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08am till 4pm Maintenances? why do we need 8 hour maintenances..?


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You've been given multiple possibilities you just choose to defenestrate them out of ignorance. The most likely reason is that there is no (or not as of yet) on-site staff to deploy new content patches or deliver maintenance and as such it is done remotely. From a DBA standpoint it might be to do with server times and needing synchronization. It might be a customer service standpoint in that if a patch/bugfix is deployed in NA before EU that EU players may feel slighted again having to wait...or vice versa if a patch is deployed to EU prior to NA.


But in the end it's a very small percentage of people being inconvenienced by a daytime maintenance and you're just going to have to accept it for one day out of your miserable existence.


+1 for the proper use of the verb defenestrate. I almost spit soda out of my nose when I met the "Defenestrator" bounty hunter in game!

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People are actually complaining about an eight hour maintenance time - which, by the way, the MMO giant World of Warcraft had done 95% of the time for every Tuesday that I can remember, starting when I started in Burning Crusade, up until just a few months ago - for a game that has been officially released for two weeks, and is this company's first MMO?



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I'm sorry, to what 'other big mmos' might you be referring to? If you are referring to WoW, Lord of the Rings Online, or Rift, then here's the story for you: each of the developers for those games have stated, multiple times, that maintainence is conducted during a time appropriate to their region. Turbine does downtime based on EST; Blizzard is based in PST.


Now, BioWare is located in Austin, TX, which is Central time here in the US; and since, as far as I am aware, ALL servers (regardless if they are labeled Europe or US) are located at their farm in the same location. This is why all down times are listed as CST first, and then converted from there.


Not going to change. Get over it.


Oh, and if they did happen to have a downtime of 8am to 4pm CST, I doubt there would be much of an uproar, since that's about the time about 90% of the US is at work/school anyway.


Our servers are in Ireland.


All the other big mmo's do it during nighttime hours for the EU.

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Oh I thought this was a forum. I'm sorry if this is meant to be your own personal space to have tirades over issues that are largely inconsequential.


Just kidding, get a blog if you don't want people to respond to your inane bull ****.


I dont mind responses.


But if you have no stake in this matter one way or the other in my so called inane bull ****...


Again why are you here?

So you're just replying for the sake of.. replying?


Lets say bioware listens to my "tirades" and says okay sithyjerry we change it.

Would you lose sleep over it? I mean you're at school anyway or work during the hours they have now so if they changed it to nighttime it wouldnt matter to you regardless.


I suppose my point is, is that its infact your inane bull **** that doesnt belong here and has no actual consequence.

Edited by SithyJerry
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Our servers are in Ireland.


You keep saying that, but you know this how? EA has not published the server locations or their IP's, obviously you can get it though netstat but I'm dubious as to whether or not you've got the right one...since there are much better mainland options than colo's in Ireland.

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You keep saying that, but you know this how? EA has not published the server locations or their IP's, obviously you can get it though netstat but I'm dubious as to whether or not you've got the right one...since there are much better mainland options than colo's in Ireland.


Because bioware has said so silly.


Numerous times.


Look it up or ask around.


Also we all would have massive 200ms lag if they were located in the usa.

Anyway they're in Ireland = fact.

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Most people are at work during those hours.


Perfect time for maintenance.


If you aren't working or at school during that time....why are you playing a video game? Git up get out.


Why dont you open your freaking eyes and think outside your little emo box?


There are people that work at nights like my self and this means at day time we are at home.


So it's NOT perfect time!!



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Because bioware has said so silly.


Numerous times.


Look it up or ask around.


Also we all would have massive 200ms lag if they were located in the usa.

Anyway they're in Ireland = fact.


I am asking around...I am asking you. You're the one insisting that it's fact, 15 pages later of a google search, nothing. So how about delivering some facts for once? This is your opportunity.


Why dont you open your freaking eyes and think outside your little emo box?


There are people that work at nights like my self and this means at day time we are at home.


So it's NOT perfect time!!




You are the minority.

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Can you really complain about bugs and then complain again when they take the servers down to fix them?


The definition of the word "maintenance" is lost on you.


They didnt say they were taking it down to patch, or fix bugs, or introduce space bimbos.


They are doing maintenance....for 8 hours.


The outcries of this nature would be a lot less if there were actual fixes being implemented.

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The definition of the word "maintenance" is lost on you.


They didnt say they were taking it down to patch, or fix bugs, or introduce space bimbos.


They are doing maintenance....for 8 hours.


The outcries of this nature would be a lot less if there were actual fixes being implemented.


Except that "maintenance" could extend to all of those scenarios being implemented. Minus space bimbos anyway.

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The definition of the word "maintenance" is lost on you.


They didnt say they were taking it down to patch, or fix bugs, or introduce space bimbos.


They are doing maintenance....for 8 hours.


The outcries of this nature would be a lot less if there were actual fixes being implemented.


Except that they did say they are patching the servers with 1.0.2 tonight: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1116645#edit1116645

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I am asking around...I am asking you. You're the one insisting that it's fact, 15 pages later of a google search, nothing. So how about delivering some facts for once? This is your opportunity.




You are the minority.


I can find is on google on page 1 by the way. :p


However its from an archive here from this forum which isnt working. (search function disabled)


However there are plenty of references and sources that point out that bioware ireland houses the servers for the EU.


This was long ago announced too by the way by bioware itself. (back in september i think)

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I just saw people talking about the maintenance times tomorrow.


8 hours... EIGHT HOURS to do a simple maintenance?!!?!!


most crappy korean F2P MMORPGS have a 3 hour downtime, and most modern western MMOs have 1-2 hour maintenance per week


I know this is bioware's first MMO, but 8 hours per week downtime is just unacceptable...



Are you seriously crying about this? Seriously? You must be an extraordinarily pathetic person with an extraordinarily pathetic life to get so worked up over an absolutely necessary maintenance day. Let me guess, you'll be back the day after to complain that it wasn't enough, and they wasted 8 hours fixing some things that you ordinarily would have been complaining about. You need to re-evaluate your priorities in life and quit contributing to the whiner cesspool that this forum has become.

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I can find is on google on page 1 by the way. :p


However its from an archive here from this forum which isnt working. (search function disabled)


However there are plenty of references and sources that point out that bioware ireland houses the servers for the EU.


This was long ago announced too by the way by bioware itself. (back in september i think)


Link? Quote? Search Terms? etc.


It's largely irrelevant to the discussion, just curious where they actually are.

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This is around the third or fourth thread on this topic in the last week alone.


I have said in previous threads that Bioware could stage these maintenances in two blocks of four hours to minimise disruption to the player base. Blizzard entertainment realised very quickly after WoW's launch the need for different times for maintenance on different continents and of the need to explain in full BEFORE maintenance day of the need for extended server shut down times.


Bioware not only does not feel the need to keep us informed as to why we need eight hour shut downs, the patch notes in advance or what changes they plan to implement to the game in these down times.


Alas my friends Bioware is not willing to listen to what we say or even to show they are aware of our concerns. A company is only as good as a customers first contact with said company, and so far Bioware does not communicate with its customers at all and we feel left out on this side of the Atlantic.


Not a single reply from any representative for Bioware or EA to us in the E.U merely shows their contempt to us as european subscribers and as customers. I hope Bioware are aware that they are risking losing many E.U customers over their apparent disregard for our feelings on this matter.



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Except that "maintenance" could extend to all of those scenarios being implemented. Minus space bimbos anyway.


And, if bioware would just SAY that there is some content in the downtime people might be more forgiving. But they have not. They said MAINTENANCE.


That word has a specific meaning which does not include any patching scenarios...especially space bimbos


*edit* aparently now they have said patches will be included. So I am now just arguing for space bombos. or more of them plz

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Most people are at work during those hours.


Perfect time for maintenance.


If you aren't working or at school during that time....why are you playing a video game? Git up get out.


typical ignorant post that ignores other walks of life except the 9-5

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I'm sorry, to what 'other big mmos' might you be referring to? If you are referring to WoW, Lord of the Rings Online, or Rift, then here's the story for you: each of the developers for those games have stated, multiple times, that maintainence is conducted during a time appropriate to their region. Turbine does downtime based on EST; Blizzard is based in PST.


Now, BioWare is located in Austin, TX, which is Central time here in the US; and since, as far as I am aware, ALL servers (regardless if they are labeled Europe or US) are located at their farm in the same location. This is why all down times are listed as CST first, and then converted from there.


Not going to change. Get over it.


Oh, and if they did happen to have a downtime of 8am to 4pm CST, I doubt there would be much of an uproar, since that's about the time about 90% of the US is at work/school anyway.


Firstly, Rift has region specific downtimes. As does WoW. As does AOC. As does FFIX (so I'm told). Suffice it to say, so do many of the "big names" in the MMO industry.


Secondly, I'm led to believe that the EU servers for SWTOR are in Ireland. This was confirmed by Stephen Reid before launch on the forums iirc.


Thirdly, actual physical location of the servers is not the only factor to consider, quality of service is a factor too. For instance, Sony have EU servers in the U.S. and yet they manage to offer region specific downtimes.


Perhaps it would be wiser to do a little research prior to telling people to just "get over it" in future. And furthermore, unless you happen to be the Game Director or owner of the company making the MMO, never ever say things like "it's not going to change". Because often you will be proven wrong.

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FFIX doesn't have WEEKLY maintenances at all. They do it when it's needed and it's not that often. In that case time frame is not really important.


Turbine uses US time because originally they operated US servers only.

Perhaps it would be wiser to do a little research prior to telling people to just "get over it" in future. And furthermore, unless you happen to be the Game Director or owner of the company making the MMO, never ever say things like "it's not going to change". Because often you will be proven wrong.


He probably did research... on US web sites/forums.:rolleyes:


Secondly, I'm led to believe that the EU servers for SWTOR are in Ireland. This was confirmed by Stephen Reid before launch on the forums iirc.

Judging by ping (from Moscow) they should be somewhere around Britain. Ping to eastern coast of US from Moscow is around 150 (never less than 120). Ping to western coast - around 200. In SWTOR on EU server i get 80-120 - so it should be at the western edge of EU.

Edited by Alexx_T
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Our servers are in Ireland.


All the other big mmo's do it during nighttime hours for the EU.



Firstly, Rift has region specific downtimes. As does WoW. As does AOC. As does FFIX (so I'm told). Suffice it to say, so do many of the "big names" in the MMO industry.


Secondly, I'm led to believe that the EU servers for SWTOR are in Ireland. This was confirmed by Stephen Reid before launch on the forums iirc.


Thirdly, actual physical location of the servers is not the only factor to consider, quality of service is a factor too. For instance, Sony have EU servers in the U.S. and yet they manage to offer region specific downtimes.


Perhaps it would be wiser to do a little research prior to telling people to just "get over it" in future. And furthermore, unless you happen to be the Game Director or owner of the company making the MMO, never ever say things like "it's not going to change". Because often you will be proven wrong.



I will concede that I don't have much direct knowledge of the Blizzard practices; also I will partly concede to your feelings on my comments. I was going on limited experience; I do not have much direct knowledge of how Blizzard does things. However, in the 'not going to change' comment, I was basing this on my extensive knowledge of the Turbine practices (as well as Cryptic with Star Trek Online), and their response that things will not change.


Again, both of those developers only have one downtime, that encomposses a global service, so just saying 'the big mmos all do it' still needs to be quantified by listing which ones you mean.


I would like to join other posters in asking for the links about server locations; I most definitely haven't seen anything saying either way, so it would be a learning experience for all. Also, saying that 'we all know there would be 200ms lag' is completely false; I have more than a few friends from EU that play on an NA server, and have ZERO problems with lag, other than normal server stuff.

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