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PVP will level you faster than quests


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After comparing XP, credits and the pros/cons for each its interesting that pvp will give you more money, xp and badges faster than questing.


On average i get around 800-1000 credits per pvp match and 6-8000 xp + warzone commendations.


Some of you may argue that you are neglecting your story line but really after you get your ship and first companion you can quest to finish your story line at any level.


Between time running to quest points, quest rewards, cut scenes and all the other associated time wasting its more efficient to level through pvp if you want more xp/money/ and badges to buy pvp gear that you can also quest with.

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After comparing XP, credits and the pros/cons for each its interesting that pvp will give you more money, xp and badges faster than questing.


On average i get around 800-1000 credits per pvp match and 6-8000 xp + warzone commendations.


Some of you may argue that you are neglecting your story line but really after you get your ship and first companion you can quest to finish your story line at any level.


Between time running to quest points, quest rewards, cut scenes and all the other associated time wasting its more efficient to level through pvp if you want more xp/money/ and badges to buy pvp gear that you can also quest with.


That's great if your goal is to level as fast as possible. My goal is to enjoy the ride to 50 and do all the quests to see all the content. I plan to give the devs time to expand the high end content. No sense getting to 50 when there is nothing to do there. This game is not a race to 50, it's a journey. The story line quest and side quests have been designed to lead you through the game in a systematic manner and if you jump around and come back, you are not playing it as it was intended to unfold. You wouldn't read a book that way so why play the game that way? IMO those who want to get to level ASAP will burnout and move to the next game. We are already see this in all the negativity on this board. These types of players will never be happy with any game. They miss the point entirely.

Edited by Owsley
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With the lack of level brackets in PvP right now, you're leveling experience is going to become a nightmare when 8 50s clad is expertise gear come barreling down on you. Lets see bolster fix that!


It is going to become much harder for you to achieve objectives, kill others and gain medals, so the experience flow may slow down for you as we see more and more geared level 50s enter the scene.

Edited by BadgerUSA
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Pvp is also a good way to gear up....the lv20 armor/pants you get are way better than anything else you get at those lv (perhaps the purple crafted are better) and both are moddable so you can use them way way into the 30s
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I don't understand the philosophy of leveling quick, to just got back and do missions at a higher level. How can that be fun. I'd rather have a challenge doing missions at my current level vs blowing through missions at a higher level. Can you imagine being on Taris at lvl 40+, how can that be fun? Enlighten me.
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Probably easier if you have a balanced win/loss ratio.


Imps dominate on my server: yesterday it took me 13 matches just to finish my win a warzone daily.


You also have to remember that hardly any Republic players PvP. When i PvP i recognise 2-3 names everytime, and those are just on pickup group's. :(

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I don't understand the philosophy of leveling quick, to just got back and do missions at a higher level. How can that be fun. I'd rather have a challenge doing missions at my current level vs blowing through missions at a higher level. Can you imagine being on Taris at lvl 40+, how can that be fun? Enlighten me.


Well I do like a challenge but am finding SOME of the quest bosses a tad difficult. Would be nice to level a few levels, come back and OBLITERATE them and be like "HA...take that D bag..." Different opinions of fun I suppose =)


I may start blending in pvp with quests...will prob be 50 when I am only halfway through my story, but at least thatll make the rest of the game easier XD

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With the lack of level brackets in PvP right now, you're leveling experience is going to become a nightmare when 8 50s clad is expertise gear come barreling down on you. Lets see bolster fix that!


It is going to become much harder for you to achieve objectives, kill others and gain medals, so the experience flow may slow down for you as we see more and more geared level 50s enter the scene.


This was to reduce queuing times, hence why 1-50 is in the same bracket. Hopefully by end of this month we will see some updates.

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Personally, I go back and forth. I'm in no hurry to get to 50 and sometimes really enjoy playing all the side quests, but I also enjoy the crafting part and PvP. One thing I love about this game is that I'm never stuck at any point where I can't progress without following a certain pre-set path or grouping (although the Sith Harrowers on Tatooine gave me a heck of time until I got a guildmate to help out). I can quest for a while, craft, go PvP, or whatever, and switch back and forth as the mood hits.


Considering I've been totally burnt out on video games for the last couple years (even Skyrim and Starcraft 2 have been snoozers for me), this is pretty exceptional. True, it's not quite been a month (I had early access, starting on the 14th, along with the last beta weekend), but I'm getting more addicted as time goes on, not less.

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If you are soloing I would agree, but if you can find a partner in crime to run quests with you, it goes much much faster. I was hoping to hit 40, from 36 this weekend and with the help of a guild mate, we dinged 42 on Monday evening. Just a heads up also the higher level quests will you run across the path of your enemy. I have found htis out the hard way a few times this past weekend.
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Probably easier if you have a balanced win/loss ratio.


Imps dominate on my server: yesterday it took me 13 matches just to finish my win a warzone daily.


Ouch. I have had some bad runs with matches but I can't ever say I seen it go that long without a win. (I play Imp and only Huttball pops. Pug team vs. premade 50s.) I am actually surprised to hear you have such high loses. On my server when I do get the chance to play against the Republic the opposing team is almost always an even split between sages and troopers. You hardly ever see Smugglers or Knights. And at least 1/2 the Republic team is dedicated healers. I have seen these matches end with the Republic healing equal if not higher to the Imperial damage with practically no deaths on the Republican side. Talk about a stalemate. It usually ends with the Republic winning because you simply can't dislodge all those healers from a position.


But another problem I have seen is that Huttball won't always count towards the daily. It doesn't happen every time but at least once or twice a week a huttball victory won't count for the daily in my case. Then you go right back to more warzones hoping the next one won't bug out on you either.

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For my alts, I plan on just knocking out my class quest chain on each planet and then pvping to fill out the xp I'm missing from not doing side quests.


That is until I switch factions for the first time and have side quests I've never done. I think it's great that the option to level only by pvp is there and I don't really see why it's a problem one is faster than the other. I imagine it would be really hard to keep it in balance. Plus, and this is purely a guess, I'm willing to bet you get more credits questing and gathering while questing.

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After comparing XP, credits and the pros/cons for each its interesting that pvp will give you more money, xp and badges faster than questing.


On average i get around 800-1000 credits per pvp match and 6-8000 xp + warzone commendations.


Some of you may argue that you are neglecting your story line but really after you get your ship and first companion you can quest to finish your story line at any level.


Between time running to quest points, quest rewards, cut scenes and all the other associated time wasting its more efficient to level through pvp if you want more xp/money/ and badges to buy pvp gear that you can also quest with.


My two cents worth ...


PVPing to level is the only realistic way to go on a PVP server. It has nothing to do with money or xp. It has everything to do with aquiring the gear you need to just simply survive in a pvp environment.


Neglect PVP and you find you are behind the curve with valor levels. If you aren't already 50 plus levels going into level 50, you are going to be hating life. Above 50 and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel towards the valor 65 pvp gear. Below 50 valor and you aren't even sure that there is a tunnel or that there is light at the end of it.


Frankly, access to the level 40 pvp gear for yourself and your companions is the best reason to do pvp. You can get gear from quests and from flashpoints. But show me another way in which to get a guaranteed full set of modifiable gear and I will consider it.


For those players who want to experience the full storylines and bells and whistles, I say do it after you hit 50. Save your feet and do the quests if you want to on a 110% bike. The quests will become so much more enjoyable (and easy) and no more LFG for heroics nobody else is running. You simply solo them. Then you rack up some obscene about of commendations, buy the random epic storage container, and sell the item for some ungodly price on the AH.

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With the lack of level brackets in PvP right now, you're leveling experience is going to become a nightmare when 8 50s clad is expertise gear come barreling down on you. Lets see bolster fix that!


It is going to become much harder for you to achieve objectives, kill others and gain medals, so the experience flow may slow down for you as we see more and more geared level 50s enter the scene.


Ironically losing a game fast could get you the same or more experience overall as winning a game slowly.


Because normally a loss seems to net about 80% of the experience of a win, if you lose fast you have time for more games.

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I can say 110% that OP is incorrect. By level 45 I was valour rank 46. I pvp'd constantly whilst my clan mates soared ahead on levels.


IMO level 14 > 30 good for pvping, then hit quests, 35>40 do regular PvP but lots of quests, after lvl 40 do quests and you'll level fast.


I don't regret doing that much PvP, it's what I play for and after finally hitting 50 (a week after most my clan mates despite playing as many hours) I have higher valour than most of them and already good gear with multiple pieces with expertise in them (bought multiple light sabers with expertise and used the mods in other gear).


Besides, levelling in this game is easy, may as well do it how you enjoy it. Story is cool, PvP is cool (or was but now I'm sick to death of huttball ¬.¬) but I can say with absolute certainty that questinig is faster 0-50.

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PVP certainly isn't faster levelling friend.


I'm 40 with 3 days 5 hours /played.


valor rank 39, pve with one other person is going to blow the socks off of pvp xp per hour, i know because i've done both to 40ish, with a good partner you can almost double your exp/hour, if that's what you care about.


but even if you win all of your pvp's, you still have to drag them out to get the full rewards.

By level 30 it takes roughly 12 pvp wins or 2.5 hours solo questing to level up.

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Ironically losing a game fast could get you the same or more experience overall as winning a game slowly.


Because normally a loss seems to net about 80% of the experience of a win, if you lose fast you have time for more games.


I suspect this is only true up to a certain level. I am close to hitting 50 and if my team loses (and loses badly) it yields practically nothing for me. In a win, I can easily rack up over 20k xp and 3k - 5k credits. On a slug out loss, I might get 13k xp and around 3k credits. If my team gets stomped, I won't even get 8k in xp and I will be lucky to make 1.5k credits.


Considering I will need around 450k credits to level all my level 50 class skills, I want the win. Being with a team that throws the match and I could have gotten more money and xp leveling in a quests in the same time frame. Needless to say, I might have a few nasty things to say to my team in ops chat if they throw the match.

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Given the difficulty in even doing quests on a PvP server post-Tatooine if you are Republic, I hope BioWare waits a while before nerfing the PvP XP into oblivion.


It has happened in every single game that has "PvP leveling."


Hey guys! You can level in PvP!


Oh ****! People are leveling in PvP! NERF IT!

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There's a rumor going around, doing Missions + PvP does level you up even FASTER! So much, that you are 2 or 3 lvl above the region for your next class mission. Which means: you go through very fast and receive mission XP even easier and faster.


Sounds like a combination of both is overpowered, doesn't it? Maybe they should fix that, best by patching out either PvP or PvE!

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I can say 110% that OP is incorrect. By level 45 I was valour rank 46. I pvp'd constantly whilst my clan mates soared ahead on levels.


IMO level 14 > 30 good for pvping, then hit quests, 35>40 do regular PvP but lots of quests, after lvl 40 do quests and you'll level fast.


I don't regret doing that much PvP, it's what I play for and after finally hitting 50 (a week after most my clan mates despite playing as many hours) I have higher valour than most of them and already good gear with multiple pieces with expertise in them (bought multiple light sabers with expertise and used the mods in other gear).


Besides, levelling in this game is easy, may as well do it how you enjoy it. Story is cool, PvP is cool (or was but now I'm sick to death of huttball ¬.¬) but I can say with absolute certainty that questinig is faster 0-50.


I guess it comes down to what you want to focus on ... short game or long game.


In the short game pov, sure you might be able to level quicker questing, but that also depends on how often the warzones hit and how many you win. Pugging generally leads to a lower win count which impacts your xp considerably. But pugging also means more games as it tends to take longer for pre-mades to get in matches. (I have seen matches pop up back to back to back as a pug.)


In the long game, valor is more important than leveling. Once you hit that magic number of 50 valor it takes longer to grind these levels out. And if a bracket system is put in place those level 50 with little valor will likely find themselves outgunned and outmatched against other level 50s who gear is exclusively for PVP and not a mix-matched set aquired from mutliple sources.


On a PVP server (where PVP dominates over PVE content) I would argue leveling by PVP is still the best approach. Speed is secondary to ensuring that you have the best gear you can get for your level.

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Initially warzones will level you faster and maybe give you credits faster.


But in your 30s+ you can go 25+ games without leveling and you'll be flat broke if you keep your companions working on professions while you pvp. The problem is that the xp/credit rewards don't scale properly; a level 40 in a wz won't get much more xp/credits than a level 12 in a wz if they get any more at all.


The level 40 pvp gear is good but you don't need that many warzone commendations to get it (but remember that they max at 1000 - so be sure to spend them as you get them).


I'm noticing that more and more the wzs are getting dominated by guilds @50 on vent.


It's funny that the lowest level characters with "maxxed" gear will do very well with bolster (my level 12 sent topped damage on my team a couple nights ago) but the 50s have so many survival, mobility and cc tools that there is no way they should be in the same field.

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