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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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Cylak is performing a great service by containing the nerd rage to one post.


I believe that his application for the Social Media Representatives for SW:TOR! is in the bag.


Nooo !! It's mine! I'm going to walk down to Bioware in the morning and tell them so! :D

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Sory dude no simpify from me either, i am not in yet but i know the rules, earlier you order the earlier you get in.


think of it as a physical object say a lamp


I love lamp


So say you really want this lamp but 90 other people also want this lamp and there are no others in store.


You put yours on order behind the other 90 because they have already order


now 30 lamps come into stock, do you expect yours before the customers get theres even though they ordered first? Lets me honest..... Probably not


So you wait for perhaps the 2nd or 3rd shipment to come in


they are doing a staggered launch to quality control servers and their load, this type of roll out take time as you do each server at a time add it to the cluster, test it etc.


So they let us in to the game in batches, just like you get your lamp in an shipment.


all you have to do is wait for your shipment to arrive. in either case you may already paid a deposit if not the total amount of the lamp or the game, and either way someone else has the item before you, the lamp or the game. But you do not go crazy on the store who let someone else have their lamp first do you?


So why do you feel it is appropriate here?


think about it.


Playing devil's advocate here.

What you fail to see though is that the lamp shop has more than 91 lamps, and out of some weird unproved business method they decided to let the line of customers only buy the lamps a few (wave) at a time.


So 91st customer learns to dislike lamp because he doesn't see why the favouritism, as he sees it, happens. He then tells others who may have also bought lamps and consequently the lamp shop gets a bad rep and therefore poorer sales than if they had done it differently.


See there is always a counter argument to every argument.

Edited by Lady_Femke
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Because the launch is on the 20th. And they're working, monitoring how the load evens out.


no they are showing favoritism to other people, and discriminating against others.



why should we, who purchased the same preorder, be made to wait due to lack of custimer service?

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.


this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


I'm glad you clarified your stance on the issue with that last line. Thanks :) May have been confused otherwise.

Edited by Aingell
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First come, first served is based on limited quantities.

In the case of this game the its basically unlimited quantities so first come first served is a terrible business model when you have millions over preorders.

Bioware has the Data and statistics on the necessary accommodations to make. The only people holding the customers back is bioware.


No one is holding anyone back, you got what you paid for and agreed to. Also, the launch is on the 20th.

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Because the launch is on the 20th. And they're working, monitoring how the load evens out.


Thats what the beta was for bro.. u know to test server stability and whatnot. If they are worried about server population they need to be adding new servers whenever the current ones fill up. Rift did this the first day of launch they saw the demand and added servers within hours based on the demand. Its so simple..

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


OMG, you are stupid. You knew this years ago. The question is not this, ffs... The thing is, they are giving EGA too much slowly. We already knew not everyone would gain access at the first day, what we didn't knew was them being so cautios and slow at sending invites.

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Oh and because buying the exact same thing as the people playing now, makes me even more stupid right?


NATURALLY it makes you a blithering MORON! A jackarse, a knape, a rube, a cretin! Of course this is what I meant, that buying the same thing as everyone else obviously means your intellect is low, inferior and obviously deficient!


I could spell it out for you... just let me know what alphabet YOU use, mmkay?



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


are you on bloody drugs!! people are fine waiting its little kid slike you that can not handle it.

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i am a father and husband and a department manager and i had time to click on the link that told me to preorder and had time to read that it says OMG PREORDER = AWESOME WITH EARLY ACCESS AND STUFFS. and then in the same size letters EARLY GAME RELEASE WILL BE BASED OFF WHEN YOU BUY AND LINK CODE TO ACCOUNT... that means im in day one right just like 5 minutes after the guys in july preordered yea? YEA???? we need an irl Navi that you can send to people to scream in their ear "HEY, LISTEN." and tell you nothing else aside from the text spoon fed gamers piss me off and will NEVER BE ABLE TO COMPETE WITH COMPETENT GAMERS THAT STUDY AND LEARN THEIR CLASSES READING AND STUFF TO MAKE SURE THEY UNDERSTAND IT... so i hope cylak that you go republic so that i can just snuff you out of existance :D and all you other QQ happy mofo's its early access up till the day of release so get used to waiting and crying cause you have 6 more days of it :D
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Thats what the beta was for bro.. u know to test server stability and whatnot. If they are worried about server population they need to be adding new servers whenever the current ones fill up. Rift did this the first day of launch they saw the demand and added servers within hours based on the demand. Its so simple..


no, by saying "even out" he is saying that they are watching to make sure things go smoothly and adding servers as needed. Because how much would it suck for you, sir, if you got an invite, you go to log in and all the servers are full?? "I have to wait more!! QQ"


Now on the other hand, you log in, you have a nice fresh server! "YEY I get to play!"

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no they are showing favoritism to other people, and discriminating against others.



why should we, who purchased the same preorder, be made to wait due to lack of custimer service?


Actually you're being made to wait because you aren't the first in line.

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Playing devil's advocate here.

What you fail to see though is that the lamp shop has more than 91 lamps, and out of some weird unproved business method they decided to let the line of customers only buy the lamps a few (wave) at a time.


So 91st customer learns to dislike lamp because he doesn't see why the favouritism, as he sees it, happens. He then tells others who may have also bought lamps and consequently the lamp shop gets a bad rep and therefore poorer sales than if they had done it differently.


See there is always a counter argument to every argument.


Not really, because this was agreed on by both the shop and the 91 customers. Some of them couldn't read and weren't aware of the agreement they signed, but no worries, other customers set them straight and they lived happily ever after.

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i am a father and husband and a department manager and i had time to click on the link that told me to preorder and had time to read that it says OMG PREORDER = AWESOME WITH EARLY ACCESS AND STUFFS. and then in the same size letters EARLY GAME RELEASE WILL BE BASED OFF WHEN YOU BUY AND LINK CODE TO ACCOUNT... that means im in day one right just like 5 minutes after the guys in july preordered yea? YEA???? we need an irl Navi that you can send to people to scream in their ear "HEY, LISTEN." and tell you nothing else aside from the text spoon fed gamers piss me off and will NEVER BE ABLE TO COMPETE WITH COMPETENT GAMERS THAT STUDY AND LEARN THEIR CLASSES READING AND STUFF TO MAKE SURE THEY UNDERSTAND IT... so i hope cylak that you go republic so that i can just snuff you out of existance :D and all you other QQ happy mofo's its early access up till the day of release so get used to waiting and crying cause you have 6 more days of it :D





so your mad because i want what i payed for?


i dont how its your problem to be honest

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