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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR More Active Players than WoW!


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300k concurrent not total.



Total subs right now are between 2.5 -3.2 million I suspect Bioware to make the announcement right after the 20th so people can't say "They are all still in their free month!!!"


TOR is a huge success like it or not.


More made up stats with absolutely no backing.

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They sold 2 million according to their own press release. How do they have more subs than games sold?


Stop lying, thanks.


I haven't seen this press release. Can you link to it please?


This is the most recent press release from Bioware regarding TOR:




Now I do think we would have seen a press release if the game had, in fact, hit 2 million units. But the last official number we've heard from Bioware or EA is "over 1 million."


The only site that says 2 million is VGChartz, which is a third party that attempts to extrapolate game sales based on polling. They do not know the real numbers.

Edited by Mannic
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They sold 2 million according to their own press release. How do they have more subs than games sold?


Stop lying, thanks.





WoW says they have 10 mil subscribers or whatever... over half of them aren't even paying monthly subscriptions.


So yes, this game could very well have that many subs, doesnt mean they sold all of them.

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We can probably continue this discussion of press releases on January 31 when they release new numbers and a new release Mannic.


I'll pencil you in for a new thread or two?


Have they announced they're going to do a press release on January 31st?

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uh ... press releases are announcements, so they usually don't get announced that there will be an announcement beforehand? That's confusing.


So where did you pull the January 31st date from?


If Bioware had hit 2 million units, why wouldn't they just announce it, like they announced it the second they hit 1 million? Maybe they prefer to let people believe the unofficial numbers from a site like VGChartz because the real numbers aren't quite as good?


Nah, couldn't be anything like that. Bioware is just waiting for the game to hit 10 million units, then they'll say something.

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This is funny.


"Aint that right y'all? Hellooo?"




Look, I've played WoW and it was fun, yet, this is Star Wars. During my waiting period for new comp specks I've checked out the history of MMos, mmodata sites about subscription numbers for most MMOs and checked out various Youtube videos for upcoming games, and yeah some of them look nice, yet I like this game right now, and maybe I'll play the other games in the future, yet this is a fun game, so I'll enjoy it.


So yeah, congratulations Bioware, well done.

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So where did you pull the January 31st date from?


You misunderstand. I want to revisit this topic with you on that date. See if there's a new release. With new numbers. Hence why I want to pencil you in. Your stance on the game hasn't changed since December. So right now it's just a waiting game right?

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just canceled my subscription to this game why play a game u cant click a button once and it does the ability have fun but SWTOR u have lost 1 sub right here and i can tell u right now u will loose alot more why cant u make the game more reactive ? wow did it and im going back to them they are a far superior game makers and with old software they did alot better job than use have did with this game have fun i give u all 1 year tops and ull all have left :)
Well said
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a few things re wow and skyrim


. its funny that blizzard are promoting that their new class, the monk, will not have an auto-attack. thats sounds familiar..


Also someone mentioned earlier that skyrim was a console game, and numerous people disagreed. I'm a PC gamer and love the elder scrolls, but i thought it was well understood that the game was optimized for consoles?


A PC can output 10x better graphics, so if you're making a cross-console game, it makes sense to optimise it for the weakest link (xbox360/ps3). We see this again and again. Skyrim shipped with extremely limited graphics options, and you had to edit files manually for some of those, also no keybinding options, and the spell and skill menu were clearly meant for a gamepad, not a keyboard.

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Originally Posted by Neverendingname

just canceled my subscription to this game why play a game u cant click a button once and it does the ability have fun but SWTOR u have lost 1 sub right here and i can tell u right now u will loose alot more why cant u make the game more reactive ? wow did it and im going back to them they are a far superior game makers and with old software they did alot better job than use have did with this game have fun i give u all 1 year tops and ull all have left

So you think they wont fix those things?

ok good to know you understand how MMOs work.

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Well said


Well said? REALLY.


WoW had delay problems in PvP on release, many people lagged out when attacking the opposite faction. "older software" has nothing to do with this. honestly... the lack of knowledge of anything on the subject is embarrassing.

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WoW says they have 10 mil subscribers or whatever... over half of them aren't even paying monthly subscriptions.


So yes, this game could very well have that many subs, doesnt mean they sold all of them.


That makes no sense what so ever.

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