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Why are a "select few" getting to play , when we purchased the same thing?


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have you ever seen that episode of south park where cartman buys a theme park and doesn't let anyone in which makes everyone want to go there. thats what ea and bioware are doing there not stupid.



after the initial sales are done star wars is a dead game


Ignorant statement.

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A few of my friends are playing, I will be in tomorrow, a lot more of my friends will not be able to play for a few days. How am I supposed to level with my guild when we don't get to play on the same day?


There will be level 50's when some people are still level 1, how is that fair?


Why didn't your guildmates wait for you? Say, until Dec. 20th? Nobody's forcing your guild to play early, considering they didn't pay for any of this EGA game time.


As for fairness... have you ever started an mmo post-launch? How would you feel if the game actually launched in secret back in july and by the time your ordered months have already passed? Unfair? Because people got to play before you did?


You know I don't hate people because they got to do something before I did. What sort of philosophy do you have?

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


Quiet. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=66561&postcount=6438


God. This is unbelievable, how can you complain about free time.

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You know, this thread is great. It puts to bed the silly notion PVPrs regurgitate like half digested worm. They say, "Red is dead" "We just gank the lowbies to find good PVP" Here we have OP tearing his hair out because he can't be one of the gankers and has to deal with the cold, hard, facts about PVP servers. OP maybe you should embrace this as a chance to develop your PVP skillz.


Thank you for solidifying what I already knew. Most people on PVP servers are social outcasts who live vicariously through their avatar and get off on making other people's game experience miserable.

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Three months from now none of this will even matter. We'll all be max level on one or two characters and either enjoying the end game content or searching for the next big MMO.


BioWare is actually doing us a favor with this staggered access. Imagine trying to complete quests in the start zones with several million people playing the game right now. There would be people quitting left and right just because they couldn't get anywhere. Instead, they were smart and they've got people on the edge of their seats waiting their turn.


they aren't doing us a favor at all, they can set max pops per shard in starting zones and just keep sharding the starting zone and everyone up to a server pop can be in the starting zones if need be. learn how real mmos work before trying make **** up and defend bioware. this early game access problem is ea/bw being lazy and picking favorites.

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Im still waiting for Cylak to tell me why he did not pre-order super early when BW was clearly saying pre-order as early as possible and we will give you a nice treat (EA, which clearly stated it was staggered, therefore pre-order ASAP).


I have a feeling I wont be getting an answer.

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


Obviously Bioware hate you.

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Ok, i'll get all of you with this metaphore about this thread.


This problem is like signing in for a competition, say a RACE, and we all know the beggining of the race is set up to a specific DATE but some people get to start before the others. Isn't that cheating? O.O... I mean if you signed up AFTER the beggining of the race (game official launch) OKAY fine but damn we're not buying stuff at the mall the ''who is first in line get to buy first''




to video games especially in the MMO type. It is, for some people, a COMPETITION they have to compete in, they want to win. It's like being the first to climb a mountain, it is satisfying for some people to be the first to be level 50.


Overall, my own point of view on this is that IT IS sad that they are doing this in this type of game (MMO) where competition is very present. I'd also like to say that PERSONALLY I don't give a damn about playing now or at launch even tho i pre-ordered i'm just defending the point of view of those that think it isnt right to let some people in just because they rushed home faster (over exagerating) than others to put in their redeem code.




It's like you signed up for a race but get to start after someone else.

This isn't right, it's WRONG you know it but dont give a **** about it.

Those people that can't play just took an arrow to the knee from EA.

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Thats a sporting event..it lasts a few hours..and if I dont get the "good" seats I also pay less $$ to sit up higher...


I said the same section. Sections of seating are priced the same - at least in my city for baseball, football, and hockey.


So I can sit 15-20 rows closer than you, and pay the exact same amount, because I purchase earlier.


As for your pasta...I get the same pasta and I can still eat it the day I purchased it...not told I cannot eat it up to 5 days later and I do not preoder pasta...

"Preorder" is irrelevant. Someone purchases something before you - they get it before you. That's just how ti works.


First Come - First Served.

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This isn't groceries or tickets to a show, this is a game. They knew they has 3 million subscribers wanting to play on day 1. They should have had the hardware in effect to handle that many.


The only reasoning I have seen from Bioware that they are doing staggered waves is because they don't want overpopulated starter zones and because they don't want the servers to be ghost towns in a month because they had to open too many servers for launch.


Isn't that why they introduced map instancing? Why not increase the number of instances available and support it with hardware in the meantime?


What happens when we all hit level 50 and we are populating the same zones, will they have queues and instances then or will they suddenly have magic server hardware to support us all?


This staggered waves idea does not help us gamers at all and only helps Bioware.

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to video games especially in the MMO type. It is, for some people, a COMPETITION they have to compete in, they want to win. It's like being the first to climb a mountain, it is satisfying for some people to be the first to be level 50.


And like the people who climb mountains - you have to PREPARE to do it first.


Everybody had the option to preorder on the same day. Everybody has the option to start preparing to climb a given mountain at the same time. The people who prepare are the ones who complete it first.

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Im still waiting for Cylak to tell me why he did not pre-order super early when BW was clearly saying pre-order as early as possible and we will give you a nice treat (EA, which clearly stated it was staggered, therefore pre-order ASAP).


I have a feeling I wont be getting an answer.


He probably told himself it was just a money grubbing ploy and he wouldn't be sucked into it.

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no its people getting an advantage , which they should not be getting, we all purchased a PREORDER , why in the hell are people playing and some are not?


seriously? have you not been paying attention to the massive amount of information that has been available to you concerning Early game access?


You complaint is totally invalid, moot even.


grow up a little, try to stay informed as to what exactly a product includes.... and the limitation that may already be in place......

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I am not upset I didnt get in....a bit saddened yes..but I also understand how it makes people feel as well...

I have beta tested and went into EA in many games..over a dozen +...I never seen or had to deal with a staggered access...I do not truely understand it...but have to deal with it...

In all honesty I think in the long run it will hurt them more than help...As a small business owner, hopefully wanting to be large corp owner one day I believe that you should treat every customer the same whether they are your 1st or 100th...

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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer



I didn't get in yet because I procrastinated buying the game from July till September.


You didn't get in probably because you touch yourself.


Edit: 7 days in the long run will be no advantage. What happens when I go see family at Xmas? Or when I go to Tobago for vacation? Should I cancel those things, so the rest of my server doesn't get ahead of me?

Edited by Hanselmugatu
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as title says.


Discrimination much?


add in the other problems, lvl issues , especially on pvp servers, economies ruined , players having clear advantages.I could go on and on, there are millions of problems with this staggered launch, its mindblowing that nobody in any of these companies didnt realize the problem this was going to create.



You will find alot of people no longer buy things from the companies assiocated with this game, i know that for a fact, because i already have friends who refuse to play anything EA has there name on, which is this, even though its star wars and they like it, they wont play due to EA, now, all i can say is WOW, way to go with this latest debarcle.



this is Coming from a very pissed of customer


The people getting in first are the people who pre-ordered first. Kind of like how at Disney World, the people who get in line for a ride first get on the ride first even though everyone bought the same ticket. Or would you also be in line screaming to cut in front of everyone else because you're too big a baby to wait your turn?


Me, I don't expect to get in until maybe Friday at the earliest because I waited a few months before I pre-ordered. And I'm fine with that.

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Thats a sporting event..it lasts a few hours..and if I dont get the "good" seats I also pay less $$ to sit up higher...


As for your pasta...I get the same pasta and I can still eat it the day I purchased it...not told I cannot eat it up to 5 days later and I do not preoder pasta...I buy it when I want it and eat when I want it..I dont have to wait to eat it..you are talking about something you can buy and use it immediatly after


Well how about you got pasta pasta but only 10 pounds per day for 5 days. If you don't order the pasta soon enough, someone who did will get it that day and now you have to wait. Same with this game. They have a certain amount of people they are allowing early access each day. And it's first come first serve. This was stated even right before pre orders went on sale. You snooze, you lose so shut ya pie hole, wait ya turn and stop acting like a *****!

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Why didn't your guildmates wait for you? Say, until Dec. 20th? Nobody's forcing your guild to play early, considering they didn't pay for any of this EGA game time.


As for fairness... have you ever started an mmo post-launch? How would you feel if the game actually launched in secret back in july and by the time your ordered months have already passed? Unfair? Because people got to play before you did?


You know I don't hate people because they got to do something before I did. What sort of philosophy do you have?


This your first MMO? They didn't wait because an MMO fosters the "I want to see it first" mentality in every person that plays. My guildmates are not waiting because they got in today and they have no idea when others get to play.


There is a difference in being late to playing an mmo and being there with guildmates on Day 1 and only seeing a small fraction of you being able to play, while the rest have to wait and twiddle your thumbs and hope for better luck the next day.

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to video games especially in the MMO type. It is, for some people, a COMPETITION they have to compete in, they want to win. It's like being the first to climb a mountain, it is satisfying for some people to be the first to be level 50.



Funny. You know there is 10 year waiting list to climb Everest. First come first serve.

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