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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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For what I expected, they get an 'A'.


I pre-ordered within the first few hours available on the first day and I had access right from the start. Servers have been good, I haven't crashed a single time or run into any game breaking bugs. I haven't had to wait in a queue yet (probably because of my unusual play times). Overall it's been a solid launch FOR ME. I know others are having problems but I'd give them an A.

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To be fair I would give them a B. Its a good game that is very ambitious in its attempt to change the genre a bit in its own way. SWTOR is not something I would compare to WOW because the game has done so much to push the envelope. Edited by Proto
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A solid 'A' for what I expected out of the game.


Queues I can live with, as I honestly expect them from an MMO launch, especially since this is Star Wars.


Issues I have with the game are minor, such as sound or graphical glitches, and some could be corrected on a possible Launch day Patch (gotta do something during those 6 hours its going to be down Monday before it launches). Biggest issue is currently lack of the ability to macro chain abilities (tank oh s*** buttons) and the UI.


The game might have gotten a B, but got bonus points because the game is still so damn fun, that I find it hard to step away from the computer to sleep so I can wake up for work.

Edited by GreyTemplar
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There are a lot of moving parts with a game launch of this magnitude.


BW has not been perfect but in game I'd give them B+. It's playing incredibly smoothly for me and I'm really enjoying it.


For out of game, taking their site down before EA. For the spotty moderation. For the poor communication in some places, I'd give them a C.


Combined grade for early access, maybe B-

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I would say an B, i've had no problems with servers at all and im on a heavy server. I've not had any crashes or any lag.


The only problem is the amount of very obvious visual bugs. Theres no gameplay bugs but some ******** visual bugs. And which ever team created the Auction House, have clearly never used one.


Still very impressed with it, the only reason im not playing it now is because my bootcamp is having problems with my wifi.




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B+ on game. The game is just great. It, of course, is new and there are bugs to be worked out and improvements to be made but overall solid game with good room to grow and improve. My wife is new to mmos and gaming and just loves the game.


C on early access / launch. This is very subjective. Some people got in quickly and with no hassle and have been playing with few problems. That would be me for one. Others are seeing long ques and disconnects both in game and in the que. I found the whole grace period and shipping issues that were somewhat resolved over the last few days to be very bad and poor on EA/BWs part.


So, all in all, I would say a B average from my perspective based on great game and on questions that I have about EA/BW as companies (I am new to both companies).

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. Got early access on 15th when I expected to get in the 18th or 19th of Dec.


. Longest Queue was under 20 minutes & most of the time to NO Queue at all.


. For doing bonus waves and getting people in game by the 15th.


. For getting the earliest Pre orders In game 1st with the 2 bonus days they added ,origonaly UP TO 5 DAYS added 2 EXTRA days making it unofficialy UP TO 7 days early access.

[No I wasnt an early pre order-November wave here, was in game by the 15th ,got 5 day access when expected only 1 or 2 days]


.experienced smooth gameplay, almost no lag, no game breaking bugs at all so far.

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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


6. Crappy UI


7. No combat log


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.


I dont know what game your playing dude but your whole post is ignorant.


I give TOR an A+

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.



Incomplete, unstable, lazy designed, nothing really inovative, below standards in so many aspects compared to todays mmo market, and all of this tried to be covered with its suposed strength, the story...

It just feels like a bad christmas gift wrapped in a shiny box.

Edited by Razvaa
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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


They told us plenty of time in advance. They then also gave us two days extra of EGA. They then staggered the entrance to EGA to accommodate the large player base.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


I preordered mine a couple of months after pre order was released. I got my EGA invite. What the hell are you smoking, and can I have some?


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


Because everyone in the world works to a CST timezone...


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


How dare the playerbase be big? HOW FLIPPING DARE IT?


6. Crappy UI


The ONLY point I agree with. And a pretty small point that's likely to be addressed very soon after launch.


7. No combat log


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.


You wont be missed. Drama queen.



Frankly, taking into account that this is a game that isn't even launched yet, that BioWare have shown intelligence and understanding in responding to the valid criticisms of the community, and given the sheer amount of BS QQing that pretentious, demanding, selfish children have been throwing around the forums, BioWare have done a stellar job.




inb4 doesn'tknowwhathe'stalkingabout

inb4 fanboy

inb4 troll

inb4 can'tinb4

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Tor IS BIOWARE I give them an A+




What does that even mean?


TOR is a game.

Bioware is a subsidiary to EA.


These two things are not synonymous.


TOR is awesome. It's an excellent piece of work.

Bioware, however, is failing hard, especially when it comes to customer support. I've had open tickets since the 15th, without even an acknowledgement.

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I love how people come it here rip the game and call it horrible but yet those are the same people sitting in the queue waiting to play.


If you hate the game so much why are you wasting your time posting in a forum of a game you dislike? Go play something you like and leave the people that like it play in peace.


The game is great I give it a B+/A- as there is always room for improvement. As far as launch its not as bad as some are stating. Queues and wait times are a part of every MMO and is expected. Rather have queues then an overload of empty servers.


Oh and it can't be that bad of a game if people are waiting hours in line to play.

Edited by Caboth
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-Playable story for me and that is loads of fun. Fps in the story portion sometimes dips and sucks but doesn't most of the time.

- PvP - terrible. I can't keep a frame rate to save anyone. 8fps isn't going to keep me

- Flashpoints - Incredible and getting to enjoy conversations with the other players is so cool

--- that being said, since beta I have only got to play one because no one is around to group up.

- The galactic trade should be more like "spend 10 min going to the star fleet and trade" really who has seen a trade terminal on other planets? Maybe I've just missed them on the 4 i've been on.

- space - kind of like the directed frontier instead of the final frontier (I know thats not star wars) there is no free roam in space? That would have been very cool.

- grinding - doesn't feel like grinding to me, it seems to be directed well withe the cut scene convos.


All in all. Worth playing and paying for (monthly). That is until the story is finished. If they fix the PvP fps issues I would easily pull my score up to a b- to b+

Edited by Steelhead
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-Playable story for me and that is loads of fun. Fps in the story portion sometimes dips and sucks but doesn't most of the time.

- PvP - terrible. I can't keep a frame rate to save anyone. 8fps isn't going to keep me

- Flashpoints - Incredible and getting to enjoy conversations with the other players is so cool

--- that being said, since beta I have only got to play one because no one is around to group up.

- The galactic trade should be more like "spend 10 min going to the star fleet and trade" really who has seen a trade terminal on other planets? Maybe I've just missed them on the 4 i've been on.

- space - kind of like the directed frontier instead of the final frontier (I know thats not star wars) there is no free roam in space? That would have been very cool.

- grinding - doesn't feel like grinding to me, it seems to be directed well withe the cut scene convos.


All in all. Worth playing and paying for (monthly). That is until the story is finished. If they fix the PvP fps issues I would easily pull my score up to a b- to b+


How is framerate on your rig a bioware issue? PVP is fine for me I get well over 50fps on all the high settings. Hate to break it to you but bioware is not going to fix your PC

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Let's see...I'm already unable to log into my main character, the second guy I rolled while waiting for my main to get fixed has now become stuck and my screen is black whenever I log into him, and now my party chat is not working for my third character.


I'm hoping the downtime tonight may address these game-breaking bugs...but let's just say even in the beta I never encountered this many problems or as severe.

Edited by JediArchives
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Seems strange people complaining of server disconnects, I stayed logged in for 18 hours straight (didnt want to wait in que lol) without one drop or crash.


Games very smooth, no obvioius bugs.


They got virtually the entire pre order crew (largest in pc history likely) in for the full 5 day early access.


Really dont see how they could have done better.

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I'm having fun and am eager to find time to play...can't ask for much more then that. Looking forward to the official launch and everything to come in the future.


Biggest disappointment so far: finding out my awesome bounty hunter could not be a Twi'lek.

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