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Warzone level cap is a joke


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Level 10/20s/30s/40s vs level 50s is unfair. System needs to be reviewed and reworked. Brackets needed ASAP.






Go farm mobs if you don't like it, lowbie.

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Level 10/20s/30s/40s vs level 50s is unfair. System needs to be reviewed and reworked. Brackets needed ASAP.






Brackets will certainly happen. But not until there is a sufficient population of level 50s to sustain a level 50-only bracket. Prior to that, these complaints (while valid), are not likely to go anywhere.

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i agree with the OP on this and it has to happen sooner rather than later, because currently the BG's are just not enjoyable if your not 40+


the stat bolster is a joke plain and simple, my 45 merc can crit every hit on a low lvl bolstered toon, but never crit once on a lvl 50. This make low lvls going to the BG's just feel but hurt all the time because they get creamed and its no fault of thiers either, the mechanics just seem to work that way.


there are plenty of 50's now, let thier premades hash it out with eachother and let the lowbies and late comers actually enjoy BG's like i did when i first played them at any lvl.


You pro-players screaming, go grind pve and all that garbage, your just scared incase they actually do this and you can no longer instbig some lvl 14 who is fresh out of the black talon with some shiny new toys.

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"Level to 50 and stop QQ"


How plain idiocy is that logic... Grow up kids and get some sense of empathy and provoke grey matter activity eh?


I agree with the OP and


Putting level caps for warzones just work like a charm. No need to boost lowbie HP and such etc







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"Level to 50 and stop QQ"


How plain idiocy is that logic... Grow up kids and get some sense of empathy and provoke grey matter activity eh?


I agree with the OP and


Putting level caps for warzones just work like a charm. No need to boost lowbie HP and such etc








Bleh, no no no no no no no. Bleh.

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If there was lowbie sets with expertise so lowbies could be bolstered and be on semi-equal terms with high levels, there would be no need for 50 bracket. But because expertise is more or less 50 only, it screws up the games.
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If there was lowbie sets with expertise so lowbies could be bolstered and be on semi-equal terms with high levels, there would be no need for 50 bracket. But because expertise is more or less 50 only, it screws up the games.


This. It was OKish even against pre-made 50s until people aquired sets with expertise. Naturally the people who do have expertise now don't want the system changed. So much fun to faceroll people without!


I fail to see the long-term vision though. What is the strategy to keep new people interested in the future if they can't hope to have any semblance of use in PvP until they have leveled to 50 AND grinded for the expertise set. That's weeks or months of being three hit and basically not being able to touch those who were lucky enough to have fun while leveling through PvP as bolstering still worked when the l337 pr0s rushed to 50.

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Level 10/20s/30s/40s vs level 50s is unfair. System needs to be reviewed and reworked. Brackets needed ASAP.






O hi, there are threads already about ppl qq'in about this, if it was just 50s WZ times would be around um 1hr per que, so nt and have a nice day...

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Putting level caps for warzones just work like a charm. No need to boost lowbie HP and such etc








Actually. No. Doing a bracket every 10 levels will pretty much make warzones unplayable below 50 in a few weeks, just like now, except it won't be because of 50's owning anyone lower, but not enough people queuing to even start the warzone - remember there are no cross server warzones. Bolster works well when everyone in the warzone is 10-49, it's the 50's in PvP gear that break the balance. 2 Brackets is all that's needed, 10-49 and 50.

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any clown who would want a bracket should be shot, at lvl 12 i was pking lvl 29s at level 29 i was pking lvl 40s.... whats the issue... its effectively a fun way to level and to see big numbers for a lowbie... give a **** what skills / talents u dont have, if u dont like it dont join the warzone.... since when has pvp ever been for lower than max rank players? total derp thread..
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since when has pvp ever been for lower than max rank players? total derp thread..


Wouldn't it be more fun to be effectively able to PvP from start. I mean 'hardcore' PvPers keep droning how PvE is boring and just a means to get to the PvP part. Why not abolish the part you don't like and be able to effectively PvP immediately in warzones without just being a victim? Open world PvP would obviously still be level dependant and should be incentivized.

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any clown who would want a bracket should be shot, at lvl 12 i was pking lvl 29s at level 29 i was pking lvl 40s.... whats the issue... its effectively a fun way to level and to see big numbers for a lowbie... give a **** what skills / talents u dont have, if u dont like it dont join the warzone.... since when has pvp ever been for lower than max rank players? total derp thread..


I think you missed the point sir.


I noticed you didn't mention putting a hurting on level 50 players. Only those below 50 without expertise gear.


So by you making your claiming of holding your own against non-level 50 players but not claiming the same for those who are in the post level 50 content, you are actually making the argument for the OP and not countering it.

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If there was lowbie sets with expertise so lowbies could be bolstered and be on semi-equal terms with high levels, there would be no need for 50 bracket. But because expertise is more or less 50 only, it screws up the games.


Or make 250 expertise part of the static bolster bonus...

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My take on all this ...


The level 50s should have their own bracket. Make it as fair a fight as you can. As I have leveled my Mercenary, I really haven't had an issue with any class or level character until I go up against level 50 players in expertise gear. At that point I am all but wasting my time. If I am faced off against a level 50 tank with expertise gear, I might as well be shooting rubber bands at the guy. By the time I have to vent heat I will be lucky if I have even knocked down 1/4 of his health. A level 50 with expertise on the other hand can three shot me to death.


The odds also decrease on getting stuns to work with people in this gear. More than a few times I have fired a stun at a level 50 player and watched them continue running as if I did nothing at all. It wasn't dispelled. It just didn't hit. You can always tell the difference.


But you want to know the definition of frustration?


Try stopping a level 50 player in expertise gear in Huttball who is walking (not running) from the last ramp. I have seen guys so arrigant that they don't even both using CC. Just just walk, allow people to try to stun or kill them and they still make it across the line even with multiple opposing team members wailing on them.

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Or make 250 expertise part of the static bolster bonus...


I would say take this one step further. Introduce this to any level 1 - 49 bracket system, but remove it from all level 50 games.


When you are level 50 and you are actually at a point where you can start to earn this equipment, you should have to work for it.

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