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Order 66 (the genocide of the SWTOR subscriber)


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This is not a rant thread and it is not a wall of text; rather it is a list of known issues with the game. I am writing this thread as a plea to Bioware to address the issues posted.


1. No customer service

The game is completely void of customer service. The protocol droid spews generic responses without offering any resolution and tickets are callously closed. Peruse the Customer Support forums for countless examples.


2. Combat is far too clunky and delayed.

Others have written far more eloquently about the known and endemic crisis of the ability delay which inherently obliterates the ability to play the game at anything other than the most casual level. The net result is a constant lag in combat response, which is completely unrelated to computer specs and/or internet connection speed.


3. The Error Code 9000 of death

I understand that there will be some glitches in a new MMO; however, the Error Code 9000 is like a cancerous plague that has rapidly spread throughout the SWTOR universe. The end result is frequent disconnects from the game; making the game unplayable for more than a few minutes at a time. The code might as well be named Order 66 for it is systematically assassinating thousands of SWTOR subscribers every day.


4. No tiered PvP

The current arrangement of all players competing in the same battle grounds, regardless of level is not only asinine but also irresponsible. It is completely ruins the game for everyone that enjoys PvP. There is no glory in a level 50 destroying a level 10 and there is no hope that a level 10 can overcome the insurmountable barriers to PvP success.


5. The lack of mods and macros

If you’ve attempted to heal a flash point or theorycraft you know exactly what I mean. While I’m not personally a big fan of mods or macros I understand their place in facilitating game play. At a bare minimum the UI should be customizable.


6. The Forced Force choices

The illusion of being able to make your own decisions is shattered the first time one visits the Fleet’s vendors and Galactic Trading Network. The game may allow players to choose Light or Dark options; however, to use the high end items players must commit to one side of the other. Any deviations delay, if not impede, access to optimal gear. The end result is a linear and funneled storyline… players are transformed from being decision makers into becoming mere spectators.


The game, as it currently stands, is unfinished and in serious need of major improvements. I hope the Bioware developers promptly implement changes otherwise Obi Wan will soon be telling all subscribers “Run, [insert you name], Run.”

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Posting this every day in a different color won't make it happen.


Really boils down to another PVP player lost in a PVE game.


People keep talking about responsiveness... Turn your active queue to 0... I haven't even noticed this problem period. Guess it is another PVP thing...



PVP this, PVP that! So sick of hearing about PVP. It infiltrates every MMO even when they are clearly PVE oriented games.

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These are all relatively minor annoyances.

Also every time my level 20 Op eats a level 50 in pvp, an angel gets it's wings.


But just to be clear, yes these things are annoying, if you find them gamebreaking, then go, it's not the game for you. But a bright yellow font doesn't make you correct.

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I have to respond at least to your so-called inability to heal flashpoints or anything without the aid of a Mod telling you how to do it. I healed WoW for years, quite capably, successfully and proficiently without any kind of add-on assistance.


It's stuff like that that cripples you in situations such as this, as I've experienced no problems at all making the transition to heals in this game, outside of learning the mechanics and rotations.

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This is not a rant thread and it is not a wall of text; rather it is a list of known issues with the game.


Actually it is a rant.


And it is a wall of text my friend, just not the tallest by any means.


Doing in the context of listing known issues (for the hundred millionth time on this forum) makes it even more ranty due to it's redundancy.


Oh and you got the whole urine yellow thing going on too. I have to say that puts some ranty frosting on it.




So, you listed your view of the issues. What is your view of the merits of the game? You know, to add some balance to your post. :)

Edited by Andryah
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I was around for the beginning of WoW, I was in Beta for 9 months before it went live. If you were to remove all references of SWTOR and replace them with WoW, we would all have taken the WABAC machine with our Pet Boy Sherman.


Seriously! This is exactly how it was 7 years ago, and yet it thrived, beyond all the naysayers and doom proclaimers.


Nice post, and I agree there are issues with the game, but you're not sounding the death knell by any means.

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Posting this every day in a different color won't make it happen.


Really boils down to another PVP player lost in a PVE game.


People keep talking about responsiveness... Turn your active queue to 0... I haven't even noticed this problem period. Guess it is another PVP thing...



PVP this, PVP that! So sick of hearing about PVP. It infiltrates every MMO even when they are clearly PVE oriented games.


I don't pvp in this game because of no brackets, my active queue is down to 0 and I still die because I am doing the lightsaber dance while a mob and beating my head in and there is nothing I can do about it!

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That isn't hyperbole that is truth, if you don't see the issues in the game then you are either blind, in denial, or lying.




I did not say there are no issues with the game Mr Strawman argument.


Ready his post. According to him the game is unplayable, crashes every couple of minutes.

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4. No tiered PvP

The current arrangement of all players competing in the same battle grounds, regardless of level is not only asinine but also irresponsible. It is completely ruins the game for everyone that enjoys PvP. There is no glory in a level 50 destroying a level 10 and there is no hope that a level 10 can overcome the insurmountable barriers to PvP success.



I'm not sure why people keep complaining about this. Have fun sitting in a queue for hours while waiting for 15 other people to queue up for level 30-39 warzones.


Besides, your commendations are based mostly on your personal performance anyway...regardless if you win or lose. Doesn't matter in the slightest what your level is. I was getting 8 metals and 80+ commendations at level 22.


If you queue up at level 11 you should expect to be at a disadvantage...you only have 2 or 3 advanced class specific abilities. Spend the few hours it takes to get to level 20 at the least

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I was around for the beginning of WoW, I was in Beta for 9 months before it went live. If you were to remove all references of SWTOR and replace them with WoW, we would all have taken the WABAC machine with our Pet Boy Sherman.


Seriously! This is exactly how it was 7 years ago, and yet it thrived, beyond all the naysayers and doom proclaimers.


Nice post, and I agree there are issues with the game, but you're not sounding the death knell by any means.



Wow was clearly perfect day one but the years of updates and "upgrades" have made it terrible and un-playable (even though all the stuff we want is ripped straight from fairly recent wow patch notes)

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Actually it is a rant.


And it is a wall of text my friend.


Doing in the context of listing known issues (for the hundred millionth time on this forum) makes it even more ranty due to it's redundancy.


Oh and you go the whole urine yellow thing going on too. I have to say that puts the frosting on it.




So, you listed your view of the issues. What is your view of the merits of the game? You know, to add some balance to your post. :)


I came here to post almost exactly this. Even the urine yellow thing, minus the frosting. I hate walls of text with a wall of text disclaimer. I also hate rant posts. Just go into another rant thread and type "/agree" already. There's like 40 threads (created by 20 people) on this.

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