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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What grade would you give Bioware today?


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B . The game is good. I have no problem with a 15 mins queue to log in, thats expected with the new launch. I do feel like they went a bit overboard with the voice acting and there is too much running around on foot so far. I want action, I dont want to sit and wait for a conversation to end before I can do stuff.


WTB instant quest text!!

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Been playing this game basically non stop since 7AM EST Tuesday. The servers have been stable and gameplay smooth. Loading screens and their speed still need some work but I'll let it slide.


The game is just great fun, has totally captivated my friends as well.

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A for the game. I love it. Played in a Beta twice. Loved it.

LOVED the early guild thing. Great idea!


F for the server issues. Let me just say that I'm used to queues... a 15minute daily queue is acceptable to me. But.... this is a 45minute + queue. big difference. And the game isn't even fully launched yet. This makes me very nervous. I'll re-evaluate once the game launches on the 20th.

I'd like to see queue times level out around 15 minutes.

(yes i've played other MMO launches and never had such a huge wait time on so many servers)

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Been playing this game basically non stop since 7AM EST Tuesday. The servers have been stable and gameplay smooth. Loading screens and their speed still need some work but I'll let it slide.


The game is just great fun, has totally captivated my friends as well.


This. I fully understand when people complain. But there is very little complaining on this forum, it is most non-stop straight up whining and crying like 2 year olds throwing a tantrum. This is early access, when you have a real issue (like your box not coming on time) then complain away.

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People rating with F must be trolling or really ignorant. I saw all MMO launches after WoW, yeah and WoW itself.


And SWTOR has by far the best launch of them all. Okay there is still 20. dec to come. But i am sure this will run also smooth.


It is okay people complaining if they don't like the game... the UI, no Combat log whatsoever. But rating the game because of the launch which is running good and claiming it to be not good... is just a behaviour of 12 years old ignorant naive kids, sorry.


To say, the launch is fail, is just a lie. That simple. If you hate the game... tell anybody if you need to... but don't spread lies please.


btw. EVERYONE knew BEFORE the early access, HOW it will work. BW/EA told us so and DURING the process on twitter etc. pp. ... srsly whats up with all these kids running around talking ******** and hating? Nothing better to do in their lifes? I guess so.

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Game is a tad laggy but was to be expected. No disconnects.

Community seems very helpfull, groups are nice and not a single bad word was spoken.

No que for me yet. But then again, I picked a low population realm.


So, it's all good.

I wasn't even going to play yet because of the fun I was having with Skyrim, but glad I did play regardless.


EU btw.

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All i see here is a bunch of idiots here that are pissed because they didnt get in the full 7 day access which was most likely caused due to them not sticking there hands in ther pockets early enough showing full commitment to the game/bioware.

Or most likely WOW players just here to troll because there game is a pile of *********** **** which they wont admit too.


A+++x1000 for me . Grats bioware on this cracking game, and dont listen to the haters there just annoyed about pandas next expansion and decided they would show there hate towards better competition with a better game here.

Storys great, gfx are up to scratch, the space battles are great ...in fact everythings great , keep up the good work :)


There is an old saying 'You dont have to make something new...you just have to make something better!' and bioware certainly did that with this mmorpg!


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I give them an A-


There are a few bugs (i.e. stuck in combat, lipsyncing not triggering, alien voice acting pausing after each line) but only one of those is a game break (but it can be remedied by dying).


The long queues are to maintain server stability. I imagine many of those complaining would hate to be 3/4 of the way through an instance only to have it crash due to server overload. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't. :rolleyes:


That said, the game is immensely enjoyable as an Imperial Agent--now if only I could get a advanced class change.

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Before I started seeing any queue I would have given a better grade, now it's an




there is absolutely no reason for hour long queue's. I don't care how many people you have playing. That's just bad service Period.


WoW had a q for a long time you realize?

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Z - Bioware knew this would happen in beta, and yet did NOTHING. I canceled my order. I am not buying this game until this queue crap is over.


And this is why I have been just waiting to see if BW can keep this game from going free to play or if they are just going to take the initial money they get and run. The fact that they have kept their laissez faire attitude from beta is not encouraging.

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I'd give it a C.


- Solid rig still has lag issues, with latency around 25 consistently.


- Get disconnected probably 40 times a day, half the time to come back and wait in an hour long q.


Oh right, a positive?... The game is amazing when I get to play it... AMAZING! :D

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