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2.5k and 5k hit medals with Vanguard


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Is anyone able to hit these medals as a Vanguard? The closest I've gotten was a 2.2k HIB crit on a burning target that was under 30% hp.


I could probably bump this up over 2.5k pretty easily with gear stacking, but I don't think I could get anywhere near 5k.


I have no problem getting assassin medals, paladin medals, or any of the other ones, but I would really like to be able to see a big number pop up now and then.

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Is anyone able to hit these medals as a Vanguard? The closest I've gotten was a 2.2k HIB crit on a burning target that was under 30% hp.


I could probably bump this up over 2.5k pretty easily with gear stacking, but I don't think I could get anywhere near 5k.


I have no problem getting assassin medals, paladin medals, or any of the other ones, but I would really like to be able to see a big number pop up now and then.



I've seen Commandos be able to pull off demo round crits well into the 3K-4K range with debuff stacks, but you might need some help getting a 5K hit off, possibly with someone else debuffing the target for good measure. I'd think it'd take going with a lot of stupid plasma cell tricks for Vanguard.

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2.5k is doable as Assault Specialist Vanguard. Assault Plastique and High Impact Bolt can reach those numbers rather easily, even below 50. Once you get 50 and have proper PvP gear, you can see 2.5k+ crits on Stockstrike as well. A 5k crit just seems a bit out of reach right now, but I'm sure it's possible if a target has a massive amount of debuffs and you get a lucky HIB.
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Using almost full gear, in the right conditions, popping crit/surge relic and expertise consumable, Ive hit around 4700 more than once with HIB in Assault spec. With pvp buff on ground I think i could break 5k, in the maximum possible situation...havent did it yet tho. Edited by ReSeNt
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The only way I can get it as a PvP tank with Supercommando gear is popping my Power relic and Power adrenal and getting a Stockstrike or HIB crit on light-medium armor. Sometimes I'll be able to crit Stockstrike just over 2500 without trinket/adrenal on light armor, though.
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If you are looking to get crazy high crits and their associated medals as a Vanguard then there is only one way to go as I see it now. Taking into consideration the gear and stat realistic limits currently in the game, you have to spec for burst and use cool downs.


I just recently have started to break the 5k crit barrier with both High Impact Bolt and Assault Plastique, the latter hitting for the my highest so far which was 5208 in a Hutt Ball match with my Surge Relic cd, 25% crit cd, and my 550+ Surge Adrinal from Biochem activated immediately after picking up the 15% buff to expertise from the side.


I'm level 50 though and at Valor rank 54, I also am in near full Columi Tech PvE gear (because those blasted Champion bags literally have dropped nothing for me while giving ppl with Valor ranks 1/4th of mine with full gear, which pisses me off). And lastly I am a Biochemist with the 135 aim/25 power Stim which is out of this world amazing.


This is my character self buffed:



And this is what my Crit % and Surge (Crit multiplier) looks like with all CDs activated:



I am starting to put videos up on YouTube and plan on making one of those "look at my stats and talents, now watch me be OP" videos really soon.

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(at lvl 50) Take off armor, when wz starts go out and put armor on, then use your big medpack and boom you got 2 medals.

Yep its broken and a crappy system, yep you cant use tank stats for almost anything in pvp battle because thats broken to. So specing tank talent is pointless for pvp :(

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(at lvl 50) Take off armor, when wz starts go out and put armor on, then use your big medpack and boom you got 2 medals.

Yep its broken and a crappy system, yep you cant use tank stats for almost anything in pvp battle because thats broken to. So specing tank talent is pointless for pvp :(


1. Medpac trick doesnt work anymore.


2. Speccing tank talent is pointless for pvp?

- Storm is useful (Stopping people in huttball mainly, but is useful in the other two aswell)

- Guard is useful (Often win Warzones because of my guarding)

- Ion Cell slows enemies down

- Harpoon immobilize target

- Almost immortal with a healer by your side

- OK damage output


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Is anyone able to hit these medals as a Vanguard? The closest I've gotten was a 2.2k HIB crit on a burning target that was under 30% hp.


I could probably bump this up over 2.5k pretty easily with gear stacking, but I don't think I could get anywhere near 5k.


I have no problem getting assassin medals, paladin medals, or any of the other ones, but I would really like to be able to see a big number pop up now and then.


um vanguard is tank, commando is the one who should be DPS.

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I get 4k+ crits every 90 seconds when i use battle focus and Pvp relic. Those crits get closer to 5k with red buff and adrenal.


You need full champion for big crits. If you don't have the gear, you don't have the damage.


I have not hit over 5k yet, but I will soon. I am about to hit battle master (hit 50 two weeks after the firsts, and do not exploit in ilum). I intend to remod my gear to remove most of the accuracy and replace it with surge and crit/power.

Edited by Malvantyr
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um vanguard is tank, commando is the one who should be DPS.


Really?? Why do people continue to assume a class can only ever tank if they have the option to tank? Assault spec can dish out some serious damage and is extremely mobile. Even if you go hybrid shield/tactics you are capable of applying excellent pressure and can completely lock down healers. Hitting 2.5k with shockstrike is easily achieved using the Iron Fist build and HIB can break 2.5k as assault


Honestly, as a vanguard a commando is one of the easiest fights. When I riotstrike a grav round 99% of the time the commando just stands there not using an attack until it is no longer locked out.

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Is anyone able to hit these medals as a Vanguard? The closest I've gotten was a 2.2k HIB crit on a burning target that was under 30% hp.


I could probably bump this up over 2.5k pretty easily with gear stacking, but I don't think I could get anywhere near 5k.


I have no problem getting assassin medals, paladin medals, or any of the other ones, but I would really like to be able to see a big number pop up now and then.


The answer is yes. However, not on a regular basis. I guess a dps specced vanguard will do it more but i'm a shield spec vanguard.


With the new champion bags I managed to get 9 in one day (2 weeklies 2 dailies and buy a bag) and that gave me a load of gear and a ton of expertise. The very next wz I hit both the 2.5k and 5k medals. I've hit the 2.5k a few times since but never the 5k. I probably had a bunch of buffs as well from other players, relics, abilities etc.


I guess its about hitting the right person at the right time with the right ability. Its tough to do but it can be done.

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2.5k is easily doable with gear. 5k you really need to push your power/surge as high as you can, and you need to attack a really weak target. You probably need to equip some PvE gear as well to accomplish this.


2. Speccing tank talent is pointless for pvp?

- Storm is useful (Stopping people in huttball mainly, but is useful in the other two aswell)

- Guard is useful (Often win Warzones because of my guarding)

- Ion Cell slows enemies down

- Harpoon immobilize target

- Almost immortal with a healer by your side

- OK damage output



Storm is the only thing that is exclusive to Tank Talents, and you don't need to go 31 to get it.

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Yah i can only pull of 4k against an ungeared person with 567 expertice. That is using hib. But i do reguguarly hit are 3.2k, so in terms of killing people i am fine, in terms of getting that 5k medal i will have to be biochem with everything poped against a freshed 50. There isnt a class out there with out biochem an relics that can hit that with ease.
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Getting 2.5k should be easy, especially as Assault spec. Currently 28 on my Vanguard and I will break this easily every game, almost every one of my HiB will hit this hard (90% armor pen ftw).


I have a 50 Powertech in full champion gear, same spec, and have yet to break 5k since they removed adrenal stacking. Should be possible, hit 4995 once which pissed me off, but after they took out that stacking I haven't actually hit it since.


edit - and for those wondering how you get the healing medals, go get yourself some Pure Frozenshock Water, the more people who use this the faster they will realize it needs to be adjusted.

Edited by Dartai
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