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The Index of SW:TOR Fan Fiction by Author and Class


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Those wishing to have their fan fics indexed in the same way we used pre-launch should reply to this thread with:


  • Story Title
  • Link
  • Author's name
  • and, if applicable, in-game class of the main character


At this point we would like to focus on stories posted to these forums but that may change. Also, please only offer your own stories for the index.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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The Index of SW:TOR Fan Fiction by Author





It Cannot Be Helped by AlyxDinas


The Journal of Darth Siniss by Anubitz


The Lost Archives of a Sith Warrior by Arianwin


Treachery and Healing by Atrilial




The Lady of War Compendium by Bakarn


Interrogation by billyrayjoebob

Couriers of the Monkey-Lizards by billyrayjoebob





Second Chances by ConspicuousTree




Resignation of Fate -- A Completed Star Wars Novel by Daelyn


Wraith by DarkestDaemon


The Saga of Darth Eminok: Rise to Power by Darth_Eminok


Master and Apprentice: Secrets of the Sith by Darth Slaine

The Girl with the Jawa Tattoo by Darth Slaine


The Journal of Adaela Ul'Koth by Duchess of Dork





Sight Of The Force by ErikModi

The Slave by ErikModi




Nothing Else Matters by Fungihoujo





The Ways of the Force: Business by GCRust


A Soldier's Journey by General_Malor


The Barely Legal Jedi by Gestahlt

Memoirs of a Mandalorian by Gestahlt

The True Story of Revan, Savior of the Republic by Gestahlt







The Message by Inama







Love the Force and Everything: a Story Arc by Kalenath


How to Become an Imperial Agent in Four Easy Steps by Kinnu


Star Wars Epoch by Klannad


Trial of Revan by Ksun




Crimson Revelations by Ladywhiterose and Princey




This is my Only Goodbye by M. Pence/Jahnya


The Diary of A Pubescent Padawan by MaceTowanii


The Tale of Maria Johnson and the Terra Team by Maria Johnson


Evil Occurrence by MasterDarvon













The Writings of Lord Coriolis of the Tal'mahe'Ra by Qualthis




Clan Veil'Kesh - A Deadly Debt by Rezearz


Vengeance Through Shadows by Rogan Lovse


The Journey into Darkness, an Acolyte's Journal by RulithBarakis




Tears of the Force by Silthir


In the Shadows - A Smuggler's Tale by SilverShadows


PAWN: Private Party by SwortzForce

House of Vul'canis by SwortzForce




Rauken Starstrike: Juggernaut of the Empire by Tavek-Rauken


There Is Only Passion by The_Dark_Lord


Lost Tales of the Old Republic by Timothy E. Bertram







Diary of a Ghost by Vashy




Anakin Skywalker vs Cin Drallig by Wolfninjajedi

What would you do for love? by Wolfninjajedi





Who Am I by Xru







Edited by Darth_Slaine
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Index of SW:TOR Fan Fiction by Character Class




Bounty Hunter


The Ways of the Force: Business by GCRust


Imperial Agent


How to Become an Imperial Agent in Four Easy Steps by Kinnu

PAWN: Private Party by SwortzForce


Jedi Consular


It Cannot Be Helped by AlyxDinas

This is my Only Goodbye by M. Pence/Jahnya


Jedi Knight


The Barely Legal Jedi by Gestahlt

Sight Of The Force by ErikModi



Sith Inquisitor


The Journal of Darth Siniss by Anubitz

Clan Veil'Kesh - A Deadly Debt by Rezearz

The Slave by ErikModi

Second Chances by ConspicuousTree



Sith Warrior


Master and Apprentice: Secrets of the Sith by Darth Slaine

Rauken Starstrike: Juggernaut of the Empire by Tavek-Rauken

The Journal of Adaela Ul'Koth by Duchess of Dork

The Writings of Lord Coriolis of the Tal'mahe'Ra by Qualthis

Treachery and Healing by Atrilial

There Is Only Passion by The_Dark_Lord

Wraith by DarkestDaemon

The Lost Archives of a Sith Warrior by Arianwin

What would you do for love? by Wolfninjajedi

The Tale of Maria Johnson and the Terra Team by Maria Johnson





Who Am I by Xru

Interrogation by billyrayjoebob

Couriers of the Monkey-Lizards by billyrayjoebob

The Message by Inama

In the Shadows - A Smuggler's Tale by SilverShadows





Evil Occurrence by MasterDarvon

A Soldier's Journey by General_Malor



* * *

Additional Categories




Edited by Darth_Slaine
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It WILL all be reposted, eventually. I need to ask various authors if I can post their work as well. And finals are this week. Fun fun...




Have you considered uploading all the completed stories to an archive? Wordpress works fairly well for that sort of thing. That way you could post them all in one shot once you have time.

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  1. Type out the following enclosed in square brackets:
  2. Then the text you want appearing as hyperlink
  3. Then bracket-slash-URL-closebracket



Shortcut: look for a post (like some of those above) and click "Quote". It'll show you a sample of the code but you gotta know which parts are relevant and which parts you need to change. Click on a few for cross-analysis. Create your own. Test it out and practice a few times. Gain XP!


Shortercut: copy the destination URL. Type the text in your composition screen. Highlight the text, and click on the icon showing a globe with a chain. Paste the destination URL. I'm sure if there's XP to be gained, this'll soon be patched out.

Edited by kampongchicken
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Those wishing to have their fan fics indexed in the same way we used pre-launch should reply to this thread with:


  • Story Title
  • Link
  • Author's name
  • and, if applicable, in-game class of the main character


At this point we would like to focus on stories posted to these forums but that may change. Also, please only offer your own stories for the index.




We would love to get our Lost Tales of the Old Republic fan fiction novel in the list. We're up to chapter 5, part 1 and we release a new piece every monday.


Here are the details...


Story Title: Lost Tales of the Old Republic

Link: http://www.republictrooper.com/category/lost-tales-of-the-old-republic/

Timothy E. Bertram





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