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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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I don't have a problem with WoW (well... not too many). Heck, last I played a few months back I was legitimately having fun.


But guess what? SWTOR isn't just WoW in space. Similar styled MMO to be sure, but the games are far from interchangeable. I love Bioware's RPGs, and all TOR is is one of them turned into a MMO. Hang out with friends while I get to make all kinds of fun morale decisions? /WINNING


It's a fun game that gives an experience WoW does not. If you choose to just PvP grind or spacebar smash through everything then it won't be. Thankfully for me, I'm smart enough to realize the game has more to offer than a bum's rush to level cap.

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


Ok buddy i have been a WoW player for 4 years and i have now canceled my account ( last week) for these reasons


1) its boring as hell

2) PVP is imbalanced

3) PVE ( raids ) are FAR to easy

4) what else is there to do after you have finished raiding for the week? apart from dailys

5) WoW is dead SWTOR is a new begining

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I do have a decent job and i did think ahead dang dude how u know that :eek:


because you were willing to admit that this game isn't the greatest thing ever, but you're playing it temporarily because it's new and exciting and within 6 months you'll give up on it because it will have worn out.


Rather than say how much WoW sucks and TOR is the best thing since sliced bread.

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Seeing they fail even worst than Blizz opening a game ( and Blizz even did it 7 years ago, so you should think tecnology and experiance would be better ) makes me reconsider if i should subscripe to this game.


You obviously didn't play at the launch of vanilla WoW, because you would know that this is absolutely false. The launch of WoW was a trainwreck, and everyone knew it. Servers were severely overcrowded, crashes happened every hour, queues were hours long (once they actually put them in, since they didn't have a queue system in the first couple days), lag was horrific, and questing was so extremely painful due to hundreds of people doing the same quests, it could take you an hour or more just to finish a couple quests.

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OP is just mad that his friends have left him at WoW..


Whats weird is that you have decorated your sig very nicely for a game your're trolling about :)


oh yes, I'm very very upset. Which is why if you read my posts you'd know exactly what I'm coming off of.

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Great idea!

I mean, you're not going to change any minds here. And we're certainly not going to change yours.

Might as well start gearing up for the Panda launch.


I kept hoping for Emerald Dream, but noOoOoOoO, pandas instead.

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The reasons u have in this thread will be the same reasons when it comes to a new mmo. Thing is people believe for some reason star wars is an "ADULT" themed game while WoW is the "kiddie" game and that swtor will be very hard in all respects when in all reality they're shooting for wow difficulty OR LOWER.


The way wow is going is people think its bad and its those people who scream out PANDAS that tend to actually come back. Companions are in wow for Classes not everyone has a pet that farms ur profs for u(thats not the smartest thing in the world mmos are about the grind and when u have pets farming while ur afk it takes a big chunk of time out of the game tbh) People don't like the "pokemon" deal because honestly im not really sure. The game is HUGE all around the World and the Tv shows are still going strong. Swtor is very much like wow and took the Best of a great game. WoW incorporates a great game/tv show into the game to make the non combat pets do something while adding something new(and even optional!) at endgame and its terrible.


Anyways im still going to stick with WoW unless Swtor endgame is just rediculously amazing. WoW pve while "easy" on the easy difficultys are and will be a challenge in heroic mode. I love my guild thats now 5 years old and i've put alot of time into it. I've taken extended breaks and i've come back everytime because for some odd reason people don't understand you can take a break from an mmo and come back later on

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- Combat is smooth and fluid like WoW.


Also, I'll second that. Crafting isn't anything super-innovative, but so far I've really enjoyed how the system works. Just sitting around burning time in guild chat because I'm too lazy to go run some quests or flashpoints? Then send the ol' companion out to make himself useful.


I'd rank the crafting system a step above WoW's. It's similar, but deeper.

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Ok buddy i have been a WoW player for 4 years and i have now canceled my account ( last week) for these reasons


1) its boring as hell

2) PVP is imbalanced

3) PVE ( raids ) are FAR to easy

4) what else is there to do after you have finished raiding for the week? apart from dailys

5) WoW is dead SWTOR is a new begining


You seemed like a wise person until you posted reason 5, now i know your a moron.

Edited by PHPer
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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


Poor troll...1/10

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The reasons u have in this thread will be the same reasons when it comes to a new mmo. Thing is people believe for some reason star wars is an "ADULT" themed game while WoW is the "kiddie" game and that swtor will be very hard in all respects when in all reality they're shooting for wow difficulty OR LOWER.


The way wow is going is people think its bad and its those people who scream out PANDAS that tend to actually come back. Companions are in wow for Classes not everyone has a pet that farms ur profs for u(thats not the smartest thing in the world mmos are about the grind and when u have pets farming while ur afk it takes a big chunk of time out of the game tbh) People don't like the "pokemon" deal because honestly im not really sure. The game is HUGE all around the World and the Tv shows are still going strong. Swtor is very much like wow and took the Best of a great game. WoW incorporates a great game/tv show into the game to make the non combat pets do something while adding something new(and even optional!) at endgame and its terrible.


Anyways im still going to stick with WoW unless Swtor endgame is just rediculously amazing. WoW pve while "easy" on the easy difficultys are and will be a challenge in heroic mode. I love my guild thats now 5 years old and i've put alot of time into it. I've taken extended breaks and i've come back everytime because for some odd reason people don't understand you can take a break from an mmo and come back later on


Yet another respectable adult has entered this thread.


Then you kids wonder why I bash on you.

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.



The troll is not strong with this one.

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You seemed like a wise person until you posted reason 5, now i now your a moron.


It's dead for me, was after I took down Arthas. It's just being milked now, this panda xpac is gonna be gold for the hardcore fanboys (which i used to be). This old vet is retiring from WoW, and I have TOR to thank for that.

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The million dollar question that must be burning and churning in the minds of those who read this would be: Why are _you_ here?


All of us have the freedom to play whichever MMO we can afford to and which captures our interest. You seem to have a fondness for WoW, good for you. Other people don't, for various reasons the correctness of which you have no call to judge. Passing judgement on a subjective manner will end up making one the target of sympathy, amusement and ridicule from others. Why do you question the reasons others have to play or not play WoW or SW:TOR?


If it's a bid for attention or a misguided attempt to look 'hip' and 'cool', I feel sad for you. Hope you can get whatever pleases you out of the game. That's all folks.

Edited by Marunette
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I'll give you want you want, WoW is the best, Swtor will suck and crash and burn after 3 months, I will go back to WoW after my first free month to play the best MMO ever WOW and support Blizzards next expac called Pandamon.



There are you happy now? No I really mean what I said, WoW is for the most skilled players in MMO gaming.

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