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Key farther grey / disabled.... Pre-order I have written from 15.11.2011 people already entered from 18.11.2011 what's going on? Why cannot I enter and play?



11.15.2011 Early Game Access: Ready to patch

11.15.2011 Standard Edition Pre-Order


Unfortunately the technical assistance is silent why cannot I play?


11/06-11/25 - In for Early Access! - (12/15-12/15)


Why cannot I still play? If supposedly did I already get invitations?


Which beta did you download the client for?

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Key farther grey / disabled.... Pre-order I have written from 15.11.2011 people already entered from 18.11.2011 what's going on? Why cannot I enter and play?



11.15.2011 Early Game Access: Ready to patch

11.15.2011 Standard Edition Pre-Order


Unfortunately the technical assistance is silent why cannot I play?


11/06-11/25 - In for Early Access! - (12/15-12/15)


Why cannot I still play? If supposedly did I already get invitations?


If you don't see

12.15.2011 Early Game Access: Ready to play


in your redeemed codes area, then you probably need to contact customer support. No one official is reading this thread and there's no technical support here. :|

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I pre-ordered and submitted my code on 7/31 and I still have not received an early invite. I'm a fairly patient person and I can wait five more days or whatever. Still, its disappointing to see so many people get their early release before me when they purchased the product at a later date.



If this were me I would already be on the phone with customer service. Just sayin'.

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What get's me is that they keep saying 'you may get up to 5 days early game access", the problem is that everyone thought it meant 5 or less days....but the invites have gone out earlier, it's the 3rd day now (which is technically day 5 on the countdown) and they are already almost over with November...


There's either 2 possibilities: 1), they started these invites to make SURE everyone had a MINIMUM of 5 day's to play, and not less (it would honestly be pointless to hype up so many people for such a short early game access time for nothing, espeically since they have so much pressure already on keeping and gaining a solid permanent player base with the heavy competition in the MMO world out there right now that are focused so much on trying to STOP them from gaining people).


or 2) they only said "you may get up to 5 day's early game access" to cover their asses incase the first option above failed on their end so that they could point at something and say "well, we did say 'may'..."


Either way, it shouldn't be too hard to get everyone in today even crew from December. Plus, think about how many people couldn't even register their pre-order codes because they didn't get them for one, two, three weeks, maybe longer even though they were told they would get it THAT SAME DAY (BestBuy, EBGames, and a few others, you failed...miserably)...it wouldn't be fair for those people that can't get in because of that mess, when they should have been already in...and of course they won't necessarily let you in on the day you ordered the game (which is when you should have had the code)...


The point is this: They have heavy competition...the smart "business" move is to make sure EVERYONE got a minimum of 5 day's in...less than that and you could have thousands complaining, bashing, etc. then giving the dev team a bad rep, which as you know, most people are idiots and will believe whatever they say, and then just choose not to buy the game, or may cancel pre-orders, or simply be so "nerd raged" that they choose to go back to WoW or other games. The more incentive you give the average person, the more likely they are to be excited and willing to try a product and stick with it, but when you don't provide that incentive, you can easily loose clientel...just wouldn't be smart at ALL on their part to not let the rest of the pre-orders in, especially with maintenance beginning in the morning...


"You can go through 10,000 people and only gain one client, but one client can make you loose 10,000 people instantly."...that's the way business rolls....


WISH YOU ALL THE BEST OF LUCK! GO TEAM DECEMBER! Honestly, if we don't get in until tomorrow, yes I will be upset, BUT, I understand and it's not gonna make me quit, nor will they loose me as a customer...sometimes you just gotta wait things out. So people, don't get too upset if you can't get in until tomorrow or saturday. (Also, I have not yet seen ANY mention of there being waves comming in past Friday, so that could be a good sign that the rest will get in today, but who knows!)


May the force be with you all! :cool::cool::cool:

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Did you put in your preorder code thingy?... That's the date they are going by.


Yes I have. It's okay, I normally have very foul luck when it comes to these things. I've been a fan of Bioware since BG1 and Planescape. They will come through for me eventually!! Ya'll have fun and save some Shadow tanking for me when I finally get in!!

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Amazing, forum's slammed with people just *looking* for a wave -- that doesn't even count the number of people who would pop on to report back that they're in. :p


They haven't said they're done yet, odds are there will be at least one more wave.

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Well, yeah the fun may already be over...but I have only found mention of 4 waves so far today, no mention FROM EA or Bio that the 5th wave came out, or a 6tth wave came out, etc. Not on their twiter page, or any forum sticky here....so they may just be staggering things a bit, or the 5th wave and 6th waves are extremely large, maybe the 4th one was large as well, who knows!


There may still be hope to get in today! But if you don't, dun worry about it too much. There's always tomorrow.

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