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Starting to be a bit concerned, is this game TOO casual?


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I dont play wow anymore, way to casualised for my likeing.

Tell me this, do you like just rolling your face over the keyboard and aoeing flashpoints down?


let me tell you what i like - i like playing a grand story in star wars universe, immersed in star wars environment, with the freedom han solo had.


i dont have any need, desire, or fixation to 'prove' myself by 'overcoming' any 'challenge' and 'progressing' in the process.


these are all stuff that people have to do OUT of games. there is no need to bring them in from work/life/family/job/whatever into games by PAYING.


game should take you away to somewhere else, sometime else, and give you something that you will never ever be able to live in your life.


NOT a continuation of your daily life in which you can squeeze your butt even more and get into stress or try to achieve things so that you can make up for some deficiencies in id-ego perception against the society. its pointless.

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Power level to 85. Rush to grind heroics. Rush to grind rep. Spend hours studying Tankspot, Youtube, ElitistJerks - then rush to be the first ubergeared toon on your block with an epic item that will get replaced by a quest green 4 hours into the next expansion. Cram end game until every boss is on farm. Rinse & repeat for multiple toons using BoAs so the alts can do the same thing only faster. Rinse and repeat on mutliple servers. Scream for new expansion. Rinse and repeat the entire process only with a new race or class ...


WoW has done a fabulous job of conditioning its hardcore faithful into believing everything is a blind power-leveling boss-farming click & go loot pinata that has to be cleared yesterday. Wonder how many of them would stand in the street staring down an oncoming garbage truck because there's no DBM telling them to get out of the way.


There is plenty of content, as well as announcements of much more content, to keep this game thriving for years to come - casuals and twitch-quick combat fans alike. For the folks described in the first two paragraphs? Well there would be if they actually played the game instead of beating each other up over bragging rights.


Amen brother!

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I can't get groups for heroic missions on Tattooine and Alderaan because they're killing even overlevelled "casual" players who don't do everything right. I've had 4 groups disband saying missions they were over-levelled for were "impossible" with full groups, healing, CCing, etc.


It's becoming an actual problem. Maybe people level 40+ are mostly expert MMO players who flatten the content easily.


Unless you have some sort of unknown magic attacks or are substantially over-leveled, certain single-player content will roll you harder than any single-player RPG content in recent memory.


The game's going to get nerfed in a few months, I assume, at which point you could probably complain about casual-friendly gaming.


This is interesting because myself and a guildie took on a Heroic +4 the other day, just the two of us. And we ran thru it fairly successful. If your having trouble finding people to group with that are successful. You might want to ask yourself if the person your about to run it with seems like someone capable of doing his part. If he looks like someone who doesnt have a clue, either take him aside and explain to him his job. Or boot him with an explaination why hes getting the boot.

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let me tell you what i like - i like playing a grand story in star wars universe, immersed in star wars environment, with the freedom han solo had.


i dont have any need, desire, or fixation to 'prove' myself by 'overcoming' any 'challenge' and 'progressing' in the process.


these are all stuff that people have to do OUT of games. there is no need to bring them in from work/life/family/job/whatever into games by PAYING.


game should take you away to somewhere else, sometime else, and give you something that you will never ever be able to live in your life.


NOT a continuation of your daily life in which you can squeeze your butt even more and get into stress or try to achieve things so that you can make up for some deficiencies in id-ego perception against the society. its pointless.


Got it, so your one of those....i pay therefore i should have...type.


GAMING IS A SPORT. GAMING IS COMPETITIVE. Yes, its for fun, but for me fun and competion go hand in hand sorry

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I agree, but with one important thing in mind. The game is what you make of it.


swtor actually caters to EVERYone. note that :


- there is grand epic storyline, with voice acting, choices and consequences. it caters to kotor players and all kinds of rpgers. ALL kinds.


- it caters to progressives. there is wow style progression, gearing up, and hitting raids/instances.


- it caters to crafters ! there is no level limitation on crafting recipes ! so, as opposed to the CRAP that was passed as crafting in wow, one can actually have a level 1 toon and make it a trader/crafter, and that toon can engage in production/trading all across the galaxy, just like how it was in star wars galaxies. it would help if the toon was level 15 and had a ship though. and its only logical - no crafter/engineer has to be qualified to use the product they are producing. its just utterly stupid. then again wow was trying to tie everything to hardcore level progression so crafting did not mean crap in that game.


- it caters to hardcores - there are achievements in the game. you can think and attempt a lot of stuff yourself. some may not be recorded in your codex, but still. however, for wow conditioned 'there's your objective, go' kind of crowd that cannot think themselves and decide to do things, its a bother.


- it caters to casuals. its has an acceptable and smooth playflow. it does not bore you or irritate you. it does not force you. do stuff however you can. and it is THE style in gaming in the last few years. skyrim notwithstanding.




the only group swtor is not catering to is, the extremely self-centered, extremely self-focused, rushers and hardcorers who are more exhibiting their achievement of hitting level 50 ( hey look at me i got to level 50 so fast that i am bored ) by complaining. the severity of complaints are proportional to how strongly they wish to emphasize their grand success of rushing there before everyone else.


its really irritating. for everyone including themselves. they just dont know it yet. and will know in time - like how many of us came to know.

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Got it, so your one of those....i pay therefore i should have...type.


aside from that 'i pay therefore i should have' being something right,


i am the type that plays games for ENTERTAINMENT.


and :


GAMING IS A SPORT. GAMING IS COMPETITIVE. Yes, its for fun, but for me fun and competion go hand in hand sorry


there is nothing that says gaming is a sport. no rule, no concept, no commission report, no industry consensus, NOTHING.


that's just your preference. games do not have to be what YOU Want them to be, because you want them to be. period.


and, sport ? competitive ? REALLY ?


meshing keys with 19 other people 2 weeknights for 4 hours, is 'competition' ?




competition is starcraft. competition is counterstrike. dont talk about competition in mmos.


rushing to some end level and then bragging about it like peacocks is not 'competition'. its trying to make up for one's id ego. and it really, really stands out in a negative fashion.


go compete in a korean channel of starcraft. they will show you 'competition'.

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aside from that 'i pay therefore i should have' being something right,


i am the type that plays games for ENTERTAINMENT.


and :




there is nothing that says gaming is a sport. no rule, no concept, no commission report, no industry consensus, NOTHING.


that's just your preference. games do not have to be what YOU Want them to be, because you want them to be. period.


and, sport ? competitive ? REALLY ?


meshing keys with 19 other people 2 weeknights for 4 hours, is 'competition' ?




competition is starcraft. competition is counterstrike. dont talk about competition in mmos.


rushing to some end level and then bragging about it like peacocks is not 'competition'. its trying to make up for one's id ego. and it really, really stands out in a negative fashion.


go compete in a korean channel of starcraft. they will show you 'competition'.


Well, you are right about 1 thing , i do have an oversized ego.

But thats just me in general, in real life, pretty much in anything i do.

So your saying i cant have an ego in this game?

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I can't get groups for heroic missions on Tattooine and Alderaan because they're killing even overlevelled "casual" players who don't do everything right. I've had 4 groups disband saying missions they were over-levelled for were "impossible" with full groups, healing, CCing, etc.


It's becoming an actual problem. Maybe people level 40+ are mostly expert MMO players who flatten the content easily.


Unless you have some sort of unknown magic attacks or are substantially over-leveled, certain single-player content will roll you harder than any single-player RPG content in recent memory.


The game's going to get nerfed in a few months, I assume, at which point you could probably complain about casual-friendly gaming.


Errrr I've done all those heroic missions at the appropriate level and had zero problems with any of them. They weren't too hard at all.

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Well, you are right about 1 thing , i do have an oversized ego.

But thats just me in general, in real life, pretty much in anything i do.

So your saying i cant have an ego in this game?


here is the magic of this 'game' thing :


you CAN have an ego that surpasses napoleon bonaparte's, in this game. or, in ANY other game.


its totally alright and normal to have it. because, games are also stuff that are made to allow you to do stuff you cant do in your normal life.


and here is where the kicker comes in - your desire, cannot surpass others'.


so, your desire to amend your ego, cannot suppress and surpass other people's desires.


because, games are for them too. your desire, and their desire will have to coexist. and that's the way it should be.




you rush to 50, get to max gear you can get, and you can go around like a majestic peacock bragging.


but, you cannot demand other people be subjected to this or that, for that purpose.

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Oh please tell me this is a joke. Heroic 4's on tatooine and Alderaan are 2 mannable(with 2 companions), and you don't even need to be properly specc'd to heal or tank the mobs.


I wouldn't do Jawa's Concern at level 28 with anything less than a full 4 group. The pulls are just too big. The companions wouldn't be able to do enough.

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As someone who has downed the hard mode raid bosses I can say that casuals are not going to be able to down the hard/nightmare ops encounters any time soon. Soa on 16 man in hard/nighmare is one of the harder raid encounters in any game I have played. Its not quite on the level of yogg/c'thun/nax, but it is quite difficult.


Your post confused me. Heroic Rag is harder than Yogg + 1 / 0, much harder than C'thun, and a million times harder than vanilla Naxx. Heroic Spine of Deathwing is harder than all the vanilla fights put together.

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here is the magic of this 'game' thing :


you CAN have an ego that surpasses napoleon bonaparte's, in this game. or, in ANY other game.


its totally alright and normal to have it. because, games are also stuff that are made to allow you to do stuff you cant do in your normal life.


and here is where the kicker comes in - your desire, cannot surpass others'.


so, your desire to amend your ego, cannot suppress and surpass other people's desires.


because, games are for them too. your desire, and their desire will have to coexist. and that's the way it should be.




you rush to 50, get to max gear you can get, and you can go around like a majestic peacock bragging.


but, you cannot demand other people be subjected to this or that, for that purpose.


You do speak truth. It is selfish of me to want everyone one the same page gamewise as me, i know it wont ever happen, but id like to think one day it might.

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You do speak truth. It is selfish of me to want everyone one the same page gamewise as me, i know it wont ever happen, but id like to think one day it might.


realizing that something being selfish is an act most people cannot do. it requires wisdom and understanding. in that, what you expressed surpasses yourself.




there is another way: how about you join the rest of the people, and you get your fix as you want it, and they get their fix as they want it, and we all play together in the same game ?

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This is interesting because myself and a guildie took on a Heroic +4 the other day, just the two of us. And we ran thru it fairly successful. If your having trouble finding people to group with that are successful. You might want to ask yourself if the person your about to run it with seems like someone capable of doing his part. If he looks like someone who doesnt have a clue, either take him aside and explain to him his job. Or boot him with an explaination why hes getting the boot.


I've noticed a lot of people that I've met on this game aren't used to playing MMOs and don't realize that there are roles to play or how to play them. Those of us that do need to be patient when we meet those people and try to help them learn to play those roles. That's how I learned is by people that took the time to see what stage I was in and help me get better. We need to do the same thing and we can have something great happen.


There are a lot of un-written rules in MMOs. Lets help people learn them to make this a great place to play instead of saying that we need to drop that person and move on as soon as they show they don't know those rules.


In other words I agree with you to a point but we need to exercise caution about how we go about it. If we get too jaded from past experiences then we will suffer that fate.

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Depends who you talk to. the older gen that grew up with the likes of eq and uo would say yes, they are a sin, whilst the wow gen literally wont play any other game UNLESS it has easy mechanics

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I knew this game was going to be a casual friendly mmo, but i have to ask, is this just a bit "too easy "?


There is still nightmare mode for the operations.


However, I think it is dialed down a bit for launch. They didn't want people hitting a brick wall right away. I have this sneaking suspicion that James Ohlen wants to turn the difficulty up to 11 at the first chance but someone is holding him back.

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There is still nightmare mode for the operations.


However, I think it is dialed down a bit for launch. They didn't want people hitting a brick wall right away. I have this sneaking suspicion that James Ohlen wants to turn the difficulty up to 11 at the first chance but someone is holding him back.


So what they are basically saying is, just like wow, once you beat normal mode ( easy faceroll ) all you have to look forward till the next patch is downing nightmare mode all 3-4 times a week, for 4-6 weeks?


The wow bc model worked sooo much better, everyone was still raiding all content, not just the latest raid on nightmare. If you wher egood, you progressed to seee it all, if you where ok, then youd see alot and strive to get better, if u where bad, then you did dailies till you got better. THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!

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There are a ton of great raiders in WoW that don't deserve that . . . but it still made me giggle. Kudos.
Thank you ... thank you ... thank you ... I'm here all week ...


Somebody had to lighten it up, may as well be me. Glad you got it. :D

Edited by GalacticKegger
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