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Day / Night Cycle?


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Things like this make people happy but they dont care about that. A good team would enjoy the creativity of coming up with the star wars equiv of halloween, valentnes etc. Then the devs would come up with clever ways of implimenting it. people would log on and enjoy these activities with fellow gamers and customer support would help iron out the problems people end up having.


Instead we will see not an ounce of effort put inot creativity, the devs doing minimal stuff to enhance the game, players fighting like hungry dogs and customer support that would be better not existing at all.

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Before release they said there would be no day/night cycle, just like no holiday special events.


I wonder how long BW can hold out before it succumbs to the dark path of shoving real world religious festivals down our throat. Almost every other MMO has fallen prey to the consumerist gods and their holiday spirit, many really getting on board the seasons of spending by adding holiday items into their real world microtransaction stores.


I enjoy festivities in the real world, I spend face to face time with friends and family, then I go to work and in any festive season am bombarded by those that want to extend their feel good spending spree with bad itunes downloads and crud all over their desks and gods protect me when I go into a shopping centre during any season, let alone look at a TV guide or check the cinema listings. My peace from the commercialism and insanity of the "Festive Season" is to come play an MMO, it's a little bit of escapism from my real life, please no holidays in SWTOR, I have plenty of them in real life!

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I am not bothered by having holidays in SWTOR, but I am bothered not seeing Night/day and weather effects.


I mean come on this stuff was in SWG and that is a really old game.


I miss seeing sand storms on tatooine and see the desert at day or night

Edited by solo-nite
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Why does everyone keep saying there are no weather effects. Apparently my wife and I are the only ones who see snow on Alderaan, rain on Dromund Kaas and I see sandstorms and sand gusts on Tattooine.


There are plenty of weather effects, and they are well-done.


Day/Night cycles on planets is a non-essential feature that simply didn't make it in for launch. It's a low-priority item for the future.


Right now they want to focus on bughunting and new content. I think that's a pretty good idea, myself.

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There are plenty of weather effects, and they are well-done.


Day/Night cycles on planets is a non-essential feature that simply didn't make it in for launch. It's a low-priority item for the future.


Right now they want to focus on bughunting and new content. I think that's a pretty good idea, myself.


thats actually wrong. day/night isnt something that wasn't in by launch, its something that is never coming because bioware left it out by design.

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thats actually wrong. day/night isnt something that wasn't in by launch, its something that is never coming because bioware left it out by design.


They specifically said in an interview that their graphical design team did not have they time to do this right for the myriad number of planets they included in the game. It's on their wish list for the future but is not a high priority.


I'm not going to hunt the interview down for you; you can use Google yourself. It was featured on Massively or MMORPG.com IIRC.


And frankly, I think it's something that just doesn't matter much when compared to bughunting or including new content. Some people will complain about anything.

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If you are traveling between many different planets, why would they necessarily have a 24 hour day/night cycle? I would like to see a day night cycle however it should be based on that individual planets rotation period. One planet could have a 10 hour day night cycle, another could have a 1 hour day night cycle, like in skyrim, or even 40 50 hours! After all, a day on Venus is 247 days long!
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Pretty sure the Star Wars Christmas special has made that holiday canon. Or Wookie Life Day or whatever they called it.


I'm pretty sure that every time someone says that steaming pile of crap is canon, a youngling dies.


It's not. Never has been, and as soon as George Lucas realizes how much female body type 4 looks like Bea Arthur he'll have a friggin' stroke.

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I'm pretty sure that every time someone says that steaming pile of crap is canon, a youngling dies.


It's not. Never has been, and as soon as George Lucas realizes how much female body type 4 looks like Bea Arthur he'll have a friggin' stroke.


Well, it did introduce Boba Fett, if nothing else.

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Why does everyone keep saying there are no weather effects. Apparently my wife and I are the only ones who see snow on Alderaan, rain on Dromund Kaas and I see sandstorms and sand gusts on Tattooine.


I stand corrected...I hadn't seen any sand storms on tatooine yet...I'll keep looking...my bad :)

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