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Shut this fkin droid up allrdy!


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anytime i get into combat this stupid little droid can not keep his trap shut. he repeats the saem exact phase every single time. "i was just wondering what i could do to please you" ****! annoying as *******. i know there's other compaions out there. prolly some really good ones. but for now at these lower lvls hes my personal healer and not a very good one. my fix to the situation was turning the voice off in the sound settings. but then every single quest i do has voice acting(which imo is very good and a huge part of the game) that i like to hear. who woulda knew one little droid could ruin it for everyone? that being said there are millions of other things to fix with this game with combat responsivness at the top of the list. i just wanted to adress this prob via forum post in hopes that at least one sound developer looks at it and fix's it. ty and good day. :)
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hahaha ive made a facebook page saying how annoying he is, me and my mates say it to our boss now PLEASURE TO SEE YOU MASTER!!!


I usually just scream "somebody taunt this thing off me", when I talk to mine.


I should think about switching really...

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He is dang annoying, I will give you that.


BTW, call me a bit slow but after playing the game for several weeks now, I just figured out that you can actually adventure with him and can summon him. I had just assumed that he was a fixture on the ship and not really meant to be summoned. I was getting "parts" as drops, quest rewards, etc and finally saw that they were meant for the droid. So my next question is can you give him gifts to raise the affection level and is there any purpose in doing this? Are you equipping him like your other companions?


Slightly off topic but curious what others are doing.

Edited by Florial
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anytime i get into combat this stupid little droid can not keep his trap shut. he repeats the saem exact phase every single time. "i was just wondering what i could do to please you" ****! annoying as *******. i know there's other compaions out there. prolly some really good ones. but for now at these lower lvls hes my personal healer and not a very good one. my fix to the situation was turning the voice off in the sound settings. but then every single quest i do has voice acting(which imo is very good and a huge part of the game) that i like to hear. who woulda knew one little droid could ruin it for everyone? that being said there are millions of other things to fix with this game with combat responsivness at the top of the list. i just wanted to adress this prob via forum post in hopes that at least one sound developer looks at it and fix's it. ty and good day. :)


He told you he was not made for combat. He is making you regret your choice of forcing him into battle. :D

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