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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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i didnt say i quit the game because of bugs at launch, i said i played the game from launch. and then i quit.



want the fullr easons?


classes were boring, the quests were repetivitve after onyl 15 minutes of play time. it was impossible to level with any sort of realistic speed by grinding, you had to quest, questing took me more time runnign back and forth then playing, id gladly have spent three times longer grinding then questing, but sadly it was (untill about 6 months ago) about 50 times longe, if you were lucky.


the game lacks ambition, finding cool gear was a numbers thing, it made tiered gear the new hot thing that everyone copied. meanign that from levels x to x you wanted this peice of gear, gone were the days of 50 wizards standing next to each other, and each one diffrent. nope, out of a million of them, youd have 3 of them not wearing the same thing, and they were inferior in everyway because of it.


the game became so gear oriented that it made diablo 2 look silly, the game made no strives to innovate classes just change looks.


i coudl wirte paragraphs on paragraphs of why i dont liek wow, but i didnt think i should becuse of three reasons.


1 wow is old, people know what it is, theres nothign i can say that will inform them on anything.

2 people are going to have their own opinons. no matter what is ay if you disagree your going to write a posts arguing the point (or apparently my lack of point)


3 the thread had so many pages, my unique insight was moot.


i didnt like anything about wow, at all. it was all boring, it was crap, it was easy. there was never a challenge, just a time sink, wow forgot what mmo's were about but got popular anywyas. and then ruined mmo's for years and more years to come. the "wow clones" are toxic to development, but you paint a red car blue and it sells better, all cars get painted blue, even if blue causes cancer.


then theres the other notion. that with the time i had with swtor so far, the two games have nothign in common. everything is diffrent. now i coudl go on all the days about the things in this game i dont like, but none of them stop me from playing. sure combat could be more entertaining, and animations could look better. diversity would be appreciated greatly, and using the whole mirror class system is dated and dumb. empire should have their classes, republic should have their own classes, sure you can have similure roles, but their should be faction specific ones aswell. and mirror roles shouldn't be as close as they are.




in the end swtor may or may not last more then a few months with me. unless combat gets worked on i cant imagine pvp remaining fun for long, but thats an inherint problem with this type of game. and they didnt do anythign wrong here, its just my opinion.


if you dont like wow or you do, wont make any matter here, because both games feel very diffrent, they have diffrent str's and weakness. but i dont like wow, i can tolerate this, and i will until something else comes along. maybe diablo 3, maybe guild wars, maybe planet side 2. whichever comes first.


mien my spelling, and grammatical errors, i know their there, im just not proof reading this thing, take it as you will.





and i dont mean to sound cocky, self centered, ********ed or a jerk. text cannot convey emotion, and i can understand when one persons digital words are misunderstood. you seemed to take some kind of offene, and for that i apologies, none of this is written with malice, hate or any sort, just calm ambiguity.


I wish i could respond to this fully but GF is calling for me to get to sleep lol

Honestly i love you're post and thanks for conveying a good message of how to post constructively to people. I hope all the best for you in all you're gaming endeavors


P.S ik this is kinda life story deal but im sure while i sleep someone will point this out YES im 17 but i am living on my own with my gf of 3 years(shes 20 and an mmo gamer also) my father passed away from cancer after taking care of him for 9 months by myself and i've inherited the house pets and all. So just please don't try and link double posts and try to make my points not valid by saying that.


Anyways thanks for the discussion hope the thread is here when i wake up get a kick out of reading these and if not goodnight(or day) to you all and have fun with TOR WoW or w.e game you decide to play and i wish you the best of luck!

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I did the same thing, the Diablo series has always had a really big soft spot for me (so have the orig. warcraft I, II, III) from what I have seen I am waiting for it with baited breath. I took the year membership because wow had been going decently for a good while so I paid it off for a year so why not get it for free?!


Yes wow could come back roaring like that and I have enjoyed my time there as well for the most part, but there are inherient flaws with what is going on with the way that they are just up and giving stuff out, it is creating a lot of these players who feel "entitled" to have an easy sauce go and full clearing of content. IDK if you were on for first day of 4.3 but I saw guilds who were server rank 50-100 have server second, third and fourth kills oneshotting the content. Yea easysauce stuff is great, but after you get through that first night of the new content the newness of it is gone and its back to the grind with no major sense of accomplishment because you really didn't have to work for it. The most you did was go out and fly around and farm up a few stacks of herbs/fish for raid supplies


Oh Enitan :rolleyes:

Why didn't you just post this to begin with. Even you had a legitimate reason and I respect it.

Honestly, some of you can just be so aggressive without cause. I bet even the guys who come in here to troll this thread have real reasoning for their opinion on this subject.

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Well that's good reasoning. Why didn't you just say that to begin with when you came to this post? We could have had a good discussion regarding your opinion of MMO communities instead of you attacking me for supposed "trolling"


again, if you troll, I troll right back


and I think I've pointed out a few times that this isn't exactly the first topic like this, either. it gets boring after a while

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there are no answers in a troll thread, just a wait for the mods to shut it down and then the bets get placed to see how long it will take the op to start another rambling trolling rant......


His failed troll thread list today includes:








look at how many he had to post before he finially crafted it into one where he could get the attention he so desperately needs


lol owned


Notice how not a word of response other than to tell me to stop working my post count, I could care less about my post count

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again, if you troll, I troll right back


You're still making false accusations. Your first post had similar vibes if I remember correctly. Also, how does that make you any better than the "troll" if you just do it in reverse?

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Oh Enitan :rolleyes:

Why didn't you just post this to begin with. Even you had a legitimate reason and I respect it.

Honestly, some of you can just be so aggressive without cause. I bet even the guys who come in here to troll this thread have real reasoning for their opinion on this subject.


I posted a wall of reasoning before and have posted a wall of reasoning on the blizz websites.


BTW if you ran your discussion like this, you would see a lot less rage :eek:

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Battleship > Proto-Drake

Speeder > chopper




isn't that all opinionated like the whole panda debate?


I think Proto-Drakes are pretty damn cool. And since there aren't flying mounts you can't really compare them.

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I posted a wall of reasoning before and have posted a wall of reasoning on the blizz websites.


BTW if you ran your discussion like this, you would see a lot less rage :eek:


Actually all your posts prior to that long one were something involving me and/or trolling.


So no, I'm afraid I didn't catch your wall of reasoning before that last page.

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much how you like to ignore the posts like this one?




you don't seem to want to admit that you're part of that group, you'd rather use your posts complaining about me instead of justifying your original point so we can take you seriously.


Tell you what... I'm feeling like a 'giver' today, so if you're really so very desperate to hear all about why I'm signing up for TOR and why I've left WoW behind me, let's clutter up the space then. Perhaps if I give you what you're asking for you'll make a fair trade and wise up. Unlikely, but there's always hope?


WoW was the first "real" MMORPG that I played. I entered at the rough, unpolished state of vanilla and at first I found it just what the doctor ordered in the form of entertainment and time consumption. My opinion barely shifted with the Burning Crusade, I was content to proceed at my own pace and explore all the new content.


With Wrath of the Lich King, the flaws were starting to become pronounced. The ninjalooters. The griefers. The eternal gearing competition that Blizzard has only fed and encouraged, so that the little accomplishments you achieve have barely been there before they're obsolete, before you need to 'upgrade' to the next level or tier.


The roleplaying servers were filled with those who were there only to make fun of the roleplayers in the game, those who were searching for virtual nookie and those who pretended to know everything about everything in a rather pathetic claim for fame and the admiration of other similar elitists. Normal servers were raid-mad, and old instances, regions and content was discarded as soon as anything new came along. Pvp... let's not even go there. I never liked it much anyway.


The flow of new content to replace the old while stile keeping it hanging around like a ghost of times past is only looking to increase in pace. The people are reflecting those trends. So I cancelled my account and looked for something else to do with my time. I've always had an equal love and fascination with both science fiction and fantasy, including the Star Wars films and literature. So when I learned of a Star Wars MMO, I was curious to see what it would be like.


I got invited to beta test over one of the weekends, and I liked what I experienced. Thus, here I am, waiting for the wave that will carry me into the game.


Do have as much fun picking apart what I've just said. :p

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I did the same thing, the Diablo series has always had a really big soft spot for me (so have the orig. warcraft I, II, III) from what I have seen I am waiting for it with baited breath. I took the year membership because wow had been going decently for a good while so I paid it off for a year so why not get it for free?!


Yes wow could come back roaring like that and I have enjoyed my time there as well for the most part, but there are inherient flaws with what is going on with the way that they are just up and giving stuff out, it is creating a lot of these players who feel "entitled" to have an easy sauce go and full clearing of content. IDK if you were on for first day of 4.3 but I saw guilds who were server rank 50-100 have server second, third and fourth kills oneshotting the content. Yea easysauce stuff is great, but after you get through that first night of the new content the newness of it is gone and its back to the grind with no major sense of accomplishment because you really didn't have to work for it. The most you did was go out and fly around and farm up a few stacks of herbs/fish for raid supplies


ok my last post XD Yeah i was playing since i raid we raid tuesday-thursday each week. LFR is easy but it should be just like TOR letting u raid in quest gear at 50. Normal i believe was slightly undertuned but most guilds outgeared it with H FL gear. Heroics we've started touching and they aren't very easy at all.


i mean end the Warmaster alone on gunship fight took i believe 3 days for the top guilds? Heroics are turning out to be very hard actually. Which is nice always giving the option for hard content. its 2 weeks and they're on spine i mean a patch lasting a month for the top guilds can easily mean 6 months for normal raiders

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You're still making false accusations. Your first post had similar vibes if I remember correctly. Also, how does that make you any better than the "troll" if you just do it in reverse?


you expect people who see you posting you only bought the CE to resell it to think you are .not. a troll? really? wow.


I never claimed I'm any better. I admitted right away that my first couple of replies here were to troll, nothing else.

Edited by amnie
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isn't that all opinionated like the whole panda debate?


I think Proto-Drakes are pretty damn cool. And since there aren't flying mounts you can't really compare them.


Yes the Drakes still look good, but whats the point if everyone (including alts) can easily get them....


Green Proto Drake used to equal prestiege and hard work....now every 3 days you have a chance and they made it so they drop much more frequently, I still get the eggs for the pets (which sell upwards of 1k on my server) and in the last 3 months I have gotten prolly close to a dozen of the mounts that I ended up destroying

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Ya, for all 11 paying customers they sent invites too. Great business model! We'll make 1% of our paying customers happy and completely enrage the other 99%! Brilliant!



Untill you don't enter you CD/DVD game key on the SWTOR site you are not a customer. You are a potential customer who might get EGA.

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you expect people who see you posting you only bought the CE to resell it to think you are .not. a troll? really? wow.


Why not? It's an excellent investment. Hence why I picked up 2. The Malgus statue alone will exceed the price of the entire thing. I'm sure I'll get a good month in of gameplay to quench my lore thirst. Not much other reason to play it from my viewpoint seeing as ->"I"<- feel it is just a carbon copy of WoW with some fancy voice overs. However it obviously has merits for other people to continue afterward and that's fine.

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This dude asks for our opinion, not for facts...

just saying, i like the new stuff this game has to offer instead of new mounts/gear ever 3-4 month's. Not to mention all the recycled instances & raids blizz gave us lol

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I wish i could respond to this fully but GF is calling for me to get to sleep lol

Honestly i love you're post and thanks for conveying a good message of how to post constructively to people. I hope all the best for you in all you're gaming endeavors


P.S ik this is kinda life story deal but im sure while i sleep someone will point this out YES im 17 but i am living on my own with my gf of 3 years(shes 20 and an mmo gamer also) my father passed away from cancer after taking care of him for 9 months by myself and i've inherited the house pets and all. So just please don't try and link double posts and try to make my points not valid by saying that.


Anyways thanks for the discussion hope the thread is here when i wake up get a kick out of reading these and if not goodnight(or day) to you all and have fun with TOR WoW or w.e game you decide to play and i wish you the best of luck!


im not sure what oyu mean by linking double posts, thats lost on me totally.


and im always lurking about the forums, send me a pm if you want to discuss anything at length. sorrya bout your life issues. i know how it goes, lost family to cancer, me and my sister own a house, i take care of my dad from time to time (stroke) i was never trying to disvalidate somethign you said. but good night. almost 4am here, over a day without sleep, so ima get some before i have to start driving.

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WoW's PvE died after TBC, PvP died after that resilience sh*t. And i like Pandas but they don't worth an expansion based on them.


Even if you disagree with the things i said above, SWtoR is the next generation MMORPG game. Where the RPG finally comes into play. I'm a total Lore freak, I was even into WoW's Lore a lot was going Undercity sometimes just to kneel before my lovely Sylvanas Windrunner! (No never been enough freaky to play on a RP server :p ) But anyways, this dialogues, options and story SWtoR has beats the sh.t out of world of warcraft. Maybe i could still continue WoW only if they had made Sylvanas kick Arthas sorry *** in the end but all my passion for that game died on that part.


And also, BIOWARE IS THE REAL DEAL BRO! I wanna go to Canada just to worship in their company building. RPG = BIOWARE. So if you want to play a mmoRPG game, you come to BIOWARE not BLIZZOMGRINDINGFESTARD. end of.

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Tell you what... I'm feeling like a 'giver' today, so if you're really so very desperate to hear all about why I'm signing up for TOR and why I've left WoW behind me, let's clutter up the space then. Perhaps if I give you what you're asking for you'll make a fair trade and wise up. Unlikely, but there's always hope?


WoW was the first "real" MMORPG that I played. I entered at the rough, unpolished state of vanilla and at first I found it just what the doctor ordered in the form of entertainment and time consumption. My opinion barely shifted with the Burning Crusade, I was content to proceed at my own pace and explore all the new content.


With Wrath of the Lich King, the flaws were starting to become pronounced. The ninjalooters. The griefers. The eternal gearing competition that Blizzard has only fed and encouraged, so that the little accomplishments you achieve have barely been there before they're obsolete, before you need to 'upgrade' to the next level or tier.


The roleplaying servers were filled with those who were there only to make fun of the roleplayers in the game, those who were searching for virtual nookie and those who pretended to know everything about everything in a rather pathetic claim for fame and the admiration of other similar elitists. Normal servers were raid-mad, and old instances, regions and content was discarded as soon as anything new came along. Pvp... let's not even go there. I never liked it much anyway.


The flow of new content to replace the old while stile keeping it hanging around like a ghost of times past is only looking to increase in pace. The people are reflecting those trends. So I cancelled my account and looked for something else to do with my time. I've always had an equal love and fascination with both science fiction and fantasy, including the Star Wars films and literature. So when I learned of a Star Wars MMO, I was curious to see what it would be like.


I got invited to beta test over one of the weekends, and I liked what I experienced. Thus, here I am, waiting for the wave that will carry me into the game.


Do have as much fun picking apart what I've just said. :p


I see. Well why didn't you just explain this initially? I may not agree fully with you (I myself being worried that TOR will have a lot of those issues) but your post is well thought out and understandable as to where you're coming from. Honestly, if people would stop trying to attack eachother and stick to the initial discussion this thread would go much more smoothly.


(IMPERVIOUSCLAN: I do not condone or enjoy your use of sexist jokes in this thread, please cease doing so)

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Why would you leave it for a worse version with the Star Wars title smacked on?

Is it really just because it's Star Wars? That seems like a lame reason to quit a game that has every feature this one does + more and far less bugs.


See you in game:D

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