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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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i did not purchase early access? is that a joke?


No. You did not purchase early access. Pre-order price is exactly the same as the launch price, it's just split in two parts. And actually, you haven't purchased anything, because Amazon doesn't charge your card until the 20th. Also, your momma.

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logical reasoning, if we were being logical , that would mean everyone would be getting the same treatment


Naa, you want "fair treatment" simply because you're selfish and it would mean you could benefit. You don't care about fair treatment. Bioware spelled out the terms clearly and you're trying to use some idiotic logic against it. Simple as that. You ordered late. Missed the boat. Early bird gets the worm. You're not special, regardless of how many times your mom may have told you that. Welcome to the real world where money talks and the first movers have an advantage.

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logical reasoning, if we were being logical , that would mean everyone would be getting the same treatment


When it's been clearly stated straight from the start that those who pre-order first will have more EGA than those who preorder later?


How on god's green earth is that logical?


Bioware: "Those who order first, get in first. They get more EGA"

Cylak: "Logically, that means we all get the same amount of EGA, irrelevant of when we pre-order, right?"

Edited by DesleDarksyde
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So many people can't grasp the concept of a line, and waiting in that line.



I preordered on day 1, July 21.


I was in Wave 1, and was in-game, making my character at 8:45 am this morning.


Common sense. Rising above the overwhelming QQ since Early Access began!

No other MMO has ever had a "LINE", and bioware did not announce this "LINE" in July. you have no point of value or logic.

Edited by RichLather
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Naa, you want "fair treatment" simply because you're selfish and it would mean you could benefit. You don't care about fair treatment. Bioware spelled out the terms clearly and you're trying to use some idiotic logic against it. Simple as that. You ordered late. Missed the boat. Early bird gets the worm. You're not special, regardless of how many times your mom may have told you that. Welcome to the real world where money talks and the first movers have an advantage.

They did not spell out the terms clearly in july, by the time people realized they wouldnt get to start day 1 it was already too late, again, you have no logic or credit behind your idea.

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believe me, i am seriously considering it, i dont like being mislead with something i have purchasedm which has what happened to like 3/4's of the players here.





We don't like people like you

That's why we got to play earlier and you didn't



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believe me, i am seriously considering it, i dont like being mislead with something i have purchasedm which has what happened to like 3/4's of the players here.


The thing is, in this thread alone it's more like 3/4 of people are just fine with waiting for their early access.


I'm more then happy to wait until my key is released, as long as it's before 11:59pm on December 19th I have no issue.


I have to admit, reading cylak's justifications for being a whiney kid does make me chuckle. I also wonder if cylak had gotten in the first wave of players, if he would be on the forums shouting his disgust with Bioware for all of us here happily waiting our turn. I wonder if he would be sitting in Corrusant or Drumond Kaas raging in general chat "Where is everyone else!?! It's so unfair that I'm here and they aren't".

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer

Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?

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No other MMO has ever had a line, and bioware did not announce this "LINE" in July. you have no point of value or logic.


I distinctly remember a line in WoW when everyone tried to log in at the same time and stuck me in a stupid queue... and I waited... oh look next in line... waited some more....


feels like a line to me.

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I also can't find anything that says you get EGA at all on the Amazon purchase page..until AFTER you order it (via email). So, you get something you didn't even 'know' you'd get at the time of ordering.


The entire argument is fail...But, let's face it..it's a troll..even if he doesn't know he's a troll..he's still a troll. Awareness is not a requirement to being a troll.


Though, you have to be a bit of an idiot to purchase a game from any retailer without first looking into it. Especially a game like this, an MMO, which relies heavily on various features which you can either love or hate. Without first researching such a game you make yourself liable for your failure to research.

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Naa, you want "fair treatment" simply because you're selfish and it would mean you could benefit. You don't care about fair treatment. Bioware spelled out the terms clearly and you're trying to use some idiotic logic against it. Simple as that. You ordered late. Missed the boat. Early bird gets the worm. You're not special, regardless of how many times your mom may have told you that. Welcome to the real world where money talks and the first movers have an advantage.


I have to correct you, sir. What this person(and I use that term loosely) is using is not Logic.


Even the half-bastard child of Logic and Fallacy wouldn't claim whatever the heck cudgel this things using.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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When it's been clearly stated straight from the start that those who pre-order first will have more EGA than those who preorder later?


How on god's green earth is that logical?


Bioware: "Those who order first, get in first. They get more EGA"

Cylak: "Logically, that means we all get the same amount of EGA, irrelevant of when we pre-order, right?"


SHOW me were this was stated to me before buying it at amazon online, BEFORE i payed my money.




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Just leave kids.... Leave this game for normal ppl and learn the rule - FIRST IN FIRST OUT. I did pre-order the game on 27th july and that is why im in game now... Registered ur pre-order in december?? Then blame urself for doing that. Next time read facts and dev posts carefully....
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I have to correct you, sir. What this person(and I use that term loosely) is using is not Logic.


Even the half-bastard child of Logic and Fallacy wouldn't claim whatever the heck cudgel this things using.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums


This is true

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They did. They just did not clarify it for the less intelligent, but the concept of staggering early access was there since day 1.


if you think annoying 80% of your paying customers is smart, then seriously i find that pretty sad.


also them doing this has caused people to cancel the game, thus loosing them money

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You know, this thread is great. It puts to bed the silly notion PVPrs regurgitate like half digested worm. They say, "Red is dead" "We just gank the lowbies to find good PVP" Here we have OP tearing his hair out because he can't be one of the gankers and has to deal with the cold, hard, facts about PVP servers. OP maybe you should embrace this as a chance to develop your PVP skillz.


Thank you for solidifying what I already knew. Most people on PVP servers are social outcasts who live vicariously through their avatar and get off on making other people's game experience miserable.


This applies to everyone who plays video games not just PvPers. If PvPers arent busy ganking PvE's are busy trash talking people over "dps" and booting people out of groups for not having an additional 1 more to crit. Both sides are corrupt and childish.


Everyone is embracing the dark side and I am ok with that.

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No other MMO has ever had a "LINE", and bioware did not announce this "LINE" in July. you have no point of value or logic.


Sure they have. They're called server queues. A different kind of line, sure. But still a line. And the waits in the server queues WoW had at launch could be measured in hours.

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