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To anyone who went to 50 through pvp


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I am a 22 Vanguard at the moment (along with two alts in late teens) and wanna do nothing but pvp. So I know its viable to just grind to 50 through warzones so I would like to know about how long does that take from my level? I know I can only ask for approximations (sp?) but anything will help =)


p.s. I am not gonna miss out on the story as I will go back as a 50 and be able to steam roll the quests and see the story...may not seem fun to many but I will enjoy it XD

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I am a 22 Vanguard at the moment (along with two alts in late teens) and wanna do nothing but pvp. So I know its viable to just grind to 50 through warzones so I would like to know about how long does that take from my level? I know I can only ask for approximations (sp?) but anything will help =)


p.s. I am not gonna miss out on the story as I will go back as a 50 and be able to steam roll the quests and see the story...may not seem fun to many but I will enjoy it XD


1-2 weeks hardcore i would believe maybe less if you win much

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1-2 weeks hardcore i would believe maybe less if you win much


Groovy. Thanks for the quick reply =) Eh I usually have about 3 days a week where I can hardcore play so I imagine itll take another month ish and I am fine with that. Thanks again.

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I'd suggest interleaving BGs and story to break the monotony as there's only 3 different BGs.


I also suspect that warzones are significantly slower than quests when it comes to leveling.


People discussing yesterday how long /played time they needed to hit 50 in general chat were all at 5 days something.

On the other I've done lots of warzones but skipped many quests and I'm only level 48 at more than 7 days /played. So it's definitely slower.


You'll also really want to complete the story asap when you're 50 because it unlocks pvp daily and weekly quests.

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I'd suggest interleaving BGs and story to break the monotony as there's only 3 different BGs.


I also suspect that warzones are significantly slower than quests when it comes to leveling.


People discussing yesterday how long /played time they needed to hit 50 in general chat were all at 5 days something.

On the other I've done lots of warzones but skipped many quests and I'm only level 48 at more than 7 days /played. So it's definitely slower.


You'll also really want to complete the story asap when you're 50 because it unlocks pvp daily and weekly quests.


Oh I did not know that...very well. Perhaps every 3 quests I will do a WZ XD Thanks for the input ppl!

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Not 50 yet, only 24 but here is what I'm doing to avoid PvE as much as possible while getting through the story line with minimal suffering... The majority of my exp from 10 to now was from pvp and ship combat.


Do the daily fleet ship combat quests, great exp, fast, not terrible minigame.

Hit the pvp quest device at fleet for the pvp daily when you are traveling between planets.


Ignore all non story line quests.


Whenever you complete a step in a quest and have that long boring run back to turn it in or talk to the next idiot in the chain, check your quick travel... if it is off cooldown, use it. If it is not off cooldown hit the pvp queue and start running. Yes, you may only get a minute of running in before the queue pops up, but run what you can and play your warzone. When you get back check that quicktravel button, if it's still not usable hit the queue again and keep running.


Some trips back from a quest, I may get to play three or more instances before I'm either to my destination or can use quicktravel.


If you don't like the fleet ship combat quests you may have to hang out and queue a bit just sitting around to keep level up ahead of the quest progress. The fleet missions are a good chunk of free exp every day.



How this has gone for me so far:

Sith inquisitor:

Dinged 10 on korriban, had a quest to go talk to my master on dromud kaas (I think, CBA remembering this carebear pve *****). Had to take a shuttle to fleet then a shuttle to the second planet, whatever it was called. Entered queue as soon as I hit 10. First instance hit before I got to the shuttle. When I got out I was dropped off at fleet, so I actually had to shuttle back to the first planet, to shuttle back to fleet and get the quest completion.

Queuing the whole way, I was level 12 by time I got back and made it to my AC trainer at fleet and chose sorcerer.

Was 14 by time I made it to te second planet and was standing in front of my master.

20 by time I got my own ship and got off the plant covered planet.

22 by the end of the second planet with the big shield and toxic pits.

24 by the end of the third planet with the city-vegas vibe, I'm in a bit of a hurry to get my legacy name so did the third planet without qeueing much, took ~ two hours from landing there to standing back in my ship reporting the aquisition of some artifact to my master.

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dont do it u will get to 50 and about 45-50 valor rank and because the frop rate of gear is lower the higher valor u get , u will be nerfing yourself on drops i wish i did not level in pvp


Dear god, quit playing this game and go back to school. For your own good.

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dont do it u will get to 50 and about 45-50 valor rank and because the frop rate of gear is lower the higher valor u get , u will be nerfing yourself on drops i wish i did not level in pvp



Is this one of those things where someone's brother's roommate's dog was level 50 and valor 1, got a lucky streak of three items from champion boxes, and now everyone is treating that anecdote as a properly balanced scientific collection of data, drawing from it what would seem to be a totally idiotic assumption, which is then blindly repeated over and over till it becomes TRUTH even if not actually true?


Because thats kinda what it sounds like.


You will have to watch your warzone commendations and prebuy armor, weapons, or boxes, and convert them over to merc commendations to stay below 1000.

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