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How Many People Does It Take to Turn a Light Bulb...


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Wasn't it apparent to anyone over at Bioware that providing very little information prior to the Early Game Access would cause a lot of upset customers? All they said is you'll get an email once you have access leaving a 7 day void which some users are kept wondering will I get it in 15 minutes... or in 5 days.


Bioware already planned to stagger the invites in waves. Wave 1, 2, 3 etc... So why couldn't you email your customer stating you will be in wave #13 as an example with a plan to release of 4-5 wave the first day more if things go smoothly. This way a user with wave #45 wouldn't be sitting all day checking emails, checking twitter, checking the game launcher, checking forums... every 5 minutes? If you said we're currently at wave 6. Then at least folks would of had an idea if they're getting close or not. Obviously using the day you pre-order is meaningless since you guys even said since there was a high amount the first few days, tomorrow the pre-order dates will get more widespread.


I mean are there no customer oriented thinking people in this company? I can't believe no one thought of this?


It's a little too late now, but just baffles me how poorly this was done. I hope the communication to your customers in the near future will vastly improve.

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What if they said ok we will let everyone who ordered in August in on December 14th, however, something happened and they weren't able to get anyone from August in until December 15th. Do you think that would have gone over better?


Just wondering if that has been thought, I am sure it has, but . . .


Sorry probably sound like a fangirl here, but honestly, I think they are smart not putting every little detail out there. I feel they are giving us much info as we need. They are sending out the inivites in waves, in first come first serve. they are done for today. tomorrow will be a whole new day and if all goes well even more will be let in.

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Probably because they don't know exactly how many people will be in each wave until they actually do it?


If they had planned they would know exactly how many per wave they would have. If the have 2,000,000 pre-orders. You split in segments (wave). 50,000 people per wave for examples. So if they do 50,000 at a time (1 wave). They can say okay we're going to go ahead with more waves today... which they've already done by stating they've released more "waves" than they planned for today.


They also needed to create segments right now anyways for the email batch process. They could have planned those segements way ahead of time. They may already have but didn't provide any information about it.


They could have already created these wave groups a week ago.

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Bioware didn't reveal and solid information because they're continuing to ride the hype train as they reach launch. They managed to create a fear of scarcity of a virtual product (/mindboggle) by saying "Pre-order now!!!!! Otherwise you might not get to play as soon!" The said truth is that all the rage spilling onto other sites is doing exactly what Bioware hoped it would, generating even more publicity. Let's not pretend it's anything but marketing, otherwise someone intelligent would have put a stop to the whole staggered launch way before this.
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Bioware already planned to stagger the invites in waves. Wave 1, 2, 3 etc... So why couldn't you email your customer stating you will be in wave #13 as an example with a plan to release of 4-5 wave the first day more if things go smoothly. This way a user with wave #45 wouldn't be sitting all day checking emails, checking twitter, checking the game launcher, checking forums... every 5 minutes? If you said we're currently at wave 6. Then at least folks would of had an idea if they're getting close or not. Obviously using the day you pre-order is meaningless since you guys even said since there was a high amount the first few days, tomorrow the pre-order dates will get more widespread.



They answered your question 9 hours ago. Probably because they don't care about customers, right? Why didn't you bother to read the information?

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Bioware didn't reveal and solid information because they're continuing to ride the hype train as they reach launch. They managed to create a fear of scarcity of a virtual product (/mindboggle) by saying "Pre-order now!!!!! Otherwise you might not get to play as soon!" The said truth is that all the rage spilling onto other sites is doing exactly what Bioware hoped it would, generating even more publicity. Let's not pretend it's anything but marketing, otherwise someone intelligent would have put a stop to the whole staggered launch way before this.


Let's not pretend that anything they would have done, in anyway shape or form would not have caused so much hate. There will always be those that say they did this or that wrong and screwed the game forever. :(


Even if it is just a marketing ploy, then it was brilliant. How does a business make money and stay in business, its not by offering a good quality product, it's by marketing strategy. :( Look at Mcdonald's can anyone say they have a really good quality product? But they are known around the world because of excellent marketing and originally because of a clown.

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They answered your question 9 hours ago. Probably because they don't care about customers, right? Why didn't you bother to read the information?


No what they said 9 hours ago was an attempt to quell the fires after the community started to complain. Information which should have have passed around prior to the Early Access. However, they shut-off the forums for the last few days... which also wasn't a bright idea to begin with.


People still have no more information about when they'll have a rough idea when they get in as they did before. People had to post threads like "post what pre-order date you have" in order to figure out that the first 5 waves only extended until July 28 or 29th.

Edited by Zenro
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