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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gotta love people cancelling their accounts SOLELY because of PvP.


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Another fail argument.


I can literally go through every planet in this game in my mind. I did every pve quest at least once (heroic +2-4), I explored every planet completely (meaning a cleared world map when pressing M), I found all datacrons, I never spacebared dialogues, I did every instance (some multiple times), I have all my crew skills at 400, hell I even started crafting augmented purple armor for my droid companion because I had nowhere else to spend credits on.


This game is simply so carebear friendly, hitting L50 under/around one month period is THE NORM, not the exception.


1 month is the norm if you put 6+ plus game sessions daily , do you log on every day? maybe you log 5 days a week for 5 hours more or less? Yes that would be the norm.



But for other people like me that work ,study and doesnt rush into home to log on into the game everyday then no , is normal. Is not the developer's fault players put 40+ hours weekly into the game and burn everything. They can put double the content and you still would had finish it all(like you claim) in a month.

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PvP is by far the most popular activity in end game right now cause its the only thing that uses an lfg system...barely anyone does flashpoints at 50 cause its too much of a pain to get a group and even fewer do raids. But pretty much everyone does warzones cause you just queue up and your there in a min. If they put in an LFG system there'd be less whining about pvp because people would actually do something else in this game besides pvp
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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


Are you SERIOUS? The story ends at 50, so theres NOTHING to do but pvp and pve. I'm on the most populated EU Server, and it's IMPOSSIBLE to get a random HC flashpoint group or raid, so all that leaves is pvp, and it's *****.

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The point is that people are cancelling their subs because they thought this was going to be the holy grail of pvp in mmo which most people knew it wasnt because it wasnt advertise as a pvp game.Like Bioware kept saying and promoting ''Its a cinematic story oriented mmo with voice acting'' . I read that as much as people complain about pvp. The pvp advertising took maybe 2 fridays update and nothing more.
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Not surprising when it is blatantly obvious that Emperial classes are not really mirrors compared to republic, from my experience in PVP.


I am convinced that the devs incharge of the emperial class development purposefully altered functionality so that they and their friends could run rough shot over others.


Until BW Management fixes this issue, bleeding of subs will continue.



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Are you SERIOUS? The story ends at 50, so theres NOTHING to do but pvp and pve. I'm on the most populated EU Server, and it's IMPOSSIBLE to get a random HC flashpoint group or raid, so all that leaves is pvp, and it's *****.


Give it time , the average person hasnt reach level 50 yet.Soon level 50 is going to be overpopulated and you will find people easy for that kind of thing, why dont you try leveling another class and see another story? maybe the oposite faction?

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What a dumb post, some people like PvP, some people like PvE, if this game had terrible PvE then people that solely like to PvE would leave. How can you say anything about how other people like to play? Yea this is not a strictly PvP focused game, no mmorpg is, people wanted something out of the norm so they came here and the PvP sucks so they are leaving, why make such a redundant post about it? Gotta hate SWTOR fanbois. They get so offensive at their game potentially failing that they make useless posts like this. I for one am going to let my sub run out after this month then wait for The Secret World.



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To be honest some people play MMORPGS solely for pvp purposes, that is not me, however that remains to be a significant portion of the playerbase, and pvp is the one area where balance is critical.


Right now the game has big balance problems, both faction wise and mechanics wise but developers have already started to show signs of recognition of these problems and are working in sorting them out.


Still though, many players are impatient and will rather quit paying for a game they right now do not enjoy other than dealing with it. It's as simple as that.


I started playing this game with endgame operation progression in mind, if they did nothing to sort out the bugs operation content had and already has I would leave as well. I do not have to put up with a broken game experience, after all.

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


Seriously ?


The mini game sucks, crafting is done by your companions. Not much left...except sitting in fleet and chatting with friends.



It is understandable when player quit because they dont like the pvp, the pvp is just boring and has not much in common with StarWars.. throwin a ball around or crashing doors...thats not starwars. Everyone has a different view of the game so let the people decide what is right for them.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Because PvP gear > PvE gear.


There's no point to be grinding PvE content when you get better gear in PvP. And since PvP is just a big failure now, people quit. I don't blame them


EDIT: Also PvE content is way to easy. My guild have already done all fp in nightmare multiple times, so you got nothing to do but pvp

Edited by Saiwen
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Because PvP gear > PvE gear.


There's no point to be grinding PvE content when you get better gear in PvP. And since PvP is just a big failure now, people quit. I don't blame them


EDIT: Also PvE content is way to easy. My guild have already done all fp in nightmare multiple times, so you got nothing to do but pvp


that's only true in pvp situations, and in situations where pvp loot is easily accessible. Right now for many republic players columi gear is starting to be more accessible than Champion gear, and I'm not exaggerating.


The randomness factor of the champion gear makes this worse.


Rakata gear is , except the weapon, on par with battlemaster gear while columi is with champion.

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BioWare is not responsible for misinterpretation of things they have said nor are they responsible for your lack of ability to think logically


lol if someone fails to think logically, it would be you champ, so try harder. There is no misinterpretation to what they said.


They advertised themselves to pvpers in a way that made it sound great (-Just wait til you experience Ilum, you'll have a blast, anyone?) and highlighting that they have a commited team with some of the worlds best for it.

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PvP is a mess, nobody questions that, gear scales ludicrously well, class imbalances, randomness on your chance of loot.


10-49 is a different ballgame and fun for all so most are just staying in the 10-49 Wz's.


Yes 50 pvp needs to improved somewhat or it'll simply die a horrible death (the pvp not the game)


I too doubt the "honesty" of these account cancelations, afterall in order to post you need to have an active subscription, this was made clear to us before the site overhaul.


So to those that keep saying "I cancelled, my account ran out, I uninstalled"


Please stop lying, it makes you look a complete tool.

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Well PVE is not that great too, I speak for mysefl and maybe some others went I say PVE is dead in MMOs...


Not a single MMO can deliver a fresh and new PVE experience, for some veterans is always te same, kill trash, farm, old mechanics (Move from the fire, Use X item, Focus this Target, Interrup that, Clense that, Move from AOE/Charge) Is always the *********** same and is BORING...


So everytime I star a New MMO I just do it for the PVP, PVP never gets old, is always fun and I can pass a lot of hours in it, PVP is the real future for the MMOs, PVE is getting old for some, not everyone but well a lot of people like me rather to PVP than PVE...


So if a MMO dont deliver a good PVP experience, is just about cancel the subs and wait for another one, Diablo III is around the corner, and GW2 too, no idea if they can deliver some good and balance PVP content but I will try them out...

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


so bioware should be happy that i bought the game and gave them 50 euros instead og ignoring the game

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


I read this message as -


"The Developers promised you fantastic PvP - to quote 'having some of the most experienced PvP developers on our team' - and many of you who got to 50 are discovering this to pretty much a straight up lie. Now granted, SWTOR was always going to be a PvE-centric game, but still, there were heavy promises that made it sound like PvP wouldn't be put on the back burner.


Now you're discovering that's not true, and you're leaving because of it? What, you can't just learn to like boring PvE grinds that are even more mindless than PvP? Really guys? Why can't you just be more like me - easily amused by simple things and willing to look over the huge glaring problems and lies?."

Edited by Mhak
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To be honest I play this game for the pvp only, and even playing the buggiest class (sniper) I'm loving every minute of it.


Point being that not everybody enjoys the same things it's called personal opinion.



The one thing I find completely puzzling is why every little special snowflake feels the need to post every time they quit?! Guess what nobody gives a ****. It's unfortunate you don't like the game but others do. So just cancel your account and go quietly and with some dignity. Not like a spastic that **** his pants and is telling everyone.



God dam self important kids.

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Give it time , the average person hasnt reach level 50 yet.Soon level 50 is going to be overpopulated and you will find people easy for that kind of thing, why dont you try leveling another class and see another story? maybe the oposite faction?


I have rank 65 vanguard, with every slot battlemaster gear. The vanguard is also a 23k hitpoint pve tank.


I also have a level 50 gunslinger.


PvP is the only thing to do at 50. The PvP itself is ok, it's the MACRO-PvP system decisions that Bioware make that are incredibly stupid and it makes you wonder, how can they be so imcompetant?


Random PvP Bag loot systems.


Ilum population caps without individual faction caps.


Only allowing 4 man premade to enter Warzones, so instead of just randoms being frustrated, both randoms and premades are frustrated.


Gear is WAY to easy to obtain. My gunslinger is 50 for 2 days and already has level 50 epics (pve and pvp) in every slot, but 1.


Tier 1 gear is harder to get than tier 3 gear pve. In pvp you'll be in nearly a full set of tier 2 pvp gear until you have enough commendations to get a single piece of tier 1.


The list goes on and on.


These aren't bugs. They're decisions that the dev team has made, and all it streams is INCOMPETANCE, nothing else.


Multiple members of my guild haven't renewed their subscriptions for the last months, so they're gone, and ive canceled my subscription for this month unless sweeping changes come in.

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The percentage of people who threaten to quit on forums is much greater the actual number of people who follow through


I think you'll find you're wrong. Most people just quit and you'll never hear about it. I know for a fact ingame ALOT of people who have quit, much more so than any other game I have previously played.


I have a feeling this month there will be huge losses in subscriptions.

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