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The real worst launch ever.........


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I could name many.


Lineage 2 comes to mind having to run a macro to log in typing your user name and password to eventually get past the log in server.


Aion had horrible ques and griefing out the butt.


World of Warcraft was laggy, had ques, tons of server down time, and not a single worthwhile end game raid at launch.


Age of Conan was pretty smooth until level 20 when you realized thats as far as they had gotten with content and the voice overs disappeared. Then you ran into PVP lag, lag in general, and tons of server down time.


Dark Age of Camelot was buggy and laggy as hell.


Everquest 2 was just a horrible grind fest, and the lag was freaking horrible even 4 weeks in. (surprised I stayed that long)


Please feel free to post your own experiences.

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WoW's launch was terrible, I'm talking severs just crashing midday and NO ETA's on when they would be back up.


Umm Rift's launch was very nice, and Swtor's launch has been great so far, I'm really enjoying the game very smooth and fun!


Oh you're enjoying the game? Awesome. 90% of the people that have given these Neanderthals money have yet to.


I've been in every major MMO launch from Everquest, onward, and this is, without a doubt, the worst handling of a launch I've yet seen.


Hands. down.


Bioware is REALLY showing their inability to maintain an online game with this.

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Aion had horrible ques and griefing out the butt.


Aion had a decent launch, the problem was that people in-game kept their afk shops up to not leave the game while sleeping which produced bigger queues than it should be. Once they fixed that it was all ok.

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Noone else have a bad experience with an MMO launch before SWTOR?


You are not mentioning other elements of the SWTOR launch though. Like people using PVP exploits to gain massive levels, etc.


If those things are true, they need to be remedied properly and their characters rolled back.

People need to be able to play the game on an equal playing field for a good launch. Those things make this launch less than desirable.


And its not over. All of those things still CAN happen with SWTOR too (although I hope not!) You have to realize they probably have in about 15% of the pre-orders or so at this point?


What happens when the other 85% are in? Lag? Crashes? Hopefully none of that! But only time will tell.

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All the server stability in the world doesn't count for anything for people who can't play because of a business decision such as staggered access or the lack of a grace period.


I'm getting hit by both of those by the way. The Early Access thing doesn't bug me so much, although I am baffled by the fact that they can't give us any advanced notice whatsoever for when our early access begins.

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You are not mentioning other elements of the SWTOR launch though. Like people using PVP exploits to gain massive levels, etc.


If those things are true, they need to be remedied properly and their characters rolled back.

People need to be able to play the game on an equal playing field for a good launch. Those things make this launch less than desirable.


And its not over. All of those things still CAN happen with SWTOR too (although I hope not!) You have to realize they probably have in about 15% of the pre-orders or so at this point?


What happens when the other 85% are in? Lag? Crashes? Hopefully none of that! But only time will tell.


I'm not taking issue with the fact that people are using exploits so much. People will find and use these exploits, no matter what. It's how Bioware is HANDLING IT. They have outright DENIED IT through MANY UNDENIALBE SOURCES OF PROOF that it's happening. Outright appalling.

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I've been in every major MMO launch from Everquest, onward, and this is, without a doubt, the worst handling of a launch I've yet seen.
With a statement like that..it's fairly obvious it's false. Everquest's launch was riddled with crashes, lag spikes, login problems, and bugs well after launch. AoC was a giant exploit fiasco that never got resolved properly. WoW also launched to crash/login bugs and massive queuing times. AO was Funcom again and a major launch nightmare. UO was taken down several times throughout the launch period. AC/AC2 were riddled with bugs and crash problems. Allods Online was launched with exploits and lag issues. Rift was launched with login bottlenecks, queue times, and lag problems. STO was launched with instancing issues, exploits, and server crashes. The list goes on.


Not sure what your scale is for the worst launch ever..but I'm guessing it's whatever launch doesn't include you in the EGA.


I'm betting a shiny new lightsaber that ALL of these complaints are ancient history on the 20th.

Edited by Hordequester
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DCUO was bad. Falling thru the ground after zoning, constant dc's and a bunch of visual bugs. Funny how I beta tested that game and looked so forward to the launch. Now I've beta tested this game and while I await my turn (prolly on the 19th which does me no good since I get off work after midnight and that's when they're gonna shut it down) I see nothing but DCUO for free commercials. Irony?
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Anarchy Online was by far the worst launch in the history of MMO's. The game was unplayable for 4 months. It was too bad too because they implemented some improvements to the game beyond what EQ had at the time.


damn right Anarchy Online was horrid if only half the people experience that no one would say anything and this place would be desolate

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