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We need something like Gearscore.


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Thanks for explaining sadly why EXACTLY Gearscore is useful. I don't want to run your stupid alts and get you gear. Even if you have the skill, you can't pull the numbers I want in greens. You will be carried. Why should I take you over someone who is better geared? Just because you SAY you are skilled? He might be skilled as well. At least with him I know he COULD pull the numbers I want if he was good.


And how do I know who has the better gear? Gearscore.



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Thanks for explaining sadly why EXACTLY Gearscore is useful. I don't want to run your stupid alts and get you gear. Even if you have the skill, you can't pull the numbers I want in greens. You will be carried. Why should I take you over someone who is better geared? Just because you SAY you are skilled? He might be skilled as well. At least with him I know he COULD pull the numbers I want if he was good.


And how do I know who has the better gear? Gearscore.


Sounds like all you care about is the size of your epeen...God forbid you help someone run through if you get nothing out of it.


And people wonder where the community went on WOW.

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GEARSCORE is the worst thing ever created to the mmo genre. It just dictates you to whatever gear you have available. It takes out the element of surprise,("look at this guy, he as absolutely no gear at all and he plays like a vet! wow i am glad i have invited him")


Imagine this hypothetical situation; You have played couple high end dungeons in another server and you know your way around and you have played with the best of the best so in sum you are a pro. You re-roll and start over in another server, no one knows you, what your skills are.. but you are absolutely delighted that you can show them what you got. Story failed, gearscore killed you.

Edited by ncore
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Link of proof of this... please.. because I watched the documentary about Blood Legion and they say they dont make anything.




That's just one, they had an anonymous dubai prince backing them in the past, threw around a million into their little guild. They've had sponsorships from all over too, that is why they have top of the line razer and supercomputers. I remember a post saying they got a bonus of $50,000 per world first kill. You'd have to look into it


The official blizzard website had some commentation on the top guilds, and that they were likely under contract by such sponsors.

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Thanks for explaining sadly why EXACTLY Gearscore is useful. I don't want to run your stupid alts and get you gear. Even if you have the skill, you can't pull the numbers I want in greens. You will be carried. Why should I take you over someone who is better geared? Just because you SAY you are skilled? He might be skilled as well. At least with him I know he COULD pull the numbers I want if he was good.


And how do I know who has the better gear? Gearscore.


Not sure if you're serious or just really stupid?


As long as he's got the required average DPS to down the boss, what's the problem with him/her being on an alt in greens? The person is still doing their part to down the boss, idiot.

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A bunch of guilds in WoW are contracted and get an upwards of $50,000 for a first boss kill. Don't say pro players don't exist in MMOs, it makes you look stupid.


Urban myth here ^. There is no company paying somebody to down a boss in a video game. If you believe that a company actually would, I have a real fully functional light saber that I will sell ya for a million dollars. It was used only twice and both times to kill Darth Vader.

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Thanks for explaining sadly why EXACTLY Gearscore is useful. I don't want to run your stupid alts and get you gear. Even if you have the skill, you can't pull the numbers I want in greens. You will be carried. Why should I take you over someone who is better geared? Just because you SAY you are skilled? He might be skilled as well. At least with him I know he COULD pull the numbers I want if he was good.


And how do I know who has the better gear? Gearscore.


once again your comparing gear to skill, this is not the case. the player in greens could be really good, but GS tells you hes bad. while the player in epics could be a facerolling nerf herder, but GS tells you hes good. how is this addon useful again?

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I think just a damage meter addon would be nice. Really the only way to tell if someone is bad is take their average dps vs how often they stand in the fire ratio.


And you know what it in worst case can do in conjuction with dungeon fiinder type tool?


There we have group formed... We progress to first boss, kill it then re-count.


Tank asks why do healer does more damage than me? Me being shadow priest and healer was just a random which no-one knowed what spec he REALLy was..


Well even if i try to explain that healer did more damage since he or she did not do his job which i had to do instead and i did not like it... I got booted out since im no worthy dps.. No-one cared to check healing count.


That group prolly had soon a revelation of why was healer doing damaga


But in the end i got booted since i did not do my job but a healers job. And im pretty sure this happens quite a much too.


But this is purely off-topic, sorry!

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


LOL you totally contradict yourself gearscore has no correlation at all to the skill of the player


Can't believe people even think this way it sad

Whats even more sad it is usually nerd rager dps who just spend all day blaming tanks and healers for their own failures

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Sounds like all you care about is the size of your epeen...God forbid you help someone run through if you get nothing out of it.


And people wonder where the community went on WOW.


Noo... he cares about getting in and out of an instance with minimal downtime and mistakes.


You want help? Ask you'r guild - you want someone to tal kto and teach you? Ask you'r guild.


Unless I am mistaken most of the conversation here is based purely on people you DONT know and are pugging with.


I knew my guild mates capabilities - there was no questions there. My posts in this threat are focused on PUG's only.


So to reiterate - if I want to pug through an instance, I have 2 choices - Take someone in greens, or take someone in purps. I have 10 people sending tells - which of the 10 stangers get let it? The geared ones...

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And you know what it in worst case can do in conjuction with dungeon fiinder type tool?


There we have group formed... We progress to first boss, kill it then re-count.


Tank asks why do healer does more damage than me? Me being shadow priest and healer was just a random which no-one knowed what spec he REALLy was..


Well even if i try to explain that healer did more damage since he or she did not do his job which i had to do instead and i did not like it... I got booted out since im no worthy dps.. No-one cared to check healing count.


That group prolly had soon a revelation of why was healer doing damaga


But in the end i got booted since i did not do my job but a healers job. And im pretty sure this happens quite a much too.


But this is purely off-topic, sorry!


Ah yeah, that can happen for sure. That's bad luck though. Elitist ***** who can't be bothered to properly read charts, or be happy a solid group is actually functioning well together, can't be avoided sometimes. Personally, if I'm a tank in a group, if we're all staying alive, people are relatively competent and performing their roles adequately I won't nitpick.

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once again your comparing gear to skill, this is not the case. the player in greens could be really good, but GS tells you hes bad. while the player in epics could be a facerolling nerf herder, but GS tells you hes good. how is this addon useful again?


Gearscore tells me that even if he is good, the person can't do the much dps. He is simply limited by his gear. And I know it's a jerk thing to do but when I want a clean fast run, I take the people who will do the most. As to the other person, if you read my post carefully, I say that I don't know if he is skilled or not. But at least if he is, he can do much more than the person in greens.


And to the person who says that the guy in greens is "doing his part", that may be so but his part isn't equal to the other people's "parts". Why should I let him in my raid when he will do less than other people and end up being carried. How will these other people who did more than him feel when he wins a piece of gear he didn't deserve as much as them?

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Noo... he cares about getting in and out of an instance with minimal downtime and mistakes.


You want help? Ask you'r guild - you want someone to tal kto and teach you? Ask you'r guild.


Unless I am mistaken most of the conversation here is based purely on people you DONT know and are pugging with.


I knew my guild mates capabilities - there was no questions there. My posts in this threat are focused on PUG's only.


So to reiterate - if I want to pug through an instance, I have 2 choices - Take someone in greens, or take someone in purps. I have 10 people sending tells - which of the 10 stangers get let it? The geared ones...


But gear means absolutely NOTHING. I can go "gear" an alt @ 50 for EASILY less than 100k credits. That doesn't mean I know jack **** about playing it though.

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


Gearscore already gave you guys one game to ruin. Go back to wow.


While gear has an impact on numbers, it does not, in any way, shape or form, equate to skill.

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Just remember the times you had an alt and wanted a PUG-run to a Wintergrasp boss for example.


- Can I join?


- Link achi + GS


- Its my alt...


- Begone noob


OP if you need something like Gearscore, you know in which game you can find it.


Do you really think it's going to be any different here though? I mean most gear already has a "gearscore" right on the item in the form of "combat ratings." So people inspect you, look at the color of your gear, look at your combat ratings, and say "begone noob" anyway.


(I'm not saying I want Gearscore in SWTOR; I don't. But I really don't see the difference. They're still going to judge you on your gear instead of your skill.)

Edited by rylixav
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Noo... he cares about getting in and out of an instance with minimal downtime and mistakes.


You want help? Ask you'r guild - you want someone to tal kto and teach you? Ask you'r guild.


Unless I am mistaken most of the conversation here is based purely on people you DONT know and are pugging with.


I knew my guild mates capabilities - there was no questions there. My posts in this threat are focused on PUG's only.


So to reiterate - if I want to pug through an instance, I have 2 choices - Take someone in greens, or take someone in purps. I have 10 people sending tells - which of the 10 stangers get let it? The geared ones...


It's a game...minimal mistakes? Mistakes is how you learn. There'd be fewer mistakes if people like him would take the time to show others how instead of pissing and moaning that they don't know anything right off the bat.

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