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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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... How do you function in society with this train of logic? You are the reason their are warning labels on chain saws, telling you not to start them witht he blade between your legs.




Flawless Victory!

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Apologize for what? Doing exactly what they said they were going to do? Man, people really are self-entitled nowadays. It's a mess to YOU because you didn't sign up early enough to get in today. Big deal. Me neither. Difference is I can look at this rationally and not try to place the blame on anyone but myself. I knew how the system worked and I missed the bus. MY FAULT. Jeez, HOW HARD IS THAT TO DO? Take ownership of your decisions and their consequences.


I'm not entitled to anything, but it's just good customer service. I want to see this game succeed and do well and I want to enjoy it, but it's hard to do that when the general mantra is you'll find out in an email 20 minutes after you can play that you can play and we don't care enough to tell you when that will be sooner, because well math is hard and we don't feel like reading server numbers to get a generalized idea when you could get in.


There are so many missed opportunities here by BioWare and EA to make Early Game Access be as awesome as it should be, and they aren't doing diddly. People are mad and they have every right to be, that's something they should fix as quickly as possible.


In before I'm told to QQ and whine more.

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yeah its lame going by date they should of just did it all who got ce get 7 days all that got dde get 5 days and all who got se get 3 days :p


This would be the wrong approach too. They should have done a 24 hour staggered release where everone gets in on the first day.


My solution to fix this mess:


BioWare needs to allow all pre-orders into the EA 14 Dec.

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I cant wait to hear all the people who buy the game after the 20th complain that everyone before them have an unfair advantage because they were let in early.


What about the people who buy the game in say... March.... they have a right to complain because all the hundreds of thousands have started the game early right???


Logic sucks doesnt it

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So after the 20th what do you think ppeople will complain about?


not enough bacon? I think some people really don't have their lives in check if they are so upset over not being able to play a video game. My solution, go out get drunk, find a someone and have a one night stand. I bet you won't be complaining about not being able to play then

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Listen to this person and shush it.




Literate much?


This "debarcle" is really not much of a debacle at all... It's a buch of people who deluded themselves into thinking that what had explicitly been written was not what was going to happen simply because they wished for something else....


I can't very well be sympathetic to the people who wasted time off without knowing that they'd be in. I can't be very sympathetic to the people who want to compete for firsts but didn't bother to examine the fact that their place in Early Access was not going to allow them to compete because they didn't preorder until late.


And for those who keep ranting that the sky is falling, I'll note it's falling because you're not in the game. I'll also note that not a single person is here complaining that there are queues or latency or crashes or loot-lag or anything of the sort.


So yeah, I am sorry I am not in but given that I was literate enough to know that I would not *be* in on the first day having ordered late I have not been in any way disappointed by anything but the glaring self-centered illiterates who are upset that their world is coming crashing down around their ears because they've missed 24 hours of a game that they'll be able to play for months...he=correct end of thread.


As someone else posted much earlier this morning in another whiny thread... "God forbid any of you guys ever suffer a real catastrophe."

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not enough bacon? I think some people really don't have their lives in check if they are so upset over not being able to play a video game. My solution, go out get drunk, find a someone and have a one night stand. I bet you won't be complaining about not being able to play then


I'll drink to that.

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.


if i started playing WoW again now after being away from it for 2+ years, I wonder if there are people in the game that won't have an advantage over me...hmmm...nope i cant see this happening at all!

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I cant wait to hear all the people who buy the game after the 20th complain that everyone before them have an unfair advantage because they were let in early.


What about the people who buy the game in say... March.... they have a right to complain because all the hundreds of thousands have started the game early right???


Logic sucks doesnt it


What about all the people who haven't been born yet?! Why should they be at a 16 year disadvantage because their parents couldn't fornicate sooner?!

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I'm not entitled to anything, but it's just good customer service. I want to see this game succeed and do well and I want to enjoy it, but it's hard to do that when the general mantra is you'll find out in an email 20 minutes after you can play that you can play and we don't care enough to tell you when that will be sooner, because well math is hard and we don't feel like reading server numbers to get a generalized idea when you could get in.


There are so many missed opportunities here by BioWare and EA to make Early Game Access be as awesome as it should be, and they aren't doing diddly. People are mad and they have every right to be, that's something they should fix as quickly as possible.


In before I'm told to QQ and whine more.


Good customer service would be putting you lot out of our misery. I say that as someone who works with the public, or as the bumper sticker says, "Show me someone who still has faith in mankind and I'll show you someone who has NEVER worked in retail."


Unfortunately, that's frowned upon by society. So we have to smile and pretend you lot are right all the time, even while we feel as if we want to commit suicide at the levels of reading comprehension. Most customers aren't customers, they are problem makers looking for attention or cheating their way through life... people returning toasters obviously run over by their truck for full price because the manager says the customer is right.


Did you know that the average reading comprehension of an American Adult is 3rd grade level?


True. Look it up. I weep for humanity.



Previously of "Xenosaga" Forums

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I'm not entitled to anything, but it's just good customer service. I want to see this game succeed and do well and I want to enjoy it, but it's hard to do that when the general mantra is you'll find out in an email 20 minutes after you can play that you can play and we don't care enough to tell you when that will be sooner, because well math is hard and we don't feel like reading server numbers to get a generalized idea when you could get in.


There are so many missed opportunities here by BioWare and EA to make Early Game Access be as awesome as it should be, and they aren't doing diddly. People are mad and they have every right to be, that's something they should fix as quickly as possible.


In before I'm told to QQ and whine more.


So your solution is to force Bioware to give you a bad answer? Then you can complain that it's not accurate? NO ANSWER is better than a BAD ANSWER. When I take my car to the shop I don't ask the mechanic to give me a quote before he even looks at my car just because it's "good customer service" because the quote is inevitably going to be WRONG and I'm inevitable going to be PISSED even though it was ME who put him in that situation. I don't want a rough time table. The only thing it's going to do is get everyone's hopes up and make people do stupid stuff like take off work and rage when it's not right.

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Good customer service would be putting you lot out of our misery. I say that as someone who works with the public, or as the bumper sticker says, "Show me someone who still has faith in mankind and I'll show you someone who has NEVER worked in retail."


Unfortunately, that's frowned upon by society. So we have to smile and pretend you lot are right all the time, even while we feel as if we want to commit suicide at the levels of reading comprehension. Most customers aren't customers, they are problem makers looking for attention or cheating their way through life... people returning toasters obviously run over by their truck for full price because the manager says the customer is right.


Did you know that the average reading comprehension of an American Adult is 3rd grade level?


True. Look it up. I weep for humanity.



Previously of "Xenosaga" Forums


I don't know if I agree with the last sentance, but the rest of it, pure freaking troof! I got out of the military and worked retail again for a very short period of time, and I had to run away as soon as humanly possible before I choked someone to death.

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Me: Hey Jim, you need to buy this new game it is awesome.


Jim: Oh yeah, I heard about that, maybe I'll go buy it after work.


Me: Well, you can't buy it yet, it isn't out until the 20th.


Jim: Oh, then how are you playing?


Me: Oh, I pre-ordered it and they let me play early.


Jim: Cool, well I'll just play with you on the 20th then.


Me: Well, I'll be pretty far into the game then, so we can't really play together.


Jim: Oh, well, when can we play together?


Me: Well, when we get to level 50 I guess.


Jim: Oh, how long will that take?


Me: About 200 hours or so.


Jim: Oh...umm, nevermind then.




Guildmate: This is cool, been playing all day. Love this game.


Me: Yeah, I should get in tomorrow.


GM: Cool, we can do some flashpoints or something.


/me logs in


*Guildmate is level 20*


/me cries




etc etc etc


I hate staggered launch, who cares who gets in when, the end.

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This would be the wrong approach too. They should have done a 24 hour staggered release where everone gets in on the first day.



Actually, I agree that 7 days for CE, 5 days for DDE, and 3-4 days for SE would have been a much better way of staggering it. At least then there is a clear, tangible difference and reasoning for treating people differently. Those who pay more, get more... that's how society works.



Of course, an even better way to stagger it would have been to have it accurately reflect the results of the final beta weekend (which was a simulation for EGA). As it is, they've only let in a small fraction of the amount of people they let in the first day of the beta weekend, and there's no reason they couldn't let in more safely.

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It has not


Not on the packaging , nor the suppliers, not at any stage was i told the people who preordered first would get to play first.


Just in case no one has ever told you, spelled it out, or otherwise made sure you knew it: Murder is against the law.


Just so you know.

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Pre-order isn't free.

no.. the preorder cost $5to hold and that is deducted from the total amount of the game when they charge you for the full amount.. so in essence it cost the same as anyone who buys it on the 20th but with perks.


Edit for stupid spelling errors

Edited by Cormyrlightner
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no.. the preorder cost $5 that is deducted from the total amount of the game.. so in essence it cost the same as anyone who buys it on the 20th but with perks..


Technically it dosen't even cost that. You can cancel your preorder, get your 5 bucks back, and still play in early access untill the 19th.

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