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Leveling as healer


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I am level 30, full bodyguard. I had no problems until mid-late 20s when you start getting silver and gold mobs that spam heals on themselves and never seem to run out of resources. In those few cases, the battles took too long IMO because my DPS + Mako's DPS was not much more than their HPS. I debated specing DPS up to Tracer Missile to make it easier, but then I got our 3rd companion and using them instead of Mako is a HUGE DPS increase. With Mako, I felt that I had to DPS because even in DPS mode, she didn't have much output. With our 3rd Companion, I still DPS, but can switch to healing both of us and still have plenty of DPS.


TLDR: Yes you can level as healer and especially if you plan to be a healer at 50, you may as well so you can start learning the mechanics.

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In those few cases, the battles took too long IMO because my DPS + Mako's DPS was not much more than their HPS.


Although I agree with healing mobs being a pain, you should definitely use Gault. He's much better of a pet for us healer types.

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I leveled as a healer bh from the start up to now (45) and I've had 0 problems, as long as I've kept my equipment up to date with either commodation buys or cybertech.


I also agree that it's pointless to spread out points in non-bodyguard tree untill later to grab the +healing beneficial talents like +aim, +healing, +healing crit chance from arcenal.


Word of advice: Ditch Mako as soon as you can (I rushed through Tatooine to pick up the next one). I can't stress how much of a difference it made.


Currently using Torian, equiping him as dps (melee, but still uses aim) instead of a tank that he's listed at (he's has no absorb, no shield, taunt, so keeping his damage output is preferable to attempting making him into defence, imho). We can solo clear Heroics 2 (not 4!) and kill the named without breaking a sweat, it's great.


The roughest spot imho, is in the 20th, up till you get non-Mako companion, after it's a smooth ride as a healer :). Plus, it's never a problem getting a group together when one is needed.

Edited by rheia
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I'm level 35 and have been leveling as a healer from start, and I had no problems so far. As Everyone else said, keep your gear up and when you get your 3rd companion for DPS it is smooth sailing. Plus with Healing spec it made it a lot more easier for me to get into flashpoints since everyone always looking for a healer, ergo better gear for me when it drops.
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Well, I've hit that spot where mobs heal themselves and fights take forever.


I've decided to respec and go Arsenal, at this level I have enough for tracer missile and after I pick up kolto vents I'll go back to picking bodyguard skills and back into healing.


I only have one companion so I can't comment how bad it is, but remember that the first respec is free. I've seen it mentioned that the respec costs reset every week, so if I need to respec again it won't hurt either, as long as you don't do it every day :)

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Too lazy to read it all, but my 2 cents...


I'm almost 50 now, been a bodyguard the whole way. Trick is to spec a few points in arsenal to get the cheaper power shot and always using a dps companion (not tank). That is, Torian or Gault.


Then just keep your heat level low, heal when you need to and dps inbetween. Fusion missile, unload and powershot (or tracer if to go that deep in arsenal) are your bread n butter. Had no issues whatsoever with any mob the game has thrown at me, including the occasional champion (heroic 2+ on Hoth etc).


And of course (which I'm sure others have pointed out), make sure to keep your gear up to date. For both you AND your companion of choice. Buy barrels for commodations etc!! And when not doing anything else spam rapid shots on something, friend or foe.

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Fusion missile, unload and powershot (or tracer if to go that deep in arsenal) are your bread n butter.


As I am getting more healing skills, I want to clean up my skill bars. This is great info. Are there any other damage/cc skills you keep for soloing as a healer? Is there anything you can easily ditch? I think I want to keep anything cc and possibly death from above (but I'll be honest, I think it's just as cool as deadly).

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What I use if I need a little 'oomph' as a bodyguard is open up with fusion missle then death from above then, if there is a group of weak mobs sweeping blasters, and if not, I usually build up supercharged gas( if it wasn't ready to use already) use it and go powershot happy.


Supercharged gas reduces the cost of powershot to managable amount so you can really deliver some hurting with it.


I personally moved unload and flamethrower skill to the sidebar as they rarely see any use. Especially unload with it's bugged to hell animation. Quickshots to 30 supercharge->gas->powershots on single target works better for me than unload, but it may be a personal preference.


Things that imho, absolutely have to stay on hand, are all your heals, supercharged gas, vent heat, shield, determination, chaff flare, heat sensor override, your CC skills, powershot, death from above and fusion missle. Explosive dart is decent too, if you don't forget to use it when mobs are nicely clustered.


Cylinders, buffs, food, grenades, stims and relics on sidebars atm. Debating if I want to just remove non- combat support cylinders to free up some more space for different medpack, food and stims :/. Running out of space as it is.

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