been taking away choices and class quests. Dumbing down professions and basically turning on easy mode. So Swtor will be a nice change of pace. And if you are goin to complain... No one is making you play. So have fun! :p oh And yes Pandas.....
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I've only listened to the reason on this thread and agreed perfectly fine with the valid points. And at least respected one ones that were well stated.


Exactly you ignored the valid points about WoW vs EQ


GG troll way to make it obvious

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Hey bro you had your class quests back in the day to learn lock picking and poisons


Warriors had to do class quests to learn stances :)


Gah you weren't happy with your 1 class quest every 10 levels?! What more do you want?


No what he is saying is they have removed it entirely from the game basically...


No Druid Shapeshift quests

No Rogue poison quests

No Rogue Lockpick quests

No warrior Stance Quests

No shaman quests

No pally quests

no priest quests for res


All of them are just handed to you now without having to earn it

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Exactly you ignored the valid points about WoW vs EQ


GG troll way to make it obvious


GG? What game? If I was trolling my thread would have been locked by now. I think you just want some way to justify trying to attack me for making a claim that your ever so loved TOR isn't all that special.

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"Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?"

I'm not sure, but was that reffering to the amount of content vs WoW has? ToR just released and WoW is on it's third expo.



- I played WCIII and decided to play WoW for the story. For me, the story ended when the Lich King died.


- I'm in SWTOR because I'm really hoping SWTOR will have a more mature community. (less of the a-hole meme, less nerdy faction-fanboyism, more helpful people, etc...) I don't think anyone could honestly defend WoW's community. ATM, TOR's community is looking legit for my preference.


- This is my first Star Wars game. I joined WoW kinda late, and I want to see how it's like to play an MMO since its release and watch it grow.


- Blizz broke my class. (lolz, I'm using that excuse)


- After a few years WoW got repetitive; PvE and PvP. Even some might might call this game WOW: TOR, it's still something a little different and new.

Edited by Steeln
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People disagreeing or overlooking or even throwing out some posts are trolls. In other words every politician in the united states ever, Every worker around the world is also a troll and should be treated like one.


Trolling isn't discussion. Trolling is people coming in saying CLOSE THIS THREAD HES A TROLL. if the thread deserves the close it'll be closed if its a good constructive thread(alot of this really is) then why should they close it?

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GG? What game? If I was trolling my thread would have been locked by now. I think you just want some way to justify trying to attack me for making a claim that your ever so loved TOR isn't all that special.


Well then if you don't like it, theres the door, don't let it hit you where the good lord split you on the way out!

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Sincerest apologies. On my browser the thread header reads STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > General Discussion. I'll have to look into that.


Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't realize Canada and the UK weren't English speaking countries. I'd better look into that.

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these are international forums bro


uh. not really. apart from that BW is business. business doesn't play by 'free speech' rules and I'm just trying to figure out how long it will take a mod to close this (to be fair, unlike that super-awesome-panda-game, BW actually lets a few disussions about other games pass for a while... we'll see how long your precious topic survives)

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GG? What game? If I was trolling my thread would have been locked by now. I think you just want some way to justify trying to attack me for making a claim that your ever so loved TOR isn't all that special.


Trolling is a game... If you aren't trolling then the space between your ears is empty, I'm assuming that its not :)

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Well then if you don't like it, theres the door, don't let it hit you where the good lord split you on the way out!


Ofc. This. Everyone fanboi says this. Oh I sure love telling the playerbase to this game I love to get out because they have a complaint of this ever so perfect game.

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