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The real worst launch ever.........


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I'm not taking issue with the fact that people are using exploits so much. People will find and use these exploits, no matter what. It's how Bioware is HANDLING IT. They have outright DENIED IT through MANY UNDENIALBE SOURCES OF PROOF that it's happening. Outright appalling.


They have addressed the issue if you want to read some of their post.

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I'm not taking issue with the fact that people are using exploits so much. People will find and use these exploits, no matter what. It's how Bioware is HANDLING IT. They have outright DENIED IT through MANY UNDENIALBE SOURCES OF PROOF that it's happening. Outright appalling.


I was gone for most of the day and am just learning about these exploits, where is this undeniable proof?

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Shadowbane wasn't a bad launch, it was just... bad.


So much wasted potential :(


Man it's been so long I forgot I played that. Nothing like razing players hard work to the ground. Was hilarious, but man what a bad time with lagg and pretty much everything in that game.

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Oh you're enjoying the game? Awesome. 90% of the people that have given these Neanderthals money have yet to.


I've been in every major MMO launch from Everquest, onward, and this is, without a doubt, the worst handling of a launch I've yet seen.


Hands. down.


Bioware is REALLY showing their inability to maintain an online game with this.


This is the most clean, polished, and stable game I have seen at launch. I have been playing most all of the day and it has never crashed, never had a queue, and is functioning great.


I don't know where you are getting your information from.


The game looks and feels crisp, lag free, and complete.

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DCUO was bad. Falling thru the ground after zoning, constant dc's and a bunch of visual bugs. Funny how I beta tested that game and looked so forward to the launch. Now I've beta tested this game and while I await my turn (prolly on the 19th which does me no good since I get off work after midnight and that's when they're gonna shut it down) I see nothing but DCUO for free commercials. Irony?
STO -still- beams you into space when you zone on occasion, has lockup issues zoning into certain areas, and has instancing problems that have been around since launch =P
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Final Fantasy 14 a game so bad they let everyone play for free and sent a number of apologies for releasing such a horrible product.


Now that's hilarious. I tried FFXI when it was on sale for like $5 and I wanted to off myslelf after 2 hours. So I wouldnt touch IX with a ten foot pole.

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This is the most clean, polished, and stable game I have seen at launch. I have been playing most all of the day and it has never crashed, never had a queue, and is functioning great.


I don't know where you are getting your information from.


The game looks and feels crisp, lag free, and complete.

Yeah but he's not playing..so, it's automatically the worst launch evar!
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Worst was UO


The lag was so bad it literally took hours to cross Vesper


To walk the span (that in a years time would take 5 minutes) could take up to 3 hours at launch


AC, EQ, none of them came remotely close to UO unplayablity at launch.


But you know what


I didnt feel as angered and hostile at UO, AC, EQ, any of them cause while their games were not truely ready to play, you had access to them with everyone else.


There was no

A teir

B teir

C teir


players as Bioware is creating here.


Everyone was afforded the same oppertunity to do with it as they would.

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I could name many.


Lineage 2 comes to mind having to run a macro to log in typing your user name and password to eventually get past the log in server.


Aion had horrible ques and griefing out the butt.


World of Warcraft was laggy, had ques, tons of server down time, and not a single worthwhile end game raid at launch.


Age of Conan was pretty smooth until level 20 when you realized thats as far as they had gotten with content and the voice overs disappeared. Then you ran into PVP lag, lag in general, and tons of server down time.


Dark Age of Camelot was buggy and laggy as hell.


Everquest 2 was just a horrible grind fest, and the lag was freaking horrible even 4 weeks in. (surprised I stayed that long)


Please feel free to post your own experiences.


DAoC wasn't laggy, but it was buggy

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SWTOR's launch hadn't been bad, yeah there are a few bugs (Archaeology nodes that you can't harvest is ont that I have experienced) but the server balance isnt the fault of the Devs, it's our fault. We are the ones who have all decided that we want to be Imperial, and there aren't enough Republic players to play against. Servers that are already showing up as full, are probably due to a whole lot of guilds that didn't get placed there moving there for what ever reason. Honestly I think that the Devs have gone above and beyond to have the game launch smoothly, and I want to say thank you to them for their hard work and effort. It's appreciated.
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This is the most clean, polished, and stable game I have seen at launch. I have been playing most all of the day and it has never crashed, never had a queue, and is functioning great.


I don't know where you are getting your information from.


The game looks and feels crisp, lag free, and complete.


Judging from the beta weekend I would agree. Wish I was playing though.

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Saying it the worst ever I think is rather generous.


Theres a difference from hardware and code failure crashes that affect all than selective oh well you know the drill.


I rather crash and having them doing everything to help me than been treated like some kid in the ice cream truck line. And that doesnt include the fact of the pvprs at lvl 40 in just a day.


oh well

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This is the most clean, polished, and stable game I have seen at launch. I have been playing most all of the day and it has never crashed, never had a queue, and is functioning great.


I don't know where you are getting your information from.


The game looks and feels crisp, lag free, and complete.


Of course everything is fine when all servers are at low population.

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This is the most clean, polished, and stable game I have seen at launch. I have been playing most all of the day and it has never crashed, never had a queue, and is functioning great.


I don't know where you are getting your information from.


The game looks and feels crisp, lag free, and complete.


I think you missed his key point. 90% of the pre-orders aren't even in game yet. That can be game-changing.

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Age of Conan was the best game I had ever played up until level 20. Graphics are still amazing and it was fully voiced over. Then you got out of Tortage and the voice acting and quests disappeared.


And technically, this game hasn't officially launched yet.

Edited by Gaunte
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Haha, I remember this. Good old 56k connection didn't help either.

I still remember Uo as the "golden times of mmo'ing though"

... some days, I just feel old


Worst was UO


The lag was so bad it literally took hours to cross Vesper


To walk the span (that in a years time would take 5 minutes) could take up to 3 hours at launch


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Oh you're enjoying the game? Awesome. 90% of the people that have given these Neanderthals money have yet to.


I've been in every major MMO launch from Everquest, onward, and this is, without a doubt, the worst handling of a launch I've yet seen.


Hands. down.


Bioware is REALLY showing their inability to maintain an online game with this.


DID YOU NOT READ WHEN THEY SAID FIRST COME FIRST SERVE? no you didn't. good god, this is ridiculous how do you people function on a day to day basis?

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ffxiv was so bad, it was rated as the worst game of the year last year. It was so bad that they just announced after it being out for over a year that they were completely redoing the game because it failed so much lol..


Imagine logging on and being dropped into a city with a UI that was basically unresponsive, absolutely no story line whatsoever. A total of 5 quests (This is not an exaggeration..) there is like 50 now or something lol..


Yeah.. FFXIV definetely takes the cake as the worst MMO launch ever. If you can find another one that had to completely redo the entire game from scratch, I would love to know :)

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