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Can't get to light or dark V?


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So I've chosen both light and dark options over the course of leveling and just noticed I'm not gaining anymore lightside points. I have 10000 light side and 2600 dark yet I cannot get anymore light (won't move over 10k). Is this a bug or are people screwed to never get to light or dark V if they ever select any option but the one path?
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So I've chosen both light and dark options over the course of leveling and just noticed I'm not gaining anymore lightside points. I have 10000 light side and 2600 dark yet I cannot get anymore light (won't move over 10k). Is this a bug or are people screwed to never get to light or dark V if they ever select any option but the one path?


your fault for going dark side.

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Ignore all the previous posts, as they obviously don't know what they're talking about.


Continue picking light side options. When you're at 10K Light, further light side options will decrease your dark side points. I had this happen myself. I was at 10000 Light, 650 Dark. When I did Black Talon, I got +200 light, and my character screen shows 10000 Light, 450 Dark. I did BT a couple more times, and I'm now 10000 Light, 0 Dark.

Edited by mornaur
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So, my accidental 50 DS points will stop me ever getting Light V as long as my character exists?


I am in the same boat - I made one DS choice at the beginning of the game and now I am stuck on 10,000 LS points and 50 DS ponts - so no LS V for me! :-(

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Ignore all the previous posts, as they obviously don't know what they're talking about.


Continue picking light side options. When you're at 10K Light, further light side options will decrease your dark side points. I had this happen myself. I was at 10000 Light, 650 Dark. When I did Black Talon, I got +200 light, and my character screen shows 10000 Light, 450 Dark. I did BT a couple more times, and I'm now 10000 Light, 0 Dark.


Thanks for that information, that is very good to know. :D

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im at max dark side at 10k but picked several diplomacy missiosn that gave me light side points due to needing the medical supplies they offered, right now my dark side choices and diplo missions are cutting down that light side score. so i know diplo missions can reduce your light or dark side.
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my question thread got bumped off before anyone answered, so its slightly related to this thread so i'll try again:


at 10k light (or dark), any 'extra' gives you 'enlightened' and any dark picked up can give you 'troubled'


the quest is, *** is enlightened/troubled (and whatever dark side ones are) and do they provide any positive/negative traits (havent seen anything on stats so might be hidden bonuses)

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Ignore all the previous posts, as they obviously don't know what they're talking about.


Continue picking light side options. When you're at 10K Light, further light side options will decrease your dark side points. I had this happen myself. I was at 10000 Light, 650 Dark. When I did Black Talon, I got +200 light, and my character screen shows 10000 Light, 450 Dark. I did BT a couple more times, and I'm now 10000 Light, 0 Dark.


Thanks, I hadn't noticed if this was happening, will look into it.


As for the haters, several of the dark side options actually seemed more merciful than the light side choices so went with those.

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Ignore all the previous posts, as they obviously don't know what they're talking about.


Continue picking light side options. When you're at 10K Light, further light side options will decrease your dark side points. I had this happen myself. I was at 10000 Light, 650 Dark. When I did Black Talon, I got +200 light, and my character screen shows 10000 Light, 450 Dark. I did BT a couple more times, and I'm now 10000 Light, 0 Dark.


Can anyone confirm this?

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Can anyone confirm this?


Yes, I had 402 DS points from Diplomacy missions on my character and when I reached 10000 LS points, my DS points went down. I now have the title 'The Pure' from reaching LS lvl 5.



PS. Not exactly sure, but it seemed that I could only lose DS points from questing then instead of Diplomacy, but that might have been because I hadn't gotten anyone back from a Diplomacy mission by the time I got 0 DS.

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Can anyone confirm this?




I had 100 light points.


Once I reached max dark it started taking from the light side. I am now Dark V.


Pay mind there are two numbers on that screen.


The first shows your total points and the second shows your balance subtracting the opposite side. Keep acruing whatever side you want and the balance will change.

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once I got high enough in darkside 4, my lightside points were up around 300 or so.



These removed themselves from my character sheet when my total hit 10,000 points.



Give it time. Maybe you have to go over the threshold before it'll start subtracting the opposite side points.

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Some light options are outright terrible, if you just pick color based ya it is your fault, but if you listen to story... The quest with deserted solders where light choice tells them hey it is not your fault deserting is ok, i understand your were scared ... Really? I was furious there was no option to chop them up right there for desertion.
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