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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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i go to the store, buy the game, all good, not at anypoint did the store tell me, hey you do realize people who have preordered this game before you will be playing on the servers before you, and nor does it say that on the box.




Again they are liable for misrepresenting a product to the consumer.


Then sue THE RETAILER! Because BW did their job of telling EVERYONE BUT YOU, apparently, that EGA is on a "first come first served" basis which is determined by when you entered your "pre-order code".

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i go to the store, buy the game, all good, not at anypoint did the store tell me, hey you do realize people who have preordered this game before you will be playing on the servers before you, and nor does it say that on the box.




Again they are liable for misrepresenting a product to the consumer.


you're already at the store, you havent preordered it yet so at that point it doesn't matter if they tell you or not because it's not going to get you in any faster...if it bothers you that much get your money back? lol

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@cylak just have some patience man, you're acting like you are on the boat all alone. A whole lot of us are waiting to get in just like you
I don't see it written anywhere that I have to have patience! I'm canceling my order NAO! Edited by Hordequester
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Just to sum it all up again - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/812/factsd.jpg/



this is where is argument stems from, that it isnt shown on the box or told by retailer etc.. but retailers are humans and humans make mistakes, but the box tells the truth!.. THE END.


So let me get this straight, that says, people who have preordered the game prior to you, will be playing before you.


And also go to amazons sight and find me anywere , were you can see what you just linked.

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So let me get this straight, that says, people who have preordered the game prior to you, will be playing before you.


And also go to amazons sight and find me anywere , were you can see what you just linked.


then you have a problem amazon not with bioware. why don't you email them and see what they say.

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... Guys, I hope you all realize it's a game and in a week and a half you'll be playing. I've waited since Knights of the Old Republic 2 came out for the third installment, but it turned out to be an MMO and i've waited for like what.. six-eight years? Before this was even a legit rumor people had confirmed.


You'll all be fine, the world isn't going to end if you don't get to play right away, you can make up the time you lost in the next ten years or so.




Drink some coffee.


Come back in a couple of hours and see if you got in; if not.. continue living, it's okay. It's going to be *okay*

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So by his logic, if you go to the store and buy clorox and printed on the clorox bottle it says poisonous, do not drink, if the clerk does not explicitly tell him "DO NOT DRINK THIS IT COULD KILL YOU" and he goes home and does it he can sue the store for not revealing that information.


PLEASE, let me know what country you live in. I HAVE to become a lawyer there.

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i go to the store, buy the game, all good, not at anypoint did the store tell me, hey you do realize people who have preordered this game before you will be playing on the servers before you, and nor does it say that on the box.


Why should they? The weren't selling equal early access, just early access. Which you'll still get. Assuming you entered the pre-order code into your account already. You did do that, right? Because if you didn't I'm going to laugh so hard I'll need medical attention.

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Got one simple answer to all of u who complain.... If u don't like it then what the hell are u doing here yet?? Leave.. do whatever u want but stop crying please... have some dignity.... And please find gamescom where dev says clearly they will get ppl into the game in waves to keep the start smooth....
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... Guys, I hope you all realize it's a game and in a week and a half you'll be playing. I've waited since Knights of the Old Republic 2 came out for the third installment, but it turned out to be an MMO and i've waited for like what.. six-eight years? Before this was even a legit rumor people had confirmed.


You'll all be fine, the world isn't going to end if you don't get to play right away, you can make up the time you lost in the next ten years or so.




Drink some coffee.


Come back in a couple of hours and see if you got in; if not.. continue living, it's okay. It's going to be *okay*


Most of us are just... well, bored, because we have ALLLLL this free time we arrangd for Early Access just in case. Only one in this thread seems to have a problem (at least, that's how I read it)

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@cylak just have some patience man, you're acting like you are on the boat all alone. A whole lot of us are waiting to get in just like you.


I am at least...but I'm not about to get all giddy'd up trying to sue somebody, that's what they do on the streets....jumping on the public bus once they seen it got into an accident...crooks man crooks.




What i'm trying to relay to you is that yea..we want to play. we want to wield some lightsabers and save the gosh darn universe's...<--lol


But you have to give it more that a day..more than several. Just think of Huttball man....think about the crowd chantin your name..cylak..cylak..cylak...you going to pass the rock or are you just going to stand there wetting your pants? c'mon now....


lol did that really happen? ... y know.. ppl jumping on a crashed bus?


.. thatd be pretty funny haha

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no its people getting an advantage , which they should not be getting, we all purchased a PREORDER , why in the hell are people playing and some are not?


because the game didn't launch yet? do you think that everyone should be at the same lvl? even on a pvp server that doesn't make sence. you spend the majority of your early lvls on planets restricted to your faction, so the picture alot of pvp players trying to paint about a lvl50 player ganking lvl6 players is not viable. this isn't wow, max lvl players cant raid the starting areas. most of your pvp will be in bg's against players close to your lvl. the only way you'll get ganked by opposite faction is in open world pvp on contested planets, which is what all the pvpers have been asking for. you asked to go places where you can fight reps against imps without the cinfines of the bg. are you telling me you never attacked a player 10 lvls below you? you cant complain that the crap you asked for stinks.

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So let me get this straight, that says, people who have preordered the game prior to you, will be playing before you.


And also go to amazons sight and find me anywere , were you can see what you just linked.


It infact does say that you will get it early access based on when you redeemed your code, so, yeah, it say it on the box. On amazon it simply says that you will get early access, nothing about how long or when, just says that you get it, so unless you dont get aleast one day early access then amazon it also not wrong. your argument is more thin then paper man.

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