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PvP Level Gaps


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Everyone gets bolstered to be approximately 80% strength of whoever the highest level character in the warzone is. Note that you're still at a slight disadvantage due to less talent points, not having all your abilities, and the stat conversion not being 100%, but it keeps lower level players from being 1-2 shot (for the most part).
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Best bet is to try a warzone - and see the system in action.


It works really well - there have been some specific examples of problems, but seem mostly to consist of issues caused by the removal of lowbie pvp gear - as well as weekend testers running up against established long-term beta players, and getting owned.


The true nature of the balance will only really become evident on a player level post launch: but i can give you anecdotal confirmation that all my experiences in briefly testing the feature were positive.


The only trick is not to be a hero and try to solo someone who is a vastly higher level than yourself.


Play the team game as a team and bolster works really well, imo - but play it yourself and draw your own judgements.

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Are you kidding, bolstering is the best idea.


It is better than lvl 19's one-shotting lvl 11s by far.


You have a disadvantage vs much higher lvl players, but they are still completely beatable.



edit: I'd also advise trying it before theorycrafting about how bad it is and never giving it an honest chance.

Edited by Foamslinger
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You have a disadvantage vs much higher lvl players, but they are still completely beatable.

if they're ********


it's a bad idea because it doesn't actually close the gap very well, it just tricks players into thinking it does


a rigorous tier system would be much better

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Yesterday i've only got huttballs, where even a difference between lvl 10-13 and 14-16 is huge, because lvl 14s get sprint, get back in the game faster after a death or a ball reset.


So the gap between a fresh lvl 10 against a lvl 20+ would be enormous.


Theoretically, it tries to select people by their pvp rank, but the problem is, after it filled up most of the places with similar ranks, it fills the empty places with lower people.

These people will have a hard time against the higher level players, and their side will have a huge disadvantage.


The system works well on paper, but not ingame :(

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The Bolstering in SWTOR didn't work in the beta, so I'm sure it will be just as imbalanced now. 50's playing together with 10's, you simply can't bolster that. No real chance at 10, no real challange at 50, just stupid.


I would love to see tiers, and 10-29, 30-40-49, 50 is good enough for me.

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Bolstering does not make players anywhere near equal. One of the many stupid PVP ideas.


Bolstering is awesome. PVP only involves your realm, ideally creating a community and faction rivalries. With bolstering in place and only being able to queue for a warzone rather than picking them out BW has found a way to help alleviate queue times. Sure, they could get rid of bolstering, but that would mean also changing how players queue and probably making it multi-realm.


It's not perfect but if you want a server pvp community this is the best way without waiting hours for a queue to pop.

Edited by Dystopic
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The Bolstering in SWTOR didn't work in the beta, so I'm sure it will be just as imbalanced now. 50's playing together with 10's, you simply can't bolster that. No real chance at 10, no real challange at 50, just stupid.


I would love to see tiers, and 10-29, 30-40-49, 50 is good enough for me.


I agree with this too :cool:

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those who think its a "stupid" idea are usually the ones who want to be the level 25 1 shotting lvl 11's


also usually the same people whining on the forums that they didnt get an invite yet and wont be server first to 50, so they can "pawn noobs" on tatt.

Edited by vrgadin
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those who think its a "stupid" idea are usually the ones who want to be the level 25 1 shotting lvl 11's

no, we just want warzones strictly segregated by level range, as has been said many times in this thread


all bolstering does is give players the illusion of a level playing field--it's not actually anywhere near level

Edited by reofjsof
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no, we just want warzones strictly segregated by level range, as has been said many times in this thread


all bolstering does is give players the illusion of a level playing field--it's not actually anywhere near level


well i agree with that, perhaps it will change when the full numbers of people are in game, and they have enough queing for pvp to do this. I suspect atm if you split up the tiers, u would be waiting a LONG time for a game.


especially the imperial side which has far greater pop on most servers, if not all servers

Edited by vrgadin
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well i agree with that, perhaps it will change when the full numbers of people are in game, and they have enough queing for pvp to do this. I suspect atm if you split up the tiers, u would be waiting a LONG time for a game.


especially the imperial side which has far greater pop on most servers, if not all servers


It will be worse when everyone is ingame.


I'm all for the "creating a good server pvp community" that everybody wants so bad, but wont the world pvp that everybody has been praising so much do all that?

I like short queues, and i like level playfields. The notion that "the people who dont like this idea are the people who played lvl 19 twinks in wow" is ********. The people who dont like this idea are the end-game pvpers who dont want low level players who are still learning their class, with limited gear and a stat buff that makes them only 20% worse than they themselves are *********** up for the team.


I'd take cross-realm WZ over that any day mind you...

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The Bolstering in SWTOR didn't work in the beta, so I'm sure it will be just as imbalanced now. 50's playing together with 10's, you simply can't bolster that. No real chance at 10, no real challange at 50, just stupid.


I would love to see tiers, and 10-29, 30-40-49, 50 is good enough for me.


Ditto. Or at the very least 10-49 and 50 brackets.

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Bolstering for warzones is a great idea. However, it's not terribly strong AND there are no level brackets. By the time you factor additional skills, talents points, and gear, lower level players are at a severe disadvantage with no alternatives.
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