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Accuracy - does OP need it?


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PvP mostly but i think there is minor differance towards PvE...


Looking at this stat :


Base : 90% +gear/talent bonuses

Special : 100% + gear/talents


Above 100% accuracy reduces targets defense - defense is chance to avoid damage - but i think never missed wit my specials - on Ops with evasion up every yellow damage hits


I dont know if shield chance is also considered defense - shield after procing reduces damage taken by shield value or smth like that ...


Now looking at abilities only :Rifle shot , Overload shot and snipe do white damage to my knowledge and thus are subject of missing.


Those are rly "gap fillers" and even while snipe is good, it doesnt seem to be worth to get this stat.



Anyone able to battle my thinking ?

Edited by Crawler
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Not only do you need it. You need to stack it if you're concealment.


The diminishing returns on crit start to become glaring as you move into champion gear, where as accuracy falls slightly under cunning, and provides armor penetration past 100%.

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dotn mix armor and dfense its different thing.


Originaly i also tought extra accuracy give apen but then read one of hints during load times that said "Accuracy above 100 reduces your target chances to dodge parry " (was phased it longer sentance".


Then take a look wat is ingame said - accuracy above reduces targets defense


as opossed to Armor penetration given by acid blade.



Obviously we all know that tooltips often dont reflect game code thats why i made this thread.

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I MUST push this topic and I wonder that nobody is discussing this.


If someone has a trustworthy source, that accuracy actually reduces armor, then please ignore the rest of my post.


But this is how I think it works:


Above 100%, accuracy reduces "defense" for ranged/melee and "resistance" for tech/force. If you look at "defense chance" in the defense tab you see melee and ranged dodge and two times resistance. I suppose that this means in fact "tech resistance" and "force resistance".


Since tech and force attacks cant be dodged anyway, accuracy reduces the chance to resist them. While in PVE enemys might have resistances to force/tech, players have not (operative gets 2% from "scouting" talent).


If this is true, all accuracy-rating from our PVP-set is wasted.

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The Inquis and Consular buffs give 10% resistance so there is that you can pen in PvP at least with extra accuracy. Overall though accuracy does not seem to be that good for PvP. OTOH you get that or alacrity so...


This buff increases "internal and elemental damage reduction by 10%". Thats not the same thing as resistance (again, look at the defense tab). It just lowers the damage you receive. In addition, most tech abilities do kinetic damage, so this buff doesnt affect operatives at all.



Resistance gives you a chance to completely avoid an incoming attack.


Sith assassins force shroud "increases your chance to resist Force and tech attacks by 100% for 3 seconds." If you try to hit him with backstab, laceration etc. you just get a "resisted" over his head.

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yea exactly outsides of defensive CD our attacks tech attacks never get resisted or dodged w/e.


So i find the stat useless and will avoid it.


Yet we dont have much choice there - as mentioned ealier pvp mostly gets accuracy or alacrity on its medic counterpart. There are only like 2 pieces you can swap.


So untill high lv mods will start floating around - enhancemnts in this case we need to eat what is served

Edited by Crawler
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You notice the lack of Accuracy when you go Hardmodes/Operations as a healer. I try to toss inn some Rifle Shots when I don't have to heal, and I get a lot of dodges on them.


So aye, it's very useful to have as DPS. At least in a PvE setting. As to how much to stack, I'd guess something like 10-20% is sufficient for now. Once we get a combat log and parses we can actually start figuring out stuff like that.

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pve calculations are very funky considering you dont know the breakpoint where bosses wont be able to resist or if its possible at all.


as for ranged shots -those do white damage and are subject of miss yet no dps op should be using those (unless situation forces distance) and for sure shouldnt stack accuracy to make those 100% hit.


Yet the discussion si more about PvP where sets got accuracy stat and while players seem unable to avoid tech damage (cds excluded)

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