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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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They did not


this is misrepresentation


its that simple, for anyone who did not go onto the website, we were not aware of this unfair rubbish


Keep repeating that. Maybe if you say it 10,000 times it might become true... through the sheer power of will.


On the other hand, I'm not certain you're attention span will last that long. I mean, you missed the text on the page when you signed up, Forrest.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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The whole launch is already a horrid mess, I can't imagine talking to your customers so they feel like they aren't being ignored could possibly make things worse. I mean if the nerd rage levels really increased in here, which I'm not so sure is even possible, at least they tried putting water on the fire instead of just waiting for it to burn itself out.


I mean just do something, send an apology, give away a neat in-game item to people who only get a day or two of early access, I don't care anything would be better than what they are doing now, just do something!


You really don't read, do you? You just write.


HAI, I preorders MONTHS after everyone else in a system that TOLD ME that it would be based on WHEN I input my key. I now want an item for buying the game two days before Early Access...


'cause that makes TOTAL sense...

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It has not


Not on the packaging , nor the suppliers, not at any stage was i told the people who preordered first would get to play first.



this is MISREPRESENTATION, if you think otherwise your a joke.


No it really was out there, on the website, you know the website you had to register on to redeem the code.. at which point it gave you an oppritunity to read the faq to learn about it.


If you are not happy with the STORE not giving you the details then maybe you should take it up with them, but we all know that they are just going to say the info was avalible on the website, its was YOUR responsibility to check.

Edited by Cormyrlightner
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You mean:


"Why is everyone playing but me?"




There, I fixed it for ya :D


no i mean


Why are people playing something, that i also purchased.


again , mirepresentation is not a good thing, and i am sure BW/EA could be liable for doing this

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ahhh a fan i have stomped from other games, oh how you make me smile FAN.


No one has ever destroyed Zentil Keep my friends. Never! Ever! =)


All these other people know you're stupid from the way you post. I know you're stupid cause I've seen you post before. It's the same thing. You're just amazingly dumb to a level that is almost awe inspiring. And I'm also amazed you're still at it.


I changed my mind. Props to you. You are consistent and an epic troll. Good job. Stay angry. Stay ignorant. Stay bad. ;)

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There are always advantages. The advantage usually goes to the nutcases who want to play obsessively and rush to the endgame. This time the advantage (such as it is) goes to those who pre-ordered first.


Actually, this way is LESS unbalancing, imo...

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Your joking right, WARHAMMER was a raging success, oh wait? LOL



seriously the trolls thinking this is right are clueless, as a poster said, i cant wait to read the tears from people when they are getting drilled by lvl 50's that got to play "earlier" on a PREORDER they purchased as well


Just like me dude you are a late preorder, suck it up. I am playing Empire Total War to tide me, and reading Airframe... pick a poison and focus on it for a few more days.

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They did not


this is misrepresentation


its that simple, for anyone who did not go onto the website, we were not aware of this unfair rubbish


Waste of time and waste of breath, really .. get a clue already - its been posted all over the previous forums countless times, its not thier fault you fail to keep up to date with whats going on.



Did you preorder in november or what? - Your own fault.


Flag me all you want, I dont care - Im sick and tired of all this QQ posts all over the forum, nothing but spoiled kids that cant seem to follow a rule set thats been posted.


Cant you just crawl away.. go sue something / someone for not doing what YOU think is right.

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That information has been on the website, in FAQs and in web posts. If you failed to find it, you have no one to blame but yourself. And if nothing else, the fact that so many other folks here know about the pre-order thing should be proof enough that you just missed the info.


so as a consumer i have to go on the websites of all games i purchase, WRONG



not at any point was i told this information


Misrepresentation to make a sale is against the law i am pretty sure

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There are about a billion bicycles in the world, twice as many as motorcars. Almost 400 million bicycles are in China. Every year some 50 million bicycles – and 20 million cars – are produced.


Although Leonardo da Vinci drew some rough sketches of a contraption that looked like a bicycle, the Frenchman De Sivrac built the first bicycle-type vehicle in 1690. It was referred to as a hobbyhorse. However, it did not have pedals. Those were added in 1840 by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, who is credited with inventing the real bicycle.


On a penny-farthing bicycle, one pedal gave the wheel one turn. A lot of pedaling was needed to get around! With the advent of gears, bicycles could move as fast as cars.


Air-filled tires were used on bicycles before they were used on motorcars.


The bicycle as we know it today – with two wheels of the same size – looks almost exactly the same as one from 1900.


The first five-seat bicycle, the quindem, was built in 1940.


That is quite informative. I thank you for this learning post, I have been enriched by your wisdom and feel more fulfilled than arguing about reading comprehension and cretins.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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so as a consumer i have to go on the websites of all games i purchase, WRONG



not at any point was i told this information


Misrepresentation to make a sale is against the law i am pretty sure

You go ahead and file that lawsuit. :rolleyes:



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I agree. I paid my $5 just like everyone else. I feel like the guy that got trampled at a concert because of a festival seating policy.


It's never a good idea to pre-order anything. Pre-ordering is a scam because the stores rarely run out of copies and the rewards for doing so are almost always rubbish. "Pre-order Mass Effect 3 and get a...tin box! :D"

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so as a consumer i have to go on the websites of all games i purchase, WRONG



not at any point was i told this information


Misrepresentation to make a sale is against the law i am pretty sure


... How do you function in society with this train of logic? You are the reason their are warning labels on chain saws, telling you not to start them witht he blade between your legs.



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so as a consumer i have to go on the websites of all games i purchase, WRONG



not at any point was i told this information


Misrepresentation to make a sale is against the law i am pretty sure


Take it to court... see what how far you get. nothing Misrepresented with the preorder, not to mention you art paying anything to get the full 7 days of preorder, just to get the game, the preorder, however many days you get is a added bonus, just like the color change crystal.

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so as a consumer i have to go on the websites of all games i purchase, WRONG



not at any point was i told this information


Misrepresentation to make a sale is against the law i am pretty sure


Yeah.... go ahead and take a multi-million dollar, international corporation to court with little to no case, that'll go amazingly....



Oh wait....

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so as a consumer i have to go on the websites of all games i purchase, WRONG



not at any point was i told this information


Misrepresentation to make a sale is against the law i am pretty sure


If everyone knows it but you, it wasn't misrepresented. If it was only misrepresented on whatever site you ordered from, then you should take it up with them, not the game company. Either way, the fault is yours.


BTW, you never said when you pre-ordered or when you entered your pre-order code. By chance did you for get to do that? Are you now trying to make up things to cover the fact that you made some sort of boo-boo?

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no its people getting an advantage , which they should not be getting, we all purchased a PREORDER , why in the hell are people playing and some are not?


As opposed to a 1st day bum-rush, when no one gets to play? This isn't going to do anything to break the game. Get over it.

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