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What do we use: +Crit Rating or +Power?


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PvE focused here. Initially focused on Accuracy/Power for secondary stats, then decided to go with power/surge. I seem to do more damage in FPs so far, but only if I'm concealment. I think I would still prefer accuracy/power as lethality, but the problem is that I don't really know which spec I like more or which will lead to the most overall damage.


Also, am I the only one who thinks the stats/set bonuses on the Operation gear are oddly placed? Not to mention it doesn't really help resolve the issue of which stats to prioritize simply by seeing what stats the gear we will inevitably have to use have on them. Though seeing as how 3/5 of the pieces has accuracy and power and the other two have surge and power, maybe that is the answer.


My final complaint and personal opinion: The PvE Field Tech gear looks awesome with a sniper only set bonus and the PvE Enforcer gear looks terrible with a pretty impressive 2pc set bonus. That makes me a sad panda.

Edited by Rallon
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  • 3 months later...
Ive been concentrating on hitting 50 so much lately ive not put much though into stat weights & values... Now that im there im trying to get my gear straightened out with the mods / enhancements i need. I know i need more power to boost my constant DPS an having some crit & surge wont hurt at all (way i see it surge is like icing on the cake to your DPS lol) The problem im having is that i have a minimum crit % id like to keep so does anyone know how much crit rating / points it takes to equal or even roughly equal 1% crit not accounting for skill pts spent / talents / abilites? If i could figure that out i could manage my mods / enhancements an what not to boost / max my DPS... Edited by dracoignis
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I forget the amount of power I had in my champion pvp suit pre 1.2 but post 1.2 the power mods got replaced by defense so it dropped to 207 (IIRC) and when I picked up recruit gear to compare, power went up to 425 or around that and the output was noticeably different, not saying that recruit gear is any good because it isn't- it's garbage. There's a guide in this forum section showing exactly how to stack all the needed stats, with the surge nerf and 1.2 changes, just adjust to that guide a bit (cap at 220 or 240 surge and still get 500 power and still be able to hit ~38% crit).


My juggernaut stacks lots of power up around ~600 and I still have 30% crit and 69% surge and it hits hard as vengeance spec.

Edited by Sookster
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What is the update on this, we still going for crit over power since the surge nerf awhile ago and after 1.2 also?


I keep my crit around 27% unbuffed and stack power on pretty much everything. If you're at or around 30% crit unbuffed you definitely need to switch focus to power since you'll be getting hit pretty hard by diminishing returns on crit rating past that point.

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I keep my crit around 27% unbuffed and stack power on pretty much everything. If you're at or around 30% crit unbuffed you definitely need to switch focus to power since you'll be getting hit pretty hard by diminishing returns on crit rating past that point.


What about crit your getting from c unning though? Cause I don't stack any pure crit, only cunning, but after that I heard adrenals and relics aren't effected by dimishing returns also, correct?

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What about crit your getting from c unning though? Cause I don't stack any pure crit, only cunning, but after that I heard adrenals and relics aren't effected by dimishing returns also, correct?


The Crit portion of Cunning is also on diminishing returns (I believe with the same cap as crit rating), but on a different curve to crit rating. As I understand it, it's something like 20% each. The power portion of Cunning doesn't diminish though, which is why Cunning is usually > Power (that and the class buffs + talents to increase Cunning by a flat %)


The 30% goal should be the combined Cunning + Crit Rating value on your char sheet. With our self-buff, that would be increased to 35%. You do want to have some crit rating on gear (I have a couple Crit mods, implants and ear piece) If your crit is too low you won't be making the most of all that Surge rating that you have (or should have).


I'm not sure about Adrenals / Relics ... I thought they just added Rating which would diminish the same as adding rating on gear, but it's very possible that I'm wrong on this (haven't tested).

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The Crit portion of Cunning is also on diminishing returns (I believe with the same cap as crit rating), but on a different curve to crit rating. As I understand it, it's something like 20% each. The power portion of Cunning doesn't diminish though, which is why Cunning is usually > Power (that and the class buffs + talents to increase Cunning by a flat %)


The 30% goal should be the combined Cunning + Crit Rating value on your char sheet. With our self-buff, that would be increased to 35%. You do want to have some crit rating on gear (I have a couple Crit mods, implants and ear piece) If your crit is too low you won't be making the most of all that Surge rating that you have (or should have).


I'm not sure about Adrenals / Relics ... I thought they just added Rating which would diminish the same as adding rating on gear, but it's very possible that I'm wrong on this (haven't tested).


Sweet thanks for all that :)

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