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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gotta love people cancelling their accounts SOLELY because of PvP.


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You out level planets by 5-6 levels if you just play normally. Therefore you skip content and or find it unchallenging to complete. I don't mean make it more of a grind. I mean its to fast a process if you are truly trying to engage in "playing" the game.


I liked guild wars personally. Just create a pvp only character. Max stat gear and skills. Go pvp. Didn't matter what you wanted to play. What build. PvP is great. I agree if you don't want to do the story and only play it online you should be able to do that.


I would say that mmo's make awful pvp games, since they are not geared to the average shooter players.


They generally require you to grind for an advantage. They expect you to do the story. I'd say if you wanted to completely skip the story you should go play a shooter. This game will never feel right to you imo.


OR, quit making gear the 'only' focus to the skill-ups. DAOC had it right, gear made a difference, but they didn't have some lame PvP stat so people like me actually enjoyed dragon raids because it helped me in the PvP open world aspect.


Realm Ranks made a bigger difference Ie my guy at RR7 naked would be tougher than a guy at RR1. That's the issue, no one has figured out how to replicate Realm Ranks and make abilities a focus as opposed to just gear. Strip your guy at 50 naked and he's the same 100 hours in as he was when he was a fresh 50..does this make sense to you?


That is gist of the problem. This is WoW in space and they fubared areas WoW got right years ago. Crafting, Auction House, an expansive open world where you don't feel guided and walls don't block the explorer.


DAOC got this right in 2001 for ***s sake. Darkness Falls, dragon raids, open world pvp that was FUN and engaging and people that were even PVE carebears came out to craft and help repair walls etc


That **** is lost and the developer the rediscovers that people working together despite their playstyle is one that will truly rake it in hand over fist.

Edited by Vonrictus
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Bolster needs completey removed and 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50 brackets needs to be implemented immediately.


~PVP Fixed


And by "PVP fixed" you mean copying WoW failed model in which lower level then maximum in bracket is just feeder? No, thanks.

And for the sake of all of us-people like you never get jobs in pvp development anymore.

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Gotta love the derp derps who are coming into the thread and trying to justify the lack of quality of the pvp aspect of this game.


No, we are not going to sit in the fleet and talk in general. No, I will not kill mobs for gear. No, I will not use my useless crew skills to pass the time.


In the end, I have seen more than my fair share of MMOs in my life. And this is one of them that is making claims that they can produce any aspect of the game at a high quality. No lag, button press lag, fps lag, poor pvp currency system to acquire gear. They could have just came out and said that pvp was not going to be a major aspect of the game and people would have accepted this. There are plenty of MMOs that have said they were PVEcentric at creation and I am fine with that walking into a new mmo game.


But don't make promises you can't keep. This isn't any different from when you buy a car and it is not performing as advertised a couple weeks/months after you buy it and you find out that the business that sold it to you satisfied a minor part of that claim. I know people will say "Well WoW has had it's issues". Yes I will agree with that, but every part of WoW has been critiqued to a high quality and blizzard themselves have worked with the customer base to solve the issues. There is no crazy *********** FPS lag like here, the systems that didn't work were revamped in favor of the player.


Lastly, I should have known better. If these morons couldn't get Warhammer to work correctly with the same exact issues over a very long period of time. FPS lag in sieges, Button press lag in pvp and sieges. Low FPS no matter what the system specs. What was I thinking putting my faith in them AGAIN.




I would of thought that they would of at lest learnt from their previous mistakes.


I play on a standard pop server and the lvl 50 PvP bracket is empty (about a 4 hour queue time and then the match ends prematurely) which leaves me little else to do with that character other than piss about on ilum for the PvP dailys with the other 2-3 imps there. Coupled with me playing a Jedi guardian with very little in the way of PvP gear and no solid way of obtaining it the game has become very stale.

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PvP is great and fun, an ya'll hating on it are whiners, never seen better pvp in a game at launch. Have you? what game? Did it have more than 3 instances at launch? I know warhammer online was pvp focused and it was the same pvp feel wise.


No one lied to you. PvP is here it works ok. room to improve sure. They have stated they will add more WZ, an fix ilum.


How about instead of whining and complaining you tell the dev's what you'd like to see in pvp?


Whining about not liking something with no input on improvements is like masterbating in front of people, we're all embarrassed for you.


I would like to see more warzones added. Open world PVP be given thoughtful objectives and rewards.


I would also like to see PVE gear as good as PVP gear, the removal of expertise, a touch of class balancing to improve the melee classes a bit.


I would also like to see more PVE content added, I expect they will, they say they will.


haters gonna hate, whiners gonna whine, thinkers will think and take their time.

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Guild Wars 2 ....................... already in beta testing phase


GW2 will probably be an awesome pvp game. As much as I like the levling content in this game, I am pretty sure I will jump ship in favor of GW2 unless Bioware can improve the pvp. If they do improve the pvp, then I will probably play both games :)

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GW1 was total garbage I wouldn't play gw2 if you bought it for me...


What game has better pvp in an mmo at launch? someone tell me?


What made it better? again to be fair compare the game only at vanilla, we're in the first month here folks.

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


Space combat...... ROFL that gave me a good laugh, Hardmodes are to easy, operations are to easy, ilum dailies are halfassed, crafting is a joke, Story does not matter in end game, infact its pointless in a MMO.


Overall your post is invalid.

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Gotta love the derp derps who are coming into the thread and trying to justify the lack of quality of the pvp aspect of this game.


No, we are not going to sit in the fleet and talk in general. No, I will not kill mobs for gear. No, I will not use my useless crew skills to pass the time.


In the end, I have seen more than my fair share of MMOs in my life. And this is one of them that is making claims that they can produce any aspect of the game at a high quality. No lag, button press lag, fps lag, poor pvp currency system to acquire gear. They could have just came out and said that pvp was not going to be a major aspect of the game and people would have accepted this. There are plenty of MMOs that have said they were PVEcentric at creation and I am fine with that walking into a new mmo game.


But don't make promises you can't keep. This isn't any different from when you buy a car and it is not performing as advertised a couple weeks/months after you buy it and you find out that the business that sold it to you satisfied a minor part of that claim. I know people will say "Well WoW has had it's issues". Yes I will agree with that, but every part of WoW has been critiqued to a high quality and blizzard themselves have worked with the customer base to solve the issues. There is no crazy *********** FPS lag like here, the systems that didn't work were revamped in favor of the player.


Lastly, I should have known better. If these morons couldn't get Warhammer to work correctly with the same exact issues over a very long period of time. FPS lag in sieges, Button press lag in pvp and sieges. Low FPS no matter what the system specs. What was I thinking putting my faith in them AGAIN.



yeah compare a 1 month old game to a 7 year old game... wow was ****ed beyond belief when it came out

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MMO RPG, RPG stands for roleplaying game... no story no roleplay... just cause you are a min max kiddy doesn't mean story is pointless lol. Why would you even buy a game primarily touted as story driven if you don't even like story? lol some people...


So the jist of it all is Bioware included pvp, and hired guys who should have been good at it. Thus making you all believe (your choice) that it was paramount in this game. Now you are complaining and trying to refocus the devs on your pet issue which while included isn't and never was ment to be the focus of the game.


Please quit, please leave the forum, please quit whining without suggestions for improvement. Just saying 'it's broken" is silly... It's not I pvp everyday and have fun.

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


*Poor minigame, fun for about 30 min tops





*Storyline isn't sufficient to put up with the same side quests over and over

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MMO RPG, RPG stands for roleplaying game... no story no roleplay... just cause you are a min max kiddy doesn't mean story is pointless lol. Why would you even buy a game primarily touted as story driven if you don't even like story? lol some people...


So the jist of it all is Bioware included pvp, and hired guys who should have been good at it. Thus making you all believe (your choice) that it was paramount in this game. Now you are complaining and trying to refocus the devs on your pet issue which while included isn't and never was ment to be the focus of the game.


Please quit, please leave the forum, please quit whining without suggestions for improvement. Just saying 'it's broken" is silly... It's not I pvp everyday and have fun.


All I want is a POINT to the PVP outside of *********** dailies and gear. Is that so hard to understand? Why is it so hard for devs to understand this?

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


Space Combat: Repetitive. I'm all done with all of them. No rewards that are really interesting.


Harmodes: Same.


Operations: Dependant on a LOT of other people, I run them when I can, but that's really only once or twice a week.


Dailies: I despise repeatable quests over and over and over and over. Never did like them.


Crafting: Done. Quite literally nothing more to craft except the occasional hilt or something for a guildmates alt while leveling.


Alts: Too grindy never liked alts.


Chatting: I have vent, IM, email, a house where people can gather. Why would I play an MMO just to sit in a 3D rendered room to chat?


PvP IS end game in modern MMOs. Without it there is nothing Devs can design that would even begin to approach the level of entertainment and challenge that PvP offers.


A real human opponent can do something NO amount of instanced NPC fighting can do. React and adapt.


But to each his own. I also like movies, I just don't expect my MMO to deliver The Kings Speech to me to watch while I'm sitting in the fleet.


Editing to add: Not to mention the fact that the game environment BEGS for PvP. It's empire and republic. It's Star Wars. It IS PvP.


Unless they built a game where you could ONLY play as republic and not sith, BHs, etc...then I'd have to suggest the game is inherantly a PvP game.


When a Star Wars game is developed that allows for play on BOTH sides it HAS to be PvP.

Edited by thanealpha
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PvP is great and fun, an ya'll hating on it are whiners, never seen better pvp in a game at launch. Have you? what game? Did it have more than 3 instances at launch? I know warhammer online was pvp focused and it was the same pvp feel wise.


No one lied to you. PvP is here it works ok. room to improve sure. They have stated they will add more WZ, an fix ilum.


How about instead of whining and complaining you tell the dev's what you'd like to see in pvp?


Whining about not liking something with no input on improvements is like masterbating in front of people, we're all embarrassed for you.


I would like to see more warzones added. Open world PVP be given thoughtful objectives and rewards.


I would also like to see PVE gear as good as PVP gear, the removal of expertise, a touch of class balancing to improve the melee classes a bit.


I would also like to see more PVE content added, I expect they will, they say they will.


haters gonna hate, whiners gonna whine, thinkers will think and take their time.


Why are you pretending that this is all being done completely from scratch with no input on the matter. There are NUMEROUS examples of what has been done already. Even if you strive for something that has never been done before, you are at least aware of what has been done before (and whether or not it's worked or not).


Claiming ignorance when you have a 200 MILLION DOLLAR game budget and really think they were ignorant in their game design decisions is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard :rolleyes:


The truth is they made a lot of assumptions with their systems. They assumed people would fight for control over Ilum objectives. They assumed people would want to farm for valor. Now again they assumed they would fight over the Armaments. They need to stop making these ridiculous assumptions and start making sensible changes:


1. Give reasons for people to keep fighting in Ilum once their daily is done. You could really go on for hours on methods and ways to do this, but this is one of the biggest problems with Ilum currently. Once your weekly/daily is done, you are done.


2. Give Valor a meaning besides just hitting rank 60 if you're going to use it as your motivating factor. Renown worked in WAR because there was more than just a gear rank to hit. It also meant extra points, extra talent points, etc. While those ideas may not work for SWTOR, other rewards and incentives need to keep driving players to go after farming Valor (again, especially if you want it to be your motivating incentive to PvP).


I mean really we could go on all day with numerous ways and methods to fix the system, but really it's up to them whether or not they're going to do something about it. I'm willing to give them some time and the benefit of the doubt, but I've certainly heard "Coming soon!" far too often out of MMO developers before.

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DAOC got this right in 2001 for ***s sake. Darkness Falls, dragon raids, open world pvp that was FUN and engaging


DAOC never had anything right, from class balance to RVR. The only reason it maintained subs is there was there was no real compotition on the market at the time.

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MMO RPG, RPG stands for roleplaying game... no story no roleplay... just cause you are a min max kiddy doesn't mean story is pointless lol. Why would you even buy a game primarily touted as story driven if you don't even like story? lol some people...


So the jist of it all is Bioware included pvp, and hired guys who should have been good at it. Thus making you all believe (your choice) that it was paramount in this game. Now you are complaining and trying to refocus the devs on your pet issue which while included isn't and never was ment to be the focus of the game.


Please quit, please leave the forum, please quit whining without suggestions for improvement. Just saying 'it's broken" is silly... It's not I pvp everyday and have fun.


You want story and "roleplaying" go play a pen and paper game or single player game. Though overall you sound like a console kiddie or someone who sits in town all day "lolarpeeing".

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yeah compare a 1 month old game to a 7 year old game... wow was ****ed beyond belief when it came out


I never had any system issues with wow. I had broken mechanics in pvp, servers being down at launch etc..


Sir they are in the same game category. Therefore they can be compared. Also, it happens to be updated and still going as the #1 mmo. The other competitors that have released games to take market share from WoW have been super polished. This game's newb content is smooth. Everything after Taris is a mess.


Oh and my PC is a beast. A complete and utter beast. My PC is about 1/4 the cost of my new car. And it gets 10 FPS in Ilum. GG Bioware/Old Warhammer Devs. You lost once again.

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What is the most shocking thing, is that in beta, alot of fixes we are crying for were infact IN the game, but then they changed them, just to piss off subscribers and lose a record amount of subs in the first two months it seems.
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Well, when the "most experienced PvP team" releases content that is among the worse PvP ever released for an MMORPG, what's really the point of sticking around, especially since the live team is the same team as the development team? What? These guys are suddenly going to come up with something new and fun? We saw what they could do in Warhammer Online, then SWTOR comes out and removes any doubt that they know what they are doing. What gives? Are we waiting for their PvP guy to go back to school, to copy GW2 after it gets released, to complete his journey to enlightenment in Tibet? There's no reason for us to believe that the PvP in this game is going to get better. They've released this formula not once but twice... for the most part, it's playing just like the designers want it to.
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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


You mean, you're surprised that people who came here for a good PvP experience don't want to continue to pay for broken mechanics, unbalanced CC, hardly any world pvp that could be considered actual world pvp, and then BioWare broke Ilum?


Why are you surprised that people aren't going to pay for what they aren't interested in? Are you just dumb? Or was this just a hell of a bad troll?


Just me but I think the OP is dumb and has no idea how to run a business that makes money. Or how pvp works.


All this bluebie crying about "Shut the **** up about PvP because I don't like PvP and it doesn't affect me" isn't a valid argument and really should be carebeared.

Edited by Walfredo
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MMO pvp is MMO pvp. People that expect ground breaking new pvp are just delusional.


If you don't like pvp in MMOs, call of duty is that way ---->


Well, when the "most experienced PvP team" releases content that is among the worse PvP ever released for an MMORPG


Lol, You haven't played many MMOs at all if you think this is the worst ever. Most MMOs that have only been released this long haven't even put in a warzone or equivalent. But please enlighten me with the long long list of MMOs that you have played at launch that had better pvp in the first 30 days.

Edited by Kelticfury
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MMO pvp is MMO pvp. People that expect ground breaking new pvp are just delusional.


If you don't like pvp in MMOs, call of duty is that way ---->


Actually people just don't want to be perma stun locked and deal with the outrageously broken CC in this game.



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It's their money. People can cancel for any reason they like.


I personally find the game to be a good entertainment value for $15 a month. Especially since there's nothing else but Rift to play at the moment for an MMO enthusiast. I'm certainly not giving my money away to play a freaking panda.

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