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BORED of SWTOR Already!!!


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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.


We all make mistakes, don't beat yourself up over it. There's always Darkfall, amirite?

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Wait, you the same guy that works 80 hours a week, takes care of 3 kids, got to level 50..maxed 3 professions, maxed companion affinity, rank 7 social, rank 23 valor, and didn't space bar a single mission, and after all that wreaks of the smell of ********? is that you, or another....different...troll?


Rank 61 valor? seems to me you've been doing plenty of pvp, or am I missing something?


Hopefully, your WoW subscription didn't run out, when's the new pvp season start? That way you can log a couple hours a day for your dailies, and once a week for your 10 pvp matches. Well worth the 15$ amiright? RESILIENCE FTW!

Edited by Nidien
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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.


You still don't know who this game is for apparently. You don't want to play story over and over again, you want to pvp over and over again. Yet your here complaining that your own playstyle is boring you.. just wow.


btw I haven't played any story over again, and when I decide to make another character I doubt I will pick the SAME character again. You are just full of mistakes aren't you.

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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.


Yes it was.

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There are very few people at level 50 yet. It's not rocket surgery. :p


I don't understand why people blow through things as fast as possible, then complain there is too little to do.


You're alone at the top because you had to speed to the finish. Now you wait until other people catch up.


I can't even conceive of the amount of time you must have spent pvping to be valor 61 already. Sheesh.

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I am bored of reading I am bored of SWTOR posts.......


Hate to say this but this happens in all MMO. I played WoW for 4 years and got bored of doing daylies and the same raids over and over. Expecting an MMO to for fill your personal everyday entertainment needs is a bit much.


Take a break play something else. Wait for the majority of us to hit 50 and for Bioware to release new content that is coming soon.

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Level 50

Valor 61

Legacy 7


Nothing to do but daily quests for 2hrs a day to get battle master bags for RNG pvp then log off.....


I'm bored of Skyrim, you know what i'm not doing, sitting in their forums whining.


Why not go do something you enjoy. We don't need a newflash on what you are thinking, nobody cares.

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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.


Hahahahahaahah..... This was never anything else but a storydriven mmo. Maybe you should've played kotor 1 and 2 and payed attention when they unveiled the game info.

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I have created multiple toons but my Commando is my first 30's character and im continuing with him.. This poster is prob one of those guys who played beta and all he did was PVP to 50 ignoring all the games content... lame lame lame!


Congratz you just wated 60 bucks for nothing. I have been playing this game for many hours a day and doing all the quests and im still only level 36, I am in a great guild and we are working toward end game but no real rush. I help out much as I am an officer and I enjoy doing it not just for guildies but many people asking for help with 2/4's


Its the enjoyment of getting there not the fact of getting there that is the most joy for me. I dont understand people like this poster at all. What is the point, dont enjoy anything types IMO!

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I suppose as many have already pointed out it's a matter of expectations. I had a chance to play a couple of days in Beta and actually stopped when it became clear to me just how much 'story' played into and how much I actually was enjoying the story. Didn't want to wreck live and have to repeat the beginning of each class I chose to try out. Had to wait 3 whole weeks to find out how my Smuggler got her ship back. lol


So yes when BW talked about it being story driven they really meant it. I happen to like story and like the style of it so that expectation has been met.


I also expected because I've learned from playing other games that more then likely 'endgame' was going to be light for a while and that endgame content (especially raids/Ops) would most likely need tweaking and be buggy. Why? Because even though it was beta tested the numbers of people getting or even capable of endgame is usually a lot smaller then those playing at the beginning levels of content.


From my Beta experience it was easy enough to figure out how to efficiently level and get to the end really, really fast if I so desired. I have purposely chosen not to and have been mucking around in the lower levels while things at the higher levels are ironed out, tweaked and more content added.


As for PVP? I checked that out too both by reading and playing a bit in beta. It became clear that while implemented PVP was not and in the short run likely not a focus of the game. I like to PVP a bit and do so a lot in other games. This one? No it just isn't great if I was only a PVPer but it wasn't marketed to some uber awesome PVP game anyways.




Does this mean that I have no complaints or 'ughs' about the game? Nope. I do. But I expected that also. No game is or will be perfectly suited to me personally. I did however find out enough about the game before hand and what to expect both from looking a all the info out there, playing a bit and just from experience with other games at launch to consider it worth the cost of trying it out.


I wasn't expecting the second coming most perfect MMO evah (for me) and low and behold it's not. No surprise there, so expectations met.



It has the foundation to be a really good game, even a great game. The coming months will see where it's heading. I don't mind waiting and being patient through the beggining birth pains but then I expected this to be case.

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make an alt or get a life. your choice


I am so sick of seeing this slang term used. Can anyone please explain this to me? How does someone lack life and how do you even remotely "get life." If life is what you make it and your life is yours to dictate, by human rights it is, then where to people get off telling others this? What the hell does this mean??


Is my life looked at, dissected and evaluated according to others to be found of having this "life." If no one can explain this to me I am going to have to continue on asking this same question and assuming those mouth breathers who said are just retarded in the first place thinking they are talking to dead bodies or something.

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Level 50

Valor 61

Legacy 7


Nothing to do but daily quests for 2hrs a day to get battle master bags for RNG pvp then log off.....


There are differant classes for a reason, and also 2 factions believe it or not go get everything to 50 then ill consider feeling bad for you... pfft

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So what your saying is


your the equivalent of someone who say


>buys modern warfare 2

>enjoys the game and plays it 24/7

>Whines and moans because they reached 15th prestige (wait i think 15th was in blackops i dont remember

>bad mouths the game


Am i correct in this? i think i am

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It's sad, but all these people bashing the OP are really going to be in for a rude awakening when they, themselves hit 50...


Level 50 is really ...very...boring...


There is nothing to do. If my server is any indication of the others (and there are enough people on my FULL server to make a good comparison with most) then these are the things your gonna find:


4 or 5 end game guilds that are mostly comprised of 4-5 core members and nothing else - Not much in terms of serious raiders/pvpers because the game is so simple (Read: Not easy, but simple as in MR) that its almost not needed.


2 lvl 50 instances that are a joke on Normal and drop terrible gear and take forever to complete - so no one does them...


6 Hardmode instances that are way too hard unless you are geared out in pvp gear - which the pvp gear is better than the instance gear so...no one does them...


10-15 dailies between a couple planets/pvp that you are forced to run day in, day out in order to get decent gear and they are all..really...really...boring...


A PVP gear system that is based entirely on RNG - Do your Daily PvP (Which took me over 3 hours today cause my side freaking sucks and kept losing and you win 3 matches per day) and then get a bag and then you roll a dice if you get gear or 3 commendations (takes at least 30 to get 1 LESSER item and that's for the belts, better items are more and you can't even buy the good items with commendations...).


2 Raids, which combined, take about 3 hours to complete and are so buggy the real accomplishment was actually being able to complete them...but if you can actually get them to work they drop 136 gear (about the same as T2 PvP gear...which you get with the Random Daily Slot Machine! Which after a week of hardcore working at the slot machine I have yet to see 1 item.)


Standing around on the Republic Fleet queuing for PVP match after PVP match because there really is absolutely nothing to do after you've finished the raids...



What I hope is that these things are changed before all the slow levelers get to 50, because if it's not then the Casuals are gonna flip a lid at how mind-numbing lvl 50 progression is...


A week ago I would have disagreed with you, but having been level 50 for three days...I now agree.


Don't get me wrong, I think the leveling experience was a blast and I can't wait to make an alt. However, the level 50 content that is currently in game is so similar to WoW, and so meh regardless of the WoW comparison, that the January patch and future content can't come soon enough.

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I am bored since ~ 1-2 weeks.


I got this characters:


Sith-Inquisitor 22

BH 16

Smuggler 29

Jedi-Consular 22

Trooper 20

Jedi-Consular 21



I don't know why, but it is really exhausting me. I don't know the reason, maybe the unending and uninspiring dialogues before I can start doing anything.


None of the stories could hold me to play.

Edited by LovarBoy
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I've got 7 characters of which 2 I'm trying to level. I was bored a week ago. Can't see paying a sub for something that is boring, therefore I canceled my sub 6 days ago.


The music is cool. The graphics are decent. The voice over acting is OK.


Everything else is bad. The writing, which means the quests, and the pvp is terrible.

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Level 50

Valor 61

Legacy 7


Nothing to do but daily quests for 2hrs a day to get battle master bags for RNG pvp then log off.....


I normally don't say stuff like this but honestly you need to finds some other hobbies sounds like your spending way to much time on swtor or maybe you just have a short attention span.

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I agree with OP, except i got bored at level 44. At first i canceled my subscription, then came back a week later to try and get the most out of my free days remaining, 2 days later got bored again and deleted the game, lol. Game is good as a mmo. but...


For story it sucks

For immersion it sucks

For uniqueness of your character it sucks

For uniqueness of companions it sucks

For playing freely your own style sucks ( If your dps, you need healer or tank companion or you die lots)

For misleading dialogue options it sucks

For broken companion item comparison it sucks

For unbalanced gameplay it sucks (normal elite was harder than the boss)


And the list goes on.


If this was a single player game it would had been probably the best game i ever played because in those games your in your own universe in the game, you are the only unique player in a single player game witch makes all that difference in a story driven game. As a fan all of bioware games this game is the only 1 that dissapointed me. To be honest i felt like crying inside, oh well i hope Mass Effect 3 delivers, love that series!

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