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Fix pvp plz its not rocket science


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your suggestions, some are good some are bad, premade brackets yes, level brackets not really. I don't like 3 hour que times. And you want it right now....course you do....programming for an mmo takes zero time and it totally bug free as soon as the code is released.




God I hate people who have zero understanding and feel entitled to everything.

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and 0 understanding? ive been playing mmo's and pvping for 10 years.. so i know a little something about it..

as for the programming part of it? if swtor programmers were smart brackets and premade queues would be in the works already.. and should be implemented sooner rather than later.


the key to mmo pvp is balance. and it is not even close to being balanced atm IMO.

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wait... but... but youre "bolstered" up to 50! ...you mean to tell me that a REAL level 50 > a level 20 bolstered to 50??? ...SAY IT AINT SOOOOOOOO!!! :eek:


on a more serious note: whoever thought this PvP system was a "good idea" ... wow.


it gives the warm and fuzzies when i see a level 50 [enter class here] cap an objective... ALONE ...with half the other team wailing on him to no avail.

Edited by Gryn
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So Aghar.. there is nothing wrong with low lvls queueing up with max or high lvls...

i dont see the logic in that.


due to 2 things. 1 the bolster system give you equivalent stats to the highest level person in the WZ with equivalent gear (if your wearing greens your going to get green level bolster). 2 they are working on a level 50 only bracket, so you will have 10-49 and then 50 only. These have been stated many many times already by devs, and by people on the forums. Stop acting like brackets will solve any of your problems. They wont, all brackets do is lead to twinks and long pvp que times for anyone who is not max level.

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and 0 understanding? ive been playing mmo's and pvping for 10 years.. so i know a little something about it..

as for the programming part of it? if swtor programmers were smart brackets and premade queues would be in the works already.. and should be implemented sooner rather than later.


the key to mmo pvp is balance. and it is not even close to being balanced atm IMO.


And I have been playing, and programming for 20 years. And honestly this is the most fair system to date that still has reasonable que times for everybody. Yes a level 10 has quite a few less abilites than a level 49, and yes they have fewer skill points. But I have still seen a level 10 beat the living crap out of a level 49. know your limits, play with your team, and play smart and you can overcome almost any obstacle. They are not going to one shot you, no matter how badly you want to be able to say they can, they will not.

Edited by Aghar
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bracket it by lvl

make a seperate queue for premades


now would be nice



and no i haven't read any threads about it, nor do i care too

just fix it


They haven't because your Queue times would likely be hours. The majority of the player base isn't 50. The majority of Queueing groups are not premade. They've mixed them so that people can get quicker fights. The Empire is griping now because of Queue times, now limit the amount of Queues they can get and those Queue times increase substantially. Why is this so hard for you people to get? Oh, sorry, you're stupid and can't see past your own nose.

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50s should have their own bracket, end of story. They have too many advantages over lower level characters and don't belong in the same que. If that causes the elite 50s to be butthurt, then roll an alt to hang out with everyone else while the 50s bracket fills up. I personally don't enjoy being fodder, and i don't imagine many of the non-50s do.


If they don't change something fairly quickly on this it isn't going to go very well. Then again, maybe pvp is only a very small part of the game for the base subscriber. I know it is going to effect people trying pvp for the first time and those not on the lead edge of levelling.


While i'm at it, can you take the huttball que off the under 50 list and make the 50s do non-stop huttball? Thanks, that is all.

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bracket it by lvl

make a seperate queue for premades


now would be nice



and no i haven't read any threads about it, nor do i care too

just fix it


No No and No....


bracket it by lvl, what the hell is wrong with higher lvl in your BG your stats are the same or close to them...the only diffrence is the abilities you dont have cause your not lvl 50 like him but you can still beat them....DO YOU WANT THEM TO NERF CLASS TOO?????


sorry but you are WRONG...


and as far as i'm concern....for the premade there is a general chat you can use to make your own PREMADE!!! so just do it and stop crying!!!!

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Need to bracket every 19 levels so 10-29,30-49, then a level 50 bracket. They should also make some servers at least sorta balanced or tell you what average of people dominate on one faction. But also they may have bolstered stats but when a level 11 has 1 stun and a 50 has like 6 that's just not any fun.
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