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Smartphone APP (Iphone / Android / Windows Phone) to manage Crew


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Hello all... Back then, while in the testing feedback forums, we were actively discussing about a possible Smartphone APP to manage Crew Missions / Crafting / Gathering.


The discussion had people exposing many point of views, and besides being overrun by reasonable and well constructed arguments in favor of the APP, there were some against it too, or at least against some of it's proposed functionality.


I would like to continue our chat, since I felt it was getting somewhere. So let me resume it from where we stopped:


I really appreciate the hard work some people are having, trying to respond to every repetitive question of others who didn't even read the thread about the SWTOR Crew Comlink© (**** it, I'll just call it this name because I think it's cooler:wea_02:).


Keyol, ColonelKer-Nal, Racheakt, SlimsPicken and many others... Thumbs up for you guys! Great ideas and Extremely valid points, some even bulletproof! :)


I'm not going to feed the trolls, as I think it's like filling a hole with no bottom... The only thing I ask is this: Try not to kill the idea before it's born. You can't anyway... But it's better if you try to bring reason and valid points to the discussion rather than just trolling. An idea is like steel: You can make it better the more you hammer and fold it! (But if you hammer trying to destroy it, then you are a mother ****er.)


I've read many negative comments and yes, most of them at bottomless pits of ignorance, but I know some are trying to help with their opinions, even if they aren't perfectly shaped or constructed (due to hate or haste).... So thumbs up for jHats too. :) Thanks man that's cool, even though imo you could tune down that aggro, dude... (It's nothing personal, we're just discussing the probable future of a smartphone app for a PC game..). :o I think I know where you're trying to get (please correct me if I say it wrong), and I've took the liberty of getting 2 of the issues that you wrote (that I think could be made valid if better constructed) and taking them to the next level.


1 - If not built right, there maybe a fun/addictiveness lack of balance in the SWTOR Crew Comlink©, and it could hook people to checking their phones just like a nervous tic. Also, there's the issue "of time between missions"/"inventory"/"money". Let me begin addressing to that as it maybe the most solid argument so far:


As a tester I have played what I think it's a lot, but I never did anything in a hurry. I took my time to fully appreciate the voice acting, read the codex (sometimes re-read it), read the journal, explore the far inches of the map just for the pleasure of doing it. In many ways I played this game just like I've played KotOR and ME series: relaxed, doing everything even if it meant visiting every planet with the Ebon Hawk, riding the Mako to the four corners of the worlds or scanning every piece of mineral I could, even Uranus :D!


On top of playing SWtOR like this, I have written epic feedbacks to Bioware, so I really did took my time. But even with my playstyle I was getting money too fast, leveling too fast, and doing crew missions/gathering/crafting too fast and getting crew skills too fast!


Now I'm just guessing, but I think that was because of the beta: The progression rate was tuned up to a massive speed, so that testers could see more aspects of the game and find more bugs. (EDIT: As in early access (dec 13-14) we are still leveling up WAY TOO FAST)


I really think Bioware should make things slower. Not toooooo slow, but slower nevertheless. So let's suppose they make crew missions take 10x of the time it normally took in the Beta. Then the initial 2-4 minutes would take 20-40 minutes and the more leveled 40 minutes missions would take 400 minutes (I'm guessing that's more than 6 hours). That would be nice for the game, so that people would enjoy it more and stress less.


Still, in the initial levels it would be too fast to be enjoyable on your phone. Imo it's bad to check the phone every 20 minutes, even if only to spend 30 seconds sending them to another mission or just checking what they've gathered. So I think (and I'm not entirely sure on this) that maybe it would be a good thing if the crew missions took more time on the phone, compared to the PC.


That's because of two things... First: it's annoying to check your phone all the time (the app target would be life livers, so they are people who need to feed their children, reach their deadlines at work, make sex, watch movies, play sports, read books, cook dinner, drink with friends, etc, etc). Second that when you're playing the PC game you're really focused on doing that. So i't ok for things to move a little faster. So I think the time issue needs a small planning and balance, like that.


In the case of inventory and money, well, I really don't care if your companion brings an stackable item and, just using the SWTOR Crew Comlink© they automatically put it inside your ship inventory. That's ok. It's just like how it would happen in real life.


But money, as i said, can be a problem as well. If you have infinite money, then you could spend weeks just gathering and crafting. I really don't see this as a problem, but I know many would disagree. So, even not understanding the reason why some see this as a problem, I think that to please them as well, Bioware could also slow down the general prosperity, because in the beta people were getting rich too fast.


2 - Economy issue: I was ready to write a ton about it, even citing Marx, Adam Smith and Keynes... But then I realized that I don't care that much about theorizing economics happening inside a game...:D


So, i'm gonna sum it up: Just like David Ricardo said once... Whatever may be a law in some state of the economy, maybe the opposite if a single and unperceived variable changes... There are too many variables! No one can predict it! Especially by comparing it to WOW... I am pretty sure Bioware must have learned and also implemented a few tricks, right?


So you really can't know for sure what would happen, or even if something remarkable would happen at all... Let's just hope that the present kinda way of thinking about economics prevails: if the GDP (Gross domestic product) raises, then the economy flourishes (you can call that flood, but it's not the right word). Presently economic growth per capita is primarily driven by improvements in productivity (not quantity of products on the market, but frequency of production). So, let's hope that the SWTOR Crew Comlink© makes this: More variety of people producing and more effectively, less the gold farmers and monopolists are visible or even perceived.


Keep up the good discussion! What are your opinions on the matter? Please use arguments instead of trolling, or if you're just in favor or against and don't want to expose a reason, just say so politely.

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If a secure API is released, and a secure app is produced, my work efficiency will crater. :)


But until that time arrives, I am going to be taking my laptop to work so I can log in during lunch, and send my companions on a few more missions. Why not make a little extra cash, or gather a few more supplies while chowing down.


My primary concern about this will still be the potential of having your login information passed through somebody else's app. Hopefully a mechanism will be available to have a hashed account that blocks actual logins, or access to the inventory, or something so that a compromised account can't be looted.


But I'm all for it, and have several iPads/iPhones/Androids that are ready to be used if something comes down the pike.

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I love this idea as well. I think mobile aspects to MMO's really increase the immersion in the game. I've even thought of cool it would be to extend mobile access in some form to mini games or the trade network. Like a stock ticker or something. Or playing games that people can join while in cantinas or something.


Mobile aspects to existing games is only gonna get bigger as time goes on.


Now as far as managing crew, I don't think it will negatively affect the game. The problem is that as soon as you talk about people having an 'advantage' you head down a path of encouraging entitlement or fabricating issues that aren't really there. If you wouldn't tell somebody that it's only 'fair' they are limited to 2hrs per day, then you shouldn't tell them they cat play from their phone. If they are not exploiting any system, I don't see the issue.

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I personally love the idea of this app. The main issue for an app like this would be the balancing of the app for players with and without the app. Players without the ability to purchase/download this app cannot feel like the have a larger hill to climb to succeed in the game. Now as stated in the original post I would agree with some type of extra delay for using the comm link app. Although then you face the problem of what happens if I send my crew on a mission where the duration of the mission is 20 minutes on the comm link versus 10 minutes in the game. For that I would suggest some type of flag for the account that is toggled when you log in and out of the game so that mission timers will return to normal when you log on. As for the issue of rewards and currency I feel that the extended duration timers would negate any issue regarding unbalancing as far as loot and currency is concerned (lets face it there will be plenty of people who regardless of whether or not you have this app will have more gold and better items). This app should give players who have it some advantage because assuming you are downloading this app I feel that it is safe to assume that your aren't going to be playing all day everyday. If you eliminate the usefulness of the app while you are logged in you aren't going to get an advantage over someone who plays a large percentage of time. The advantage clear cut advantage is going to be versus casual to moderate players.


Now another issue to address is accessibility. As we all know the majority of smart phone users are using either an android or a iOS device, including myself. Now there are still platforms such as blackberry and webOS which may have users who wish to use an app such as this, which is why I would suggest a mobile html version of this app so that the demand for this app on other platforms is eliminated and you reach a broader market base, hell I wouldn't even be opposed to using a mobile html site to use these features (would love the app though :-P).


Honestly, I really hope this app does come to fruition because I would buy it in a heart beat.

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I think that an app would be a great idea. I don't think that you would have to do much balancing because of the app. It is not really a problem of people with the app and people without. It is more a fix to the problem of people who have jobs and the like being able to stay on top of their crew skills like the people who play for longer periods of time.


I know that when blizzard first released the auction house app for iphones it engaged me in the game in a way that i hadn't really played before. I know it was also useful in that me and my real life friends could have game/character info at our finger tips while we were away from our computers.

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Keyol, ColonelKer-Nal, Racheakt, SlimsPicken and many others... Thumbs up for you guys! Great ideas and Extremely valid points, some even bulletproof! :)


Thanks. This is an issue I am very interested in. That on top of my hatred of ignorance and disinformation means looking for these threads feeds my OCD.


Still, in the initial levels it would be too fast to be enjoyable on your phone. Imo it's bad to check the phone every 20 minutes, even if only to spend 30 seconds sending them to another mission or just checking what they've gathered. So I think (and I'm not entirely sure on this) that maybe it would be a good thing if the crew missions took more time on the phone, compared to the PC.


I'm going to disagree with this one. The initial levels of crew skills go by quickly enough that you should be in your 30s on your gather skill prior to the end of your first play session after learning crew skills.


The limiting factor here, to me anyway, is credits. I mean if you're gathering and doing missions from your phone, that's costing you credits. At lower levels you just don't have that many credits floating around.

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I would suggest that it should be an open source programme: just to keep up with the latest update of the games and what people want most.


And indeed I like idea of bossing my crew around while at work using my iPhone. My company won't like it but never mind that.


Have a Guild/Friends communication function is also a good idea since in that way you can schedule and coordinate teaming, questing, etc. more efficiently.

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fully support this, it realy helps the begginer and casual players, since their crew mission only last a few minutes. I spend more than half my waking hours at work, this will help me tremendously.


An AH app is also a given, if wow could manage it swtor should have no problem.

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I like the idea of being able to control your crew stuff even when your not "ingame" and a app is one way to go with this.

Problem is everyone doesen have a smartphone and some might call it an unfair advantage, as i see it this can be avoided easy by making the same options availible in the app as a html site.

My point is if this is implemented make it so everyone can access it with or without a smarphone.


(english is not my first language so dont bash me for grammar etc pls)

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I like the idea of being able to control your crew stuff even when your not "ingame" and a app is one way to go with this.

Problem is everyone doesen have a smartphone and some might call it an unfair advantage, as i see it this can be avoided easy by making the same options availible in the app as a html site.

My point is if this is implemented make it so everyone can access it with or without a smarphone.


(english is not my first language so dont bash me for grammar etc pls)



Then life is simple.


So long as BioWare/EA is willing to do a subpage here under which crew skills can be controlled while the game itself is not logged on. Then it does not matter whether there is an App or not: all you need is an internet connect - phone or otherwise.


Then someone somewhere will do an App for it with other essentials (like Guild mail, friends email) loaded in.


The remaining problem is: will BioWare/EA do it? Can we persuade them?

Edited by The_Old_One
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Add "Automatic Schedule" check box and Selection box for emphasizing different crafts and choosing which Companions do what. That way you can totally eliminate the need of player participation and level up way faster, just like macroing in UO. Nice!
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Add "Automatic Schedule" check box and Selection box for emphasizing different crafts and choosing which Companions do what. That way you can totally eliminate the need of player participation and level up way faster, just like macroing in UO. Nice!


Oddly enough, no one is asking for that. We WANT to do the interaction. We WANT to be connected to our characters when we're AFK.


We're not asking for an "I Win!" button here.

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Frankly, I'm hoping for an official BW app. I'm not sure I want to give my credentials to a 3rd party app.


Yes, I agree with you on that. I would be hesitant as well to use a third party -app, if I had to give them my password.


But then again, the other suggestions here, that Bioware/EA make a site based on HTML5, where we can control our crew and crewskills would be great. And yeah, I wouldn't mind double or triple (or ever quadrouple) time for the crafting/missions if done via web (or app).

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Oddly enough, no one is asking for that. We WANT to do the interaction. We WANT to be connected to our characters when we're AFK.


We're not asking for an "I Win!" button here.


But you're practically giving it to others. Creating an offline App or plain old PC program for managing Companions just SCREAMS for a script for automation., even if it's not sanctioned by Admins.


It's not that it wouldn't be nice and resources limit automation for Crafting, Gather skills on the other hand will make macroers rich.


I just think eventually comfort will bite you in the *** with lack of rewards, in this case it's the minmaxers getting every benefit they can to accumulate wealth and undercutting you in prices since they got each and every gather and craft skill with alts 'cause they can automate the leveling.


It would be nice, if I had a phone capable of using Apps...

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But you're practically giving it to others. Creating an offline App or plain old PC program for managing Companions just SCREAMS for a script for automation., even if it's not sanctioned by Admins.


It's not that it wouldn't be nice and resources limit automation for Crafting, Gather skills on the other hand will make macroers rich.


I just think eventually comfort will bite you in the *** with lack of rewards, in this case it's the minmaxers getting every benefit they can to accumulate wealth and undercutting you in prices since they got each and every gather and craft skill with alts 'cause they can automate the leveling.


The minmaxers will be playing every waking moment anyway. And I'm a working guy with a life. So if I'm getting my oil changed or on lunch or break at work, or between classes (yes, I'm a working student) I see no harm in letting me queue up some crafting.


And automation is so much easier when performed on Windows. More apps to do it, less security to overcome.


It would be nice, if I had a phone capable of using Apps...


I would very much like to see a Web app to manage crafting/gathering and do guild chat and GTN for when people are away from their gaming PC.

Edited by ColonelKer-Nal
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I think this would be an incredible idea.


And, taking a step back a minute, it doesn't give tablet/smartphone users a bigger advantage than they already have just by owning such a device.


I'm currently at work, using an App called splashtop streamer to use my pc at home and send my crew (all one of them!) on missions and crafting. I couldn't possibly hope to pvp using it because of lag, but for managing my crew it is perfect. Similarly anyone can do the same from a laptop with an RDP connection set up.


An app that facilitates this wouldn't give me anything I don't already have, it just makes it more enjoyable and less fiddley.


I wouldn't say I'm getting an advantage over others just because I'm not sat in front of my PC doing it?

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I think this would be an incredible idea.


And, taking a step back a minute, it doesn't give tablet/smartphone users a bigger advantage than they already have just by owning such a device.


I'm currently at work, using an App called splashtop streamer to use my pc at home and send my crew (all one of them!) on missions and crafting. I couldn't possibly hope to pvp using it because of lag, but for managing my crew it is perfect. Similarly anyone can do the same from a laptop with an RDP connection set up.


An app that facilitates this wouldn't give me anything I don't already have, it just makes it more enjoyable and less fiddley.


I wouldn't say I'm getting an advantage over others just because I'm not sat in front of my PC doing it?



Just went an got the app ;) when I get home il install the streaming programme an give it a whirl tar.


An actual app is a great idea In my opinion, have an have not disadvantage issues shouldn't be there.

It's generally evolution more an more games are taking this route with apps an web app additions, take EA's fifa ultimate team web app, not all the game users can use that as it requires a web browser.

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Just went an got the app ;) when I get home il install the streaming programme an give it a whirl tar.


An actual app is a great idea In my opinion, have an have not disadvantage issues shouldn't be there.

It's generally evolution more an more games are taking this route with apps an web app additions, take EA's fifa ultimate team web app, not all the game users can use that as it requires a web browser.


Glad to be of help ;) You may need to open some ports up on your firewall! Ports 6783, 6784 and 6785 on tcp

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I would be in favor of an app. For those of you who haven't played WoW, they have an app that will let you work the auction house. You would have access to the items in your bags and could place them on the auction house. If an item that you were selling didn't sell, you could recover it and put it back up on the AH. There were a few other minor things that the app would do, but for me I really enjoyed using the AH.


Adding functions that would let you manage your companions should be easy. For someone like me who doesn't have a lot of time to play tor, this would be perfect. And to address the argument that it gives someone an advantage if they use it, I would disagree. I'm only going to have around an hour or two to play each day. Some days I may not even log in, so having the app would help get things accomplished when I'm away from the computer. Having this will in no way give me an advantage over someone who can spend 5+ hours a day playing. If you're playing then you're managing your companions and able to gather while you play. You're also earning credits while you play, where if I'm using the app, I'm going through credits without a way to recover the cost.


Now the questionable part. WoW charged an extra 3.00 a month to use the app. For me, I'd gladly pay for this service, but I'm sure others would disagree. As long as it was Bioware who managed the app, and not a 3rd party, I don't have a problem with this. At least I wouldn't be giving my login information to someone other than bioware.

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I think this is a wonderful idea. I've played WoW for many years, and enjoyed playing the AH mini-game in it, however, it has gotten to the point where I just couldn't compete any more because real life got in the way... I wasn't willing to give up what little play time I had to farm, so 95% of the items I could make would be sold for less then the cost of mats. I also didn't have enough time to sit at the AH and skim for the best prices on mats so I could make a tiny profit on something that 100 other people were selling.

Once I got the app, however, that changed slightly. I still couldn't compete with a lot of my goods, but it gave me the ability to scan for great prices on mats for the items I could consistently sell for a moderate profit. It significantly enhanced my experience with the game because I finally had the money to buy the things I needed for my character, but it wasn't enough of an edge that I was filthy rich.

I foresee the exact same problem here, in that I won't have the time to be able to truly compete with the folks who play all day long, but I don't want it to miss out on the parts of the game that require me to make goods and sell them for profit.

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The minmaxers will be playing every waking moment anyway. And I'm a working guy with a life. So if I'm getting my oil changed or on lunch or break at work, or between classes (yes, I'm a working student) I see no harm in letting me queue up some crafting.


And automation is so much easier when performed on Windows. More apps to do it, less security to overcome.


Minmaxers are not the ones playing all the time. They're the ones doing most with least amount of effort.


All I'm saying here is that giving easy to abuse tools for people bent on gaining unfair advantage is a bad idea.


Incorporating Guild Chat to IRC or something else would be nice or the ability to talk with people, sure why not. Managing your computer with Remote Access of any sort, fine, sure. An outside App that lets you manage in-game activities without actually logging in? I smell abuse.


And that Windows point? I don't really see how it's easier in Windows or as a matter of fact, in any OS. Problem with automation usually comes when you have to parse information, being in game is a matter of packet sniffing or visual cues, with an App like that, it's willingly sent to you in an easy format.


Like I said earlier, it would be nice to be able to do it, but in the end, you don't really need to have the ability.

How about you just concentrate on the other tasks your "life" needs you to instead of worrying will your imaginary crafting skill go up soon enough. But I guess that goes the other way around too, why do I care if someone is ahead of me.


I'm too old to be grinding my whole day, but I still hold the idea dear that hard work should pay off. If it requires me being around, then it does.

Edited by kronii
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can't be bothered to read all the reply's so...


I dont think there is a need for any kind of app for crew skills


as with most mmo's mm well maybe not eve..

You level as you play the game, you train your profs/crew skills as you play

This is all done durring your online game time


You should not be allowed to affect your game characters/crews while not in the game

its just not the way the crew skills should be used. The idea is to PLAY the game not use apps to give you an advantage over others than cant


if you want to keep track of your crew skills when your not ingame set a reminder on you phone/tablet or pc why bother with an app

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