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Ok all this QQing about Ops/scoundrel need to stop


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I played just about every class in beta and was successful with each one. Yawn.


I also NEVER come to forums crying nerf. Good players adapt.


lol.. so you played all classes in beta and yet rolled an op at launch. Yeah i see how you "adapted".. rofl.. just be quiet little newb. it is clear your "adapting" is rolling the overpowered class, and don't try to deny as you were fully aware of the classes before launch due to your own admission. Hilarious. You "ADAPT" LOL - what a joke

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I play a Scoundrel and I know I have awesome burst dps but it doesn't matter when you guys are next to each other. As soon as I kill one of you in your group and the group has other 50's with gear I get pummeled and I die. Guess what? Dying is ok, its part of the game.


Are you entitled to live forever in pvp? No! If you take stock of all the pvp you have played and at some point you owned someone. Does this mean you need a nerf? We all die, get used to it.


Right now as a op Scoundrel I fear Sith Assassin that are geared and really good Sorc players. Well I don't fear them but I know its going to be a good fight.

Edited by ohnam
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They have to seperate 50's from doing WZ with sub-50. Hopefully once there is more of them that will happen. Until then we'll see lots of QQ.


Open world PVP mitigates this a lot since numbers can balance out max geared players better, where if you get a full geared team in a scenario theres no point in playing. They just need to incentivise open world more than WZ now.

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Your the only joke here Musie. You've made it pretty obvious to everyone here that you don't have a clue what your talking about and all we see is T_T T,T T_T


please highlight which points I have made that are not correct.

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lol.. so you played all classes in beta and yet rolled an op at launch. Yeah i see how you "adapted".. rofl.. just be quiet little newb. it is clear your "adapting" is rolling the overpowered class, and don't try to deny as you were fully aware of the classes before launch due to your own admission. Hilarious. You "ADAPT" LOL - what a joke


You can run your mouth all you want, the fact remains that you're the one QQing on the forums when you play a solid class.


Go ping a guy named Bury on Helm of Graush. He'll teach you how to play your class.

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With the consumables they hit too hard. How do I recover from 4 hits that hit for around 3.5k-4.9k?


Yeah, i'm not calling for a nerf of scoundrels because if I catch them in the open it's over. BUT I will say a level 50 caught me from stealth last night (I am 41) and he 2 or 3 shot me I cant remember. But I was dead almost before I could move. And I have around 12.5k health bolstered. It's all good though, I think they should have huge burst from stealth eve though I was cussing up a storm.

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You can run your mouth all you want, the fact remains that you're the one QQing on the forums when you play a solid class.


Go ping a guy named Bury on Helm of Graush. He'll teach you how to play your class.


I know how to play my class sevvy. knowing how to play a shadow is not the point of this discussion. stay on track... i know you want to deflect the true issue as much as possible.


And listen... you directing me to anyone is laughable.. i'm sure they'll just tell me to go "adapt" and reroll an op/scoundrel. lol

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It's not crying about stealth class nor have anything to deal with learning how to play. I play Jedi Shadow. At lvl 40 I attack Operative from stealth up close and I still can get Pawned by lvl 30 player even though I got every advantage possible. On the other hand I don't have problems with killing any other class ever if it's below my own level and we duel.


I hit him for like... 2k damage if manage to get behind (what doesn't happen unless he makes a mistake or I stun him). He does 2k damage in every shot regardless of range, direction, or what I'm doing now. He has stun which fills the resolve bar, yes, but if he manage to land few shots before, than after the filling resolve bar from stun I'm already dead.

Oh, and another funny fact: I have force pull skill that could in theory break his cover, but no: this skill doesn't work on Ops in cover, regardless from which direction I try to use it.


So... sorry but Operatives are OP even against other stealth classes.




You are horrible if you die to a level 30 operative as a level 40 shadow who YOU got the jump on.


Thanks for the laugh. You made my day, and proved the point about people who are whining in this thread.

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Can people stop QQing about Ops/scoundrel the class is not Op it is working the way it should(high out of stealth burst sub par sustained damage)


I'm going to give you the exact reasons why they are not Op for the people that feel no good argument has been made.


QQ #1 They have too much burst damage and it needs to be toned down.


- have you played a lvl 10-35 Op/scoundrel before they get their burst? The class is lacking in sustained damage and this was done for a reason to balance with their burst. If you remeber back to beta bioware actually nerfed the Op sustained damsge(lacerate, talented shiv, collateral strikes, corrosive dart). So if bioware was to also nerf the burst damage you would be left a gimped class.


QQ #2 They have to much control out of stealth.


- they need the control out of stealth because they dont have a GAP CLOSER their is no real way to quickly close the gap on a ranged class. So if you take away that control Ops would just get knockback and rooted after their opening attack and be sitting ducks for range classes. (again play a lvl 10-35 Ops and you will know what im talking about)


-Also the knockdown gives you a full resolve bar which means you can cc the brains out of an Op and they can only root you for two secs. This gives you a chance to catch up on damage not to mention use your bubble to mitigate already sub par sustained damage.


-USE YOUR CC BREAK(that is all)


QQ #3 They can just vanish when things arent going their way


-First its on a 2 min cooldown, second assassins/shadows also get this ability so I dont know why it would only make Ops/ soundrels so OP, third two hidden strike attacks from cloaking screen is a one shot pony, plus they have to wait for your resolve to go down to get the knockdown effect again. All in all i dont see what the QQ is about this they dont get a knockback ability, a force speed or a friendly force jump type of ability so they should have some way to escape a bad situation.


QQ #4 I can beat any other class but Ops/scoundrel can always kill me.


-This is just crying about stealth classes. Most of the people that say this are probably Sorcs/Mercs(mirror) and they are used to being able to facroll from 30m but dont have good reactions when a melee all of a sudden is in their face. All I can say to yall is L2P.



Final: They have high burst/control for a reason without it not only will they be highly gimped but they will be useless in objective PvP like huttball becuase right now they are good defenders who can help stop the ball carrier flat. But if you take that away they dont have a speed ability, knockback, or a jump ability so their wouldn't be any point in picking them.


If you nerf operative/sorc then people will cry about Mercs/assassins. Then if you nerf them people will cry about Powertech/snipers and the cycle goes on and on nerfs hardly ever end well. The only thing that needs to happen IMO for abalance is Jugg/guardian needs to get more cc breaks and a boost in damage high up in their dps tree. :)


so what you are saying is that they are allowed to global(yes i said global even tho its not the real gcd come at me kids) ppl in opener because they lack sustained dmg? nice brain


also can you remind me whats the cd on your "skill" and whats the cd on pvp trinket? are you are saying that im allowed to survive once every 2min(1:30 for some classes)? nice brain #2.


there is a lot more but i really cba with ppl like you so go crawl in a hole and die

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I play a Scoundrel and I know I have awesome burst dps but it doesn't matter when you guys are next to each other. As soon as I kill one of you in your group and the group has other 50's with gear I get pummeled and I die




Operatives/Scoundrels are soft-target nightmares. Tanks, people in groups and attentive players can all facesmash them. The idea of PvP is to work as a team, try it some day. Work WITH someone and cover each other. Watch for those stealthers that come behind you but try to position, they show up for a second or two


It's not that hard, people...

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so what you are saying is that they are allowed to global(yes i said global even tho its not the real gcd come at me kids) ppl in opener because they lack sustained dmg? nice brain


Yes. That is the point of the role. Out-of-stealth burst damage. It's how it was designed. In fact, it's how most stealth classes in most games are designed.

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Operatives/Scoundrels are soft-target nightmares. Tanks, people in groups and attentive players can all facesmash them. The idea of PvP is to work as a team, try it some day. Work WITH someone and cover each other. Watch for those stealthers that come behind you but try to position, they show up for a second or two


It's not that hard, people...


newsflash - the operative can work in a team also. so after they open on you.. and facesmash your health to low levels... it opens up the finisher moves for their mara and assassin teammates. please.. don't tell me about team games... unless you are ready to concede the operative can play in a team as well.. making the nightmare even more OP.

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newsflash - the operative can work in a team also. so after they open on you.. and facesmash your health to low levels... it opens up the finisher moves for their mara and assassin teammates. please.. don't tell me about team games... unless you are ready to concede the operative can play in a team as well.. making the nightmare even more OP.


So you whine because they can also cooperatively play?


Explain to me, please, how YOU seem to get ganked left and right by these classes and yet I, on my paper-mache Sniper have gotten snagged maybe once since head start began. Snipers, a primary target in PvP, a role that typically works solo by nature


You guys are whining that some players know how to play a class that was designed to do exactly what they're doing. While we're at it, let's nerf Sniper burst, BH/Trooper grapple, Juggernaut leaps and the Force Lightning stun


The latter is the only one I personally see needs tuning, and that's only because you can get chainstunned by multiple Sorcs

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So you whine because they can also cooperatively play?


Explain to me, please, how YOU seem to get ganked left and right by these classes and yet I, on my paper-mache Sniper have gotten snagged maybe once since head start began. Snipers, a primary target in PvP, a role that typically works solo by nature


You guys are whining that some players know how to play a class that was designed to do exactly what they're doing. While we're at it, let's nerf Sniper burst, BH/Trooper grapple, Juggernaut leaps and the Force Lightning stun


The latter is the only one I personally see needs tuning, and that's only because you can get chainstunned by multiple Sorcs


I don't get ganked left and right. i have enough tricks to avoid/escape an operative fight at any point if i choose. I speak truth on behalf of others because this class is beyond broken. When a healer in our guild is given guard, the operative is challenged for a 30% dmg debuff, and the healer is wearing full champ gear at valor rank 57, there is no single class that should man handle that healer within seconds. The operative/scoundrel currently does that. When your guild healers won't continue to warzone because a select few good players rolled the most broken class in game and can three shot fully champed, valor rank 57 heal specced healers through guard and challenge... guess what... that is broken.


that is the purpose for my posts.

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More like 15 pages of people that can't play whining that they suck and wanting the game tailored to their low skill level


Yes, you suck for having most if not all of your HP drained before you can react.Clearly a L2P issue.


Obviously you guys need to kill everyone in a stun cause you suck outside stealth, that's not a L2P issue, that's pure skill there, it's just too hard to actually fight players, you weren't designed for that, right?

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I don't get ganked left and right. i have enough tricks to avoid/escape an operative fight at any point if i choose. I speak truth on behalf of others because this class is beyond broken. When a healer in our guild is given guard, the operative is challenged for a 30% dmg debuff, and the healer is wearing full champ gear at valor rank 57, there is no single class that should man handle that healer within seconds. The operative/scoundrel currently does that. When your guild healers won't continue to warzone because a select few good players rolled the most broken class in game and can three shot fully champed, valor rank 57 heal specced healers through guard and challenge... guess what... that is broken.


that is the purpose for my posts.


You know what an STD and a Nerf cry has in common? In both cases the crier claims "well, I don't have any problems but my "friend" has this problem".

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I know how to play my class sevvy. knowing how to play a shadow is not the point of this discussion. stay on track... i know you want to deflect the true issue as much as possible.


And listen... you directing me to anyone is laughable.. i'm sure they'll just tell me to go "adapt" and reroll an op/scoundrel. lol


Why do I want to deflect the "true issue?" I'm not afraid of nerfs. I played a Warrior in WoW. I'm used to it. I will adapt.

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I don't get ganked left and right. i have enough tricks to avoid/escape an operative fight at any point if i choose. I speak truth on behalf of others because this class is beyond broken. When a healer in our guild is given guard, the operative is challenged for a 30% dmg debuff, and the healer is wearing full champ gear at valor rank 57, there is no single class that should man handle that healer within seconds. The operative/scoundrel currently does that. When your guild healers won't continue to warzone because a select few good players rolled the most broken class in game and can three shot fully champed, valor rank 57 heal specced healers through guard and challenge... guess what... that is broken.


that is the purpose for my posts.


Hahahahahaha get out.

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You know what an STD and a Nerf cry has in common? In both cases the crier claims "well, I don't have any problems but my "friend" has this problem".


sticks and stones. your retorts are irrelevant to the point. the class is broken. there are enough videos and threads to supply ample evidence. You can dodge and deflect it all you want... it is truth.

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When a healer in our guild is given guard, the operative is challenged for a 30% dmg debuff, and the healer is wearing full champ gear at valor rank 57, there is no single class that should man handle that healer within seconds


Says who, you?


The warfronts are bolstered to allow relatively equal terms in regard to gameplay. I've heard constantly in other MMOs how healers are almost impossible to kill. Now there is a class that evens the playing field. How fun is a game when you can't kill the healers and can't kill the DPS because the healers can heal two people at once?


I'm sorry things are relatively equal now and you cannot adjust. I'll bake you some cookies

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