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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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LOL are you dense?


What planet do you live on? pissing of there customers is a BAD thing, it looses a company money, if for 1 moment you think this is a good thing, you are a fool.


I don't see how any of this answers what I said.


The company decided to do this process, where people gain access in the order they preorder.


The people getting "pissed off" aren't even doing it because they're 'really' mad at the company deciding to do this (because they ALL PREORDERED) - they're mad because it didn't benefit them.


If you disagree with the company - don't play. Let your money do the talking.


And whether I think it is a 'good thing' is irrelevant. It is what the company did. If I had a problem with it - I wouldn't buy the game.

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tracking cookies showed you come from WOW thats why.


You kids are way out of hand, customer??? What exzactly have YOU PAID Bioware? Sub fee? NOPE, Purchased the game? NOPE, dude your just a prospective customer......


I bet 10k can walk today they wont sweat it, A. 4 more will take your place and not gripe, B. you will be back





Played wow for 3 weeks after i quit rift, once the new patch came out and i beat deathwing the next day in a pug, i cancelled sub again.

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And what will be your excuse when you are leveling a new character 2 months down the road, and some lvl 50 smokes you?

Think....before....you type.


I don't like not being able to level with friends who pre-ordered before me, but i'm not going to throw words like 'discrimination' out. That's just...oh *looks at players name* Manshoon eh...lol...please, tell me the server you and your group get on, so I can not roll there =)

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Literate much?


This "debarcle" is really not much of a debacle at all... It's a buch of people who deluded themselves into thinking that what had explicitly been written was not what was going to happen simply because they wished for something else....


I can't very well be sympathetic to the people who wasted time off without knowing that they'd be in. I can't be very sympathetic to the people who want to compete for firsts but didn't bother to examine the fact that their place in Early Access was not going to allow them to compete because they didn't preorder until late.


And for those who keep ranting that the sky is falling, I'll note it's falling because you're not in the game. I'll also note that not a single person is here complaining that there are queues or latency or crashes or loot-lag or anything of the sort.


So yeah, I am sorry I am not in but given that I was literate enough to know that I would not *be* in on the first day having ordered late I have not been in any way disappointed by anything but the glaring self-centered illiterates who are upset that their world is coming crashing down around their ears because they've missed 24 hours of a game that they'll be able to play for months...


As someone else posted much earlier this morning in another whiny thread... "God forbid any of you guys ever suffer a real catastrophe."




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I don't really like this privileged vibe I get from this launch. I would have preferred it if the invites where completely random. But there's nothing I can do about that.


This isn't about privalege, but people who took advantage of an opportunity.


Bioware said in July of this year, after Comic Con that the earlier you pre-order, the higher % you have of getting into EGA at the earliest date.


People like me who took advantage of this got in day one and will continue the fun in Day 2.


People like you who obviously did not register until this month clearly did not take advantage of the opportunity that Bioware gave you.

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To the people crying about having to wait - If a video game gets you this broke up deep down on the insides, you might want to do some soul searching.



Now stop clogging the forums with your entitlement garbage, I'm trying to find out about the game while I wait for my key.

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How mad would you be if you ordered on the first day like all of the other people that were actually looking forward to playing? If stupid things like this concern you why didnt preordering asap concern you? Edited by Talmund
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That arguement makes no sense at all...Yes they are ahead of me and the buy their groceries first but if I am in line..I get my groceries the same day..they dont tell me to go home and buy them tomorrow or up to 7 days.. I get treated exactly the same way as the ones in front of me.


I really think you already understood the analogy - but if you want to split hairs...


They went to the store a week before you. So, they get to enjoy the spaghetti they bought before you do.


Or how about a person who purchases a ticket to a baseball game before you. The "section" of the seating is priced the same - but because they purchased it first, they get to sit closer to Third Base - and you are 20 rows .

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That arguement makes no sense at all...Yes they are ahead of me and the buy their groceries first but if I am in line..I get my groceries the same day..they dont tell me to go home and buy them tomorrow or up to 7 days.. I get treated exactly the same way as the ones in front of me.


Because...you know....there isn't THOUSANDS of people in the line ahead of you or anything...the argument makes perfect sense...geez

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Everyone at Disney Land buys a ticket, but the people who get in line first, ride first. It's called waiting you're turn.


If you need instant gratification, go occupy something and cry with them.


LOL That comment almost made my rum n pepsi come shooting out my nose !!!!!

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To further clarify, we did not all order the same thing. People who bought earlier got something better than those who bought later. That's not discrimination; it was part of the deal as advertised.


Yea the people that bought later were promised early access lololol

Edited by Justinjedi
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Can I have your stuff?


Oh and by the way i was 5 people ahead of you in line at the grocery store today, I have ate my apple before you (even though you got to eat your apple a little bit later)


Also i read all the gossip mags before you as well.


In the end no one wins we both ended up doing the same things just at different times (bet Einstein could make a mess of what I am saying)


I will take you stuff holmes

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To further clarify, we did not all order the same thing. People who bought earlier got something better than those who bought later. That's not discrimination; it was part of the deal as advertised.


Not anywere when i purchased the game did it say "if you preoder this, you will be waiting to get in after others who purchased it first get in"


NO place said that



And no game has done this,

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To further clarify, we did not all order the same thing. People who bought earlier got something better than those who bought later. That's not discrimination; it was part of the deal as advertised. All the good seats were taken by the time you got to the ticket window. Sucks to be you.
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Now stop clogging the forums with your entitlement garbage, I'm trying to find out about the game while I wait for my key.



I'm not going to bother arguing who's right or wrong, but this BS has to stop. The entitlement "argument" goes both ways.

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Not anywere when i purchased the game did it say "if you preoder this, you will be waiting to get in after others who purchased it first get in"


NO place said that



And no game has done this,


Yes it did. It was very clearly stated in the FAQ. Still is, actually, just like it has been since July.

Edited by imtrick
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They purchased PREORDER


exactly what i purchased


Wow, seriously? Grow up mate.


There is an access que based on TIME of PURCHASE! Why is this so hard to understand??


You knew it would be this way, BW made it perfectly clear........


We would all love access right now but please, try and maintain a little dignity.


Cause at the moment you just sound like a whiny little puppy dog whos just pissed on the floor.

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Not anywere when i purchased the game did it say "if you preoder this, you will be waiting to get in after others who purchased it first get in"


NO place said that


No place said you'd be getting in same day either.



And no game has done this,


First time for everything.

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