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this is an mmo right?


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actually untrue dogs being the example have the propensity to kill where starvation is not a factor. that is gluttony and greed. they exhibit many things you deem the evils of humans.



instinctual we humans do all of those things and could blame all of our evil actions on those instinctual things. you can not blame the dogs actions on instincts without allowing for humans to be blamed in the same matter.



peguins and peacocks both showoff with the same intentions...


Never seen dogs (wild) kill for gluttony, and you can't associate animals in the wild, not sure of where their next meal is coming from, to rational human beings. And I've never heard of domesticated dogs (pets) killing each other over bones. Some people like to restrict their dog's food (scheduled feedings of limited food) which tends to trigger their instincts to be food aggressive as well as gorge when they have access to food (that whole not being sure when they'll eat again thing).


Humans have a big brain capable of rational thought. Dogs don't. What you're saying is, we shouldn't have a problem with humans acting like dogs.. that's absurd to any rational, thinking human.


And showing off for mating purposes isn't the same thing as some snob in a suit looking down his nose across his rolex at someone not similarly dressed, unless you're saying that human only has the brain power of a peacock.

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That's not the argument he is making. All he said was Launch and EGA is almost ALWAYS a RACE to the first. First 50 first to down so and so ... so on so fourth. It will be possible but not with any "Notability"


Newsflash: No one cares if you got a server first. Really they don't. It means absolutely nothing.

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The problem is we are trying to compare a real life society to a simplistic videogame society. You can keep trying to bring in examples of things that have no equivalence in the other society. Food and clothing mean nothing in the game, so the society there has to base its values on something else. The things i can think of that have value for the game society are; loot/gear and prestige. Thus when an individual helps the guild (society) gain one of these two things they are contributing.


There may be other things, but gear and prestige can be equated to food and clothing as basic needs to survive. Guild who dont gain new gear or is not valued by its members (prestige can be applied to members of a society as well as the whole) will most likely rapidly lose member. The ones that don't can be attributed to external forces, (real life friends for one) things that the game has no control over.


No, the problem is you're trying to separate real life psychology from the people playing a game. The dysfunction of real humans carries over into their game "life", hence the desire to brag in a game. It's tied to the real life societal bragging people do to try and show they are "better than someone else".


Not to mention, your personal view of what a guild is is not a universal definition.. other people make guilds, and not all of them do it for gear and prestige.. some do it for a consistent group of people to adventure and bond with.

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If you're stressing about who kills what first in an MMO, you have bigger issues to deal

with. It's a game. It's a "Virtual" reality. Geez man, relax and enjoy the ride. Really, the size of your epeen is of no consequence to anybody.





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Humans have a big brain capable of rational thought. Dogs don't. What you're saying is, we shouldn't have a problem with humans acting like dogs.. that's absurd to any rational, thinking human.


Gota define the word "rational" if you want to use it like that. I was under the assumption that many other species including: pigs, dolphins, apes/monkeys, have an intelligence level that is close to the average human. "Close" meaning that they have the intelligence to form communities and communicate their wants and needs.


Dogs are relativity stupid when compared to a lot of species, i wouldn't try to use them as a good intelligent species argument... @ the guy your quoting.


And showing off for mating purposes isn't the same thing as some snob in a suit looking down his nose across his rolex at someone not similarly dressed, unless you're saying that human only has the brain power of a peacock.


It is pretty much the same thing as working out or going to the gym for some people. Also i can name hundreds of examples of people using various assets to "show off" for the other gender. This includes natural body parts like what a peacock does; breasts, "6 packs".

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If you're stressing about who kills what first in an MMO, you have bigger issues to deal

with. It's a game. It's a "Virtual" reality. Geez man, relax and enjoy the ride. Really, the size of your epeen is of no consequence to anybody.






*hands over flame retardant outfit and a stupid be gone stick to use on op*

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If you're stressing about who kills what first in an MMO, you have bigger issues to deal

with. It's a game. It's a "Virtual" reality. Geez man, relax and enjoy the ride. Really, the size of your epeen is of no consequence to anybody.







I'm quoting you because I approve - moreover, I approve your signature. Yes sir.

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*hands over flame retardant outfit and a stupid be gone stick to use on op*


turns out didn't work. Valid argument is valid. unfortunately the proof is your (sorry) attempt to argue it. Will you bite and actually make a valid argument, and therefore validate my argument? or find a way to be even more immature thus proving you are incapable of handling the notion of the original post?



isn't it fun when intelligence builds a nice conundrum for stupid people to continue to prove they are stupid?

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Not to mention, your personal view of what a guild is is not a universal definition.. other people make guilds, and not all of them do it for gear and prestige.. some do it for a consistent group of people to adventure and bond with.


Doing it to create a bond and to adventure is how the society is created in the first place. Once it is created, if the members are not "prestigious" enough to one another then it will fall apart.


I am using the word prestige very liberally... A better example would be respect or trust in this case. Thus you can replace the value of prestige with respect and it should make a little more sense.


I am aware that a guild/society can be defined in various ways. But to make basic arguments it needs to be defined in the context of the argument. I tried to make a very general definition that covered most of the topics we are discussing. People may disagree with my assumptions and opinions...

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Gota define the word "rational" if you want to use it like that. I was under the assumption that many other species including: pigs, dolphins, apes/monkeys, have an intelligence level that is close to the average human. "Close" meaning that they have the intelligence to form communities and communicate their wants and needs.


Dogs are relativity stupid when compared to a lot of species, i wouldn't try to use them as a good intelligent species argument... @ the guy your quoting.




It is pretty much the same thing as working out or going to the gym for some people. Also i can name hundreds of examples of people using various assets to "show off" for the other gender. This includes natural body parts like what a peacock does; breasts, "6 packs".


So.. what you're saying is.. the "average" person is no different than a pig or chimp? I guess I could get behind that. And, yet, you denigrated me for looking down on humans and common society and their "no better than **** flinging monkeys" intellect. I don't see many chimps or pigs building space ships and exploring space. ... Perhaps we should do a better job of helping our fellow humans to rise above rooting in mud and flinging *****.. hmm?

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So.. what you're saying is.. the "average" person is no different than a pig or chimp? I guess I could get behind that. And, yet, you denigrated me for looking down on humans and common society and their "no better than **** flinging monkeys" intellect. I don't see many chimps or pigs building space ships and exploring space. ... Perhaps we should do a better job of helping our fellow humans to rise above rooting in mud and flinging *****.. hmm?


WOW can you stop attempting to trip him up. what he is saying is they are similar in ways. stop trying to go around the argument and address it as is.

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turns out didn't work. Valid argument is valid. unfortunately the proof is your (sorry) attempt to argue it. Will you bite and actually make a valid argument, and therefore validate my argument? or find a way to be even more immature thus proving you are incapable of handling the notion of the original post?



isn't it fun when intelligence builds a nice conundrum for stupid people to continue to prove they are stupid?



What was your argument again? I failed to see it among all those fancy words.

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Doing it to create a bond and to adventure is how the society is created in the first place. Once it is created, if the members are not "prestigious" enough to one another then it will fall apart.


I am using the word prestige very liberally... A better example would be respect or trust in this case. Thus you can replace the value of prestige with respect and it should make a little more sense.


I am aware that a guild/society can be defined in various ways. But to make basic arguments it needs to be defined in the context of the argument. I tried to make a very general definition that covered most of the topics we are discussing. People may disagree with my assumptions and opinions...


Yet, bragging rights as bonding is to elevate vanity to a virtue. I don't respect people for bragging about what they have, I respect them for their actions with regard to other humans/players. I'd rather be part of a guild that helps each other, not ignores members because they're racing to be "first".



Again, the real life societal dysfunction of consumption and vanity transposed to a game isn't a virtue, any more than the vanity in real life is.

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All this debate...hey Elitists


MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online - thus all you need is a game that allows thousands of people to play W/E hell TETRIS together then you have my definition a MMO.


RPR = Role-Playing Game - this is SUCH a HUGE BRUSH write off. Origins were more Story Driven games where you play the hero or something like that.


MMORPG = Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game - these come in ALOT of varieties thought WoW is most popular.


MMORPG are really 2 types


WoW design - Which is adapted from ones before it, UO, EQ to name 2, and focus on more content at 'end game' with story being told threw end game (though communities care less and less about Storyline and more about loots and achievements)


SWTOR design - STORY DRIVEN, meaning focus is NOT endgame right away but Storyline of world, of character itself in the world. So if you are powerleveling for endgame in SWTOR then "YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG"! period.



SWTOR wont overthrow WoW cuz its endgame raider focused or PvP arena/BG focus but cuz people are just sick of the recycle of WoW. I know I am, thats why the STORYLINE of this game is whats getting me. Add more later, hell to somekind of endgame or zones to progress our character story and THUS games story is focus of this game.



TLDR - This is Story driven threw growing your characters Storyline if thats not what you are after, MOVE ON, "This is not the game you are looking for" /waves hand before you

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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, I'm not reading 10 pages :p



anyway, about 10 (or even more??) of the best German (ex-)WoW HC raiding guilds have joined this game and they are known for First Kill even though the WoW-patches arrive the EU servers a day later.


I'm sure the more hc (ex-) wow-player know names such as Irae AOD or For the Horde .... yeah, they're here now. and since most of their core bases were in beta for quite a while they know how to level up. these guys are known for playing 18 hours straight. Naid even says so in a stream from beta where they do a lvl 50 raid.


you level fast in this game, so obviously first kills happen fast.

Edited by amnie
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What was your argument again? I failed to see it among all those fancy words.


god i want to point out what you did there... you'll get it one day. maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but one day and for the rest of your life

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All this debate...hey Elitists


MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online - thus all you need is a game that allows thousands of people to play W/E hell TETRIS together then you have my definition a MMO.


RPR = Role-Playing Game - this is SUCH a HUGE BRUSH write off. Origins were more Story Driven games where you play the hero or something like that.


MMORPG = Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game - these come in ALOT of varieties thought WoW is most popular.


MMORPG are really 2 types


WoW design - Which is adapted from ones before it, UO, EQ to name 2, and focus on more content at 'end game' with story being told threw end game (though communities care less and less about Storyline and more about loots and achievements)


SWTOR design - STORY DRIVEN, meaning focus is NOT endgame right away but Storyline of world, of character itself in the world. So if you are powerleveling for endgame in SWTOR then "YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG"! period.



SWTOR wont overthrow WoW cuz its endgame raider focused or PvP arena/BG focus but cuz people are just sick of the recycle of WoW. I know I am, thats why the STORYLINE of this game is whats getting me. Add more later, hell to somekind of endgame or zones to progress our character story and THUS games story is focus of this game.



TLDR - This is Story driven threw growing your characters Storyline if thats not what you are after, MOVE ON, "This is not the game you are looking for" /waves hand before you



SO just because you think this its right? no-one elses opinion matter? Very sound argument! ..............

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